It's here, kind of
It's here, kind of
Annie is love
Annie is life
Annie is everything to me
Annie a miracle of the universe
Annie might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out
You're late as fuck with this news.
>old wife ate new wife
build a wall and make the titan shifters pay for it
Endgame right here, brothers.
I can't wait for Eren to wreck Marley shit
Well Americans, you made your bed. Now you'll have to lie in it.
how many shifter titans there are and how many were there origianlly?
I mean, how many were lost by not getting eaten, or get eaten by the same ppl?
Can they be separated again?
9. 8 now cause Grisha ate Frieda.
So now that first chapter's dream is confirmed to be an erased memory, who was dream grill?
You mean the comment about Mikasa's hair?
Seems like it was refering to Grisha's sister.
Eren didn't have the coordinate on chapter one.
>So now that first chapter's dream is confirmed to be an erased memory
Grisheren says so.
He didn't have the coordinate back then.
He said longass dream that he never remember nothing about = memories.
Also pic related.
But he still had the longest dream thing.
Time travel confirmed.
And? The current memory was because of the coordinate, because Grisha was the previous owner and the books triggered this memory. Same goes for Eren seeing Frieda's memories in his dream. When he had that dream in chapter one he didn't have the coordinate, so it's unrelated.
>he still had the longest dream thing
>Time travel confirmed.
He had Grisha's memories before getting the coordinate.
>The current memory was because of the coordinate.
Yes, and since he haven't have it, his situation was the same as Historia's when Frieda erased her memories.
I don't recall Grisha ever being called Eren. It's erased memory.
So how did this chapter confirm anything to you, when it is completely unrelated?
Because Eren said it himself. Long dreams=memories. Not the we already didn't know it.
Eren's dream at the start of the manga couldn't be erased memories because Grisha didn't have the coordinate yet. Unless it was erased memories from Frieda using it. But then why wouldn't Ackerman's have memories of something titan related happening to the walls?
Yeah, he was talking about him seeing Grisha's memories in this chapter. Still not sure how you suddenly connect this to his dream from chapter one.
It was individually erased.
Because coordinate memories and erased memories manifest themselves the same way. Isayama even compared them once.
This chapter we saw Eren seeing Grisha's memories, because of the coordinate. In chapter one we saw Eren's possible erased memories. I hope you're really not that retarded and think Grisha is Eren or some bullshit like that.
user, are you reading my posts? I'm saying that Eren's dream from chapter one is an erased memory of his.
So was it erased by the coordinate, or do other shifters have mind altering powers? Could Grisha have done it with his power?
So you finally came to that most likely conclusion with a chapter that had nothing to do with it.
The only shifter we have seen so far with this power is Frieda and maybe Uri.
Grsiha and Rod seemed to know each other, so maybe Frieda or Uri did it for whatever reason.
No, I connected the dots a long time ago, like most of the people here. Eren just confirmed it.
Status Chart user here with this chapter's update. Seems a bit quiet now so I may post again later. Otherwise, see you all next month.
>Unfunny shit.
Back to le ditto with you.
I found it funny
At least it's better than the shipperfags
>Back to le ditto with you
the status chart is an /snk/ invention tho
HOLY FUCK. They castrated Grisha? How the fuck did I miss that?
Sasha is the hero we need.
He just has a grain of rice for a dick.
He has just a mircodick.
Volume 21 cover
>mikasa's bed-head
Not everyone Hitch loves is dead
So what is the end game here? Kill all the titans, Grisha and the parts of the higher ups? Move out of the country and explore the world? I simply can't see that happening in 3 years, not enough chapters.
Looks like Isayama finally tried to put some effort into the cover again.
We'll get a sudden drastic everyone dies ending.
OTP Cover.
Keep Posting
I want to give Eren huggles and tell him it'll all be okay
>The wow, literally nothing journals.
Eren has to be the least likable mc in years. Jeez.
I'm still to find a manga who has worst MCs than EMA.
>Armin is not important.
Grisha decided to cure the world of titans. That will be the job he wants Eren to do.
Endgame confirmed.
Finally the whole flashback shit is over
Soon. The walls will want another shifter on their side, so they'll wake her up and feed her to Hange or something.
Still another chapter at most of it left. Also fuck off. Flashbacks are fine, and this is the most interesting the story has been in years.
Serum is just spinal fluid from a shifter.
How do they get it out without killing it?
I'm beginning to think that Zeke might be part of a titan supremacy conspiracy. Think about it why would any of the Eldians keep protecting the Marleyans when it's pretty obvious that they pursue technological power to completely replace the titans?
A syringe
But this kills the Eren/Armin.
Sadly it doesn't.
He'd rather take his people somewhere safe and not put them in power again.
If they could make multiple shifters this way Marley would've already done it.
They could make multiple mindless titans. Of course you can't make multiple shifters. I was just saying that they would have a serum, in case they want to feed Annie to someone.
You mean multiple shitty normal titans?
Yes, since Eren and Armin are also just shitty normal ones.
Armin is, and dispensable, but not Eren. If you take off his spinal fluid he's either kill or not a shifter anymore.
I feel nothing for Grisha, he deserves his suffering
>Humanity wants to destroy the titans.
>Armin is, and dispensable, but not Eren.
Both of them are dispensable and normal. Well not sure if the armor ability would carry on to everyone who in injected with his spinal fluid.
>If you take off his spinal fluid he's either kill or not a shifter anymore
I wish, but it's unlikely. The Marleys had a lot of spinal fluid serum to inject and their shifters are obviously not dead.
Eren is the coordinate. Marley's stock likely comes from the time Eldian reigned.
Literally Eren.
I don't think they cared about killing some in order to stockpile serums.
>Eren is the coordinate.
And? Could just give it to someone else. They are just taking a little spin fluid, so I highly doub it kills them. Even if the spinal fluid is actually just from mindless titans, they would have plenty of it outside the walls. There is also Connie's mother.
Not if it's one of their precious titan powers, which they still needed to attack the wall Edlians.
It kills them. The moment they're privated from it they instantly die. Rod said Historia had to just drink a little of it and it would be all hers. Annie's is impossible to reach anyway, so they would have to give this hypothetical new sifter to Armin.
He said she has to eat his spinal fluid, not that she just needed a little bit of it. He was just trying to explain to her what's important for a mindless titan to eat from a shifter.
Which is his spinal fluid. That'll instantly kills him if taken off.
What if Shadis told the top brass they found someone from outside the walls? I'm sure his information would help them better prepare.
Central MP would've killed him and Grisha.
I doubt taking out a little bit of spinal fluid would kill him. But like I said, mindless titan spinal fluid most likely works as well. They have enough of that, if they plan to feed Annie to someone.
So how come Owl's titan looks like Eren's? Does Grisha eat him next chapter?
How many chapters are left until this shit ends already
Just to maintain the status quo? He would have told them that Marley want to destroy Eldia. That is beneficial, but I'm sure they would have killed him afterwards anyway. Uri was dead, so there's nothing that could be done.
The quantity they use to make someone a titan is an entire flask of it, not "a little bit".
>only 100-160 mL is present at any one time.
So in order to have a quantity that can actually work they have to take off all of it.
You know you can drain spinal fluid without killing someone right? It happens in real life. Stephen Hawking had it done when he was first diagnosed with MND like 50 years ago to try and ease the symptoms.
Post best boy to celebrate this worldwide victory!