discuss NTR
discuss NTR
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NTR will happen but true love always finds a way.
N. T. Rama Rao?
what's happening here?
Yuuri made his heart go doki doki.
Are they seeing the instagram post
Swiss is there in the left corner so I'm guessing it's some awkwardness between exes
Honestly Swiss gives me low-key yandere vibes and I'm not sure why
Taco is checking the election results
I had that thought as well.
Swiss is going to claim his man once and for all and if someone has to die for it well that's just how it is going to be.
Would Mappa throw in a reference like that last minute?
>tfw deported
>Taco can't make it because he's been sent to Mexico.
I'm sure JJ will let him into Canada for an exchange of services.
Can we keep politics out of YOI? Sup Forums is where I come to escape from it all, not to debate elections with retards.
>Guy shit I have to go back and pay for a wall, I guess that leave JJ to be the final boss
Miracle of the universe!
>Yuuri wins the Victor
>Bike wins the Thai
>Tacoburger wins the Swiss
>JJstyle wins the madness
>>Tacoburger wins the Swiss
How does this even remotely make sense?
Swiss will get the consolation Russian.
Taco can't have Bike and Swiss can't have Victor, so all that's left is each other
Does he represent Canada then? Canada doesn't need two skaters.
>Taco gets sent to Mexico
>He represents Mexico
>Mexico finally relevant
Thanks Trump!
Taco is a strong independent skater who don't need no boyfriend.
I hope Tacoburger is the gayest of them all.
If only he looked like this instead, the NTR could be sexy instead of vomit inducing
They are so cute.
He looks like that guy from yugioh! Combine him with Minami and we are almost there.
It's staying so high compared to the last weeks, not that I'm complaining. (Amazon) Preorders are really starting to pick up.
The beard isn't the bad part, it's the horrible hair color and eyelashes.
If he had normal hair and eyes, the beard would be fine. If he has no beard, the hair and eyes are fine. It's the combination of all three that makes him a gross okama mix of feminine, masculine and boyish.
He looks like an overgrown 12 year old there
Swiss guy is so nasty looking; why would someone as gorgeous as Victor sleep with him?
quite impressive really
90位/100位 (**1,875 pt) [*,*17予約] 16/12/30 ユーリ!!! on ICE 1(スペシャルイベント優先販売申込券付き) [Blu-ray]
I don't mind the beard, it's the fucking okama eyelashes.
Who said Victor has good taste? He dropped everything for a megane fatass. An okama is not out of the question.
>11 hrs 59 min
You are healing my broken heart, user. ;_;
Have a cute Victor too
>Implying Yuuri isn't a fucking miracle of the universe even fat
What shit taste.
His face is so puncheable. I feel that now I understand people disliking Minami's character design. Only I want to kick his face to the ground and then puke all over it
He's generic most of the time and only really shines on the ice.
Fatasses are disgusting even in animated form. No exceptions.
Why settle for hatesex when you can have a qt megane who'll love you and stay loyal to you even when you go bald?
Thank you. Victor is best boy regardless of haircut.
He looks kinda good, though. Not like the gopnik I remember
Today's music
07. From the king and the skater 'Shall we Skate?'
09.La Parfum de Fleurs
12. Still Alive
13. Intoxicated
When I first watched this show I REALLY disliked this asshole, but why is that now I feel this warm and fuzzy feeling inside me whenever I see this face?
Good taste my friend
>Still Alive
Is Leo going to pay tribute to ABBA?
You developed something called taste.
>4 confirmed routines
RIP animation. I guess if Swiss is competing so soon, he might no longer be a boss.
The China cup will go on for another episode. They could split and only show us Thai & China this episode, and USA & Swiss next week. For example last week they didn't know Minami's short program, only his free program.
if it's not too much to ask, could a japanesefag translate this for me?
>They could split and only show us Thai & China this episode
I think they're gonna do exactly that. 4 programs per episode feels like too much.
Agreed. Even if they nailed the animation it would be too rushed.
They could have easily picked just some classical pieces, I'm so glad they didn't go down that route. The music's been really good.
Yuri looks adorable with that big scarf
i feel uncomfotable
Try making it all black instead
Where is Victor's other hand
Fairy's coat is really cute. As is he. I'm really enjoying the more relaxed official art of him lately. It's so nice and refreshing.
Fairy and Yuuri look adorable. I wish Victor was wearing some other color or different type of jacket, he doesn't look as good as I'd like.
I was half expecting his right hand to be near Yuuri's hip.
It's like they can't make all 3 of them look good together. Same thing with the Pash one this month, Victor and Fairy are great but Yuri looks weird as fuck
Much better
>Victor's hand is on Yuri's head J stead of on Yuuri's hip
You had ONE JOB, Otomedia
That's because Fairy is a magical being and as such, he always looks perfect. Victor and Yuuri are lowly humans so they have bad angles and ugly days.
Wait no nevermind. Just realized it's Fairy's own hand on his head.
Victor, where is your other hand?
It isn't Victor's hand.
Pretty sure that's Fairy's own hand on his head though if I had to guess Victor's hand is probably on his back.
Yeah, I realized like 2.5 seconds later. I blame the fact that I just woke up.
OK but answer me this:
Is Yuuri pressed against Victor's chest?
>the right hand is either on Yuuri's shoulder or on Yuuri's hip
Well played Otomedia, well played.
>Where is Victor's other hand
Several possibilities:
>on Yuuri's hip
>on Yuuri's shoulder
>on Yuuri's back
>on Yurio's back
>on nothing
>Only Fairy looks constantly good in official art
Considering the shadows and how Victor's head covers a bit of Yuuri's hair, yes.
Best boy syndrome though I'm sure the fairy magic helps too.
Dumb shipperfag
I want to fuck JJ!!!
Calm yo lust
Will any of the content of these articles actually get uploaded or will we always just have the pretty pictures?
Buy the magazine to read the articles.
>implying that 95% of the board can even read moonrunes
>Drunk VicYu Manga
>*They aren't going out
>Yuri, your lips are chapped again. (I guess)
>That's no good. You have to take care of it.
>Ah, but...
>The cream was on my coat's pocket...
>Guess it can't be helped.
>Now, it's fixed. (Can't read that second kanji)
>What was that? It felt good~ Hahaha!
>Again! Do it again, Victor!
>Yuri, there are things in this world that feels >more good than kissing.
>Don't you want to know what they are?
>I want to know.
>And there is a note saying he checked the trash can afterwards and there was something in it. (?)
Sorry, user. I'm still learning.
Thank you translator user!