Kaguya Wants to be Confessed To: The Geniuses' War of Love and Brains
Fujiwara older sister?
Let just end this world
Friendly reminder, today's result is N/A, not both losing. Hence they still have a chance.
and fuck to be you murica!
>Love Advice couple still getting stalked
>She's not even hiding anymore, just following them in broad daylight
didn't kaguya come out on thursdays? i'm not complaining
It comes Sundays now, maybe, or something.
I just want her to find happiness.
Subject F worst girl. Remove Subject F.
I want to have a taste of those 6 Fujiwaras "coconut" juice.
get in the line!
stalker-chan on the front cover soon
>Some early Kaguya in case you’re depressed from the election. I managed to find a way to get early scans, which means Kaguya could potentially be out as early as Sundays as opposed to Thursdays or later like it is now. The issue is it’ll cost more, hopefully not more than about five dollars a week but even that adds up to a few hundred over a year and I don’t have that kind of money to throw around right now. If anyone’s interested in early Kaguya, I could really use the help. Otherwise, it’ll probably just stay at Thursday/Friday, but my schedule’s going to be changing fairly drastically in a few months so I’m not sure I’ll have as much free time during the week as I do now so who knows what’ll happen.
This is the first for me thing that's happened today
Thanks jag, this made my day slightly better
Made a great day even better, thanks.
This is a romantic comedy manga.
Why is it so depressing?
don't lose hope user
How long until Stalker-chan asks Kaguya for advice,
Murder case soon
after the summer arc probably
This is an award winning chapter
user wants to be confessed to
too real
Stalker x Ishigami when?
But who gets the Fuji then?
Shirogane Ofcourse
>Trump wins
>Youkai Shoujo updates
>Gleipnir updates
>Kaguya updates
>Murenase updates
It SM mons weren't shit this day would be utterly perfect.
Nah, she'll end up asking Fujiwara or Ishigami for advice. And it'll be hilarious.
So when Kaguya and Shirogane finally hooks up the story won't end right? Can't wait for the toilet seat chapter.
What if Stalker-chan actually likes Kashiwagi?
YES! I was wiating for this.
Survive Prez
Don't forget to check
Just fuck already.
I swear, if the anime doent use a narrator, I am going to be dissapointed.
>how cute
Even on text form is fun.
>don't see each other for ages
>both starved of each other by the time the festival rolls around
>both working overtime to get the other to confess
>firework confession x2 combo
Wasnt this a romantic comedy? Why I am getting this feels?
I really hope the serie doesnt end with them hooking up, we can have a lot of fun with them once they finally start dating, all their inexpirience on the matter, their plan to have a "succesful" dates, Kaguya being a clingy and jealous girlfriend, Ishigami internally dying each time they do something lovely in front of him. Fujiwara NTR kaguya for real
Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga, Gag manga,
Couldn't agree more, but I hope he doesn't overextend it.
Funny how his head started like that, smaller and somehow round. To this.
Also what happen to Rello?
End game is clearly Kaguya x Shirogane x Hayasaka
I would gladly support this, but with Shirogane being in the middle, it's implying that Hayasaka have something for Shirogane, which isnt true.
There are no winners in war.
She does at least consider him cute, though.
But no, Hayasaka's there so that Kaguya doesn't break from 9 children.
>implying each girl wont have 9 childrens
And people still think Aka will give this a happy end
>2 baseball teams
This is worryingly plausible.
this manga has go from comedy, romance to horror, anything could happen
But being honest, what is the worst sad-tragic ending Aka could do?
>what is the worst sad-tragic ending Aka could do?
Confession drowned out by the sound of a truck plowing into Kaguya.
A lesson on their example, that . Both of them move on without taking action and eternally regret it. Didn't you see that soul-crushing post in the previous thread that made everyone rage?
Fujiwara failing grade and must held back a year. The trio can't celebrate their graduation together.
soul-crushing post?
The world gets destroyed and you realize the story happened in Instant Bullet's universe.
Is that suppose to be fujiwaras mom ?
>They'll move to university, lose contact eventually (the only way for they to get together being Fujiwara inviting them somewhere once in a while), then reminisce about how much time they lost due to their pride.
>Then one day they'll meet. Prez being a young executive for his firm goes to a business related party, she being a Shinomiya is there, he thinks this is destiny, attempts to go talk to her and then sees her child in her lap and goes away. She'll see him, give her niece back to her sister, go after him but sees him talking with another girl, thinking it's his fiancé, goes back and tells her mother she agrees to the meetings for marriage she was holding back for years.
Has any manga ever pulled this off?
> what is the worst sad-tragic ending Aka could do?
They dont confess, and go their separate ways
>15 years later
Kaguya is still single, but during a high class party, she hears Shirogane is coming, after becoming a succesfull CEO of his own chicken company, when she finally found him during the party He is already introducing his wife, Fujiwara, to another person
What post?
I am the one tha made this post , I didnt know someone has already done a similar concept, well fuck.
I just hope he doesn't actually do it or I'd never be able to reread it.
Oooh, I see
She's the kind of girl to save the condom to reminisce about it isn't she
I will believe this to be indirect hand holding.
Even the indirect kiss thing only makes sense if both parties are aware of it
that sound creepy as fuck honestly.
That's just gross dude.
Look at her face in that picture again and try telling yourselves she wouldn't do it. I doubt she'd regret it if she was found out by Hayasaka as well.
> I doubt she'd regret it if she was found out by Hayasaka as well.
> was found out
>implying she wont order Hayasaka to get them for her.
Yeah still not seeing it, sorry.
Didnt they plan for something the previous chapter? and when Fujiwara tried to stop them for her nonsensical reason, Ishigami saved the day?
That's in a week
Boring chapter
well this was depressing
Its pretty cute