What the fuck is his problem?
What the fuck is his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, he did nothing wrong.
Kyuubey has no emotions. It makes him do bad things sometimes.
He has the fate of the galaxy/universe on his back
Someone is manipulating him.
He finds the human condition
around elves watch yourselves!
Its not his problem, its the girls'. He didn't feel emotion, a completely pragmatic being, one which teenage girls(and you, evidently) can't comprehend.
>give teenage girls the ability to produce magic powers from their angst
qb's problem was that he was an idiot
Slutted up megucas
If it can't feel emotions, why does it try to continue to exist and prevent the collapse of the universe?
i got mindraped by the ending of the third movie, someone explain
What's the name of that hentai parodying this again
He used the power that he cannot fully control.
Anime will finally be real.
Hey, Mods. Why did you delete the picture of the cheesy loli? Do you hate the hat too? Or you guys achieved your purpose?
You are stupid. Anime is already propaganda.
they found Earth
Now you can fuck Kyoko on national televidion.
No I will not!
The hell? You said you was permabanned. You even said it in cuckchan. Why are you taking advantage of mods?
>Hey, Mods! You did't have to delete the posts.3549
>>You have been permanently banned from all boards for the following reason:
>>Ban evasion.
>>Your ban was filed on November 5th, 2016. This ban will not expire.
>>According to our server, your IP is: XXXXXX. The name you were posting with was .
>>Please check back in 3 days when you may appeal your ban.
>Why didn't Mods write my tripcode of Waffle-chan? Are you my fan? I'm here!
What is this? Stop ban evading Lawnchair.
In other words, normal megucas?
Megucas aren't slutted up.
He is an incubator. He has no emotion.
He's mad that he has to go back to his own world now.
Not even. Homura has him as a plaything.
Now you can fuck Madoka.
Why don't they just wish away entropy?
>Why don't they just break the universe and end all life?
Because the world can't exist without entropy.
Dreams really do come true
Magical powers will have to go back with Kyubey. They're not a earth made product.
He's physically incapable of the empathy that would let him value human life over efficiently filling his work quota.
Because he is alive.
He might not feel emotions like humans but he is still alive. Self preservation and evolution is essential part of every naturally created living being. So unless he was engineered, he will want to survive. Otherwise he would never reach the this far too begin with.
Because Madoka is stupid.
It's not like he has stolen their lifes. It all was consensual and he fulfills their dreams in exchange.
>he fulfills their dreams in exchange
Lies by omission are still lies.
Now that anime is real, make sure to invite me to you and Kyouko's wedding, okay?
Is this why Homura sent Madoka to states?
The end.
Dat was cute. Thanks for the storytime.
I think it'd be amusing if Kyubey inadvertently became a hero in the next film trying to help the others stop Homura.
This won't be animated.
That was so cute holy shit.