Jojo thread alt worlds edition
Jojo thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums shit in the very first post
Jojo is the new Naruto.
What would evil gappy do?
>Evil Jonathan casually murders people who even slightly offend him, determined to defend and enforce his reputation as a gentleman
>Evil Joseph is a reckless, cruel asshole who doesn't care who or how many he fucks over just for kicks
>Evil Jotaro is a silent and merciless monster whose motives and thoughts are a mystery
>Evil Josuke is a generally-amiable guy who kills people who insult his hair
>Evil Giorno is a relentlessly ambitious child who'll stop at nothing in his quest for power
>Evil Jolyne is a severely traumatized basket-case who'll do anything for the people she cares about, and will mercilessly fuck up anyone who wrongs her
This actually sounds like it could be cool.
>>Evil Giorno is a relentlessly ambitious child who'll stop at nothing in his quest for power
>La Squadra tried to stop Giorno, the one who killed his comrades
>Diavolo is the last hope of Passione
>He achieves Requiem in the last moment, and delete Giorno forever
>He cries in the ground, remembering all his dead friends and comrades who died trying to stop Giorno
>Diavolo's mission was saving his daughter who was kidnapped by Bruno's gang
>no evil Johnny
I see what you did there you cheeky cunt.
>Bruno's dark malice was so powerful that with Giorno's help even death itself couldn't stop him immediately
>Mista is a casually savage asshole whose only weakness is the number four
>Cioccolata is like the nicest guy ever who offered Giorno mercy and forgiveness in spite of all the atrocities he committed, and was brutally stabbed in the back for it after Giorno lied and pretended he was sorry to make him lower his guard
>Fugo goes with the team
>He kills a lot of people with Purple Haze's poison in rome
>reverse Green Day heals people in a giant area
>Cioccolata tried to save the city, but was backstabbed by Giorno
Numbers confirm alt Cioccolata as the hero we need
It's kind of hard to make a morally ambiguous character mostly-good or mostly-evil without wrecking a lot of their appeal. Unlike the original-universe JoJos, Johnny was never really a 'hero', he was just a determined guy who really wanted something.
Like, I guess an evil Johnny would be the same as normal Johnny, but more ruthless in pursuit of the corpse-parts. And a good Johnny would be the same as normal Johnny too, but his motive would be 'Valentine wants the corpse-parts for the wrong reason, I'm going to stop him' rather than simply wanting it for himself.
That'd be so sad, particularly if you factor in Secco. A good Secco would be genuinely heartbroken about his bestie dying.
Reverse Cioccolata and Reverse Secco dying would be sad, a lot
Imagine if Cioccolata saved Secco's life as a doctor, and then they became besties
Cioccolata dying when he's trying to save the city and Secco being unable to save his life
I can almost feel the tears
Someone was looking for this .
Stando or Sutando?
It probably wouldn't be as tough to take as reverse Pesci and Prosciutto's deaths. Prosciutto's noble sacrifice, Pesci being inspired to go from some wimp into a determined and respectable hero... And them both being unable to stop Buccellati's gang of assholes.
Hell, even as villains, their downfall was pretty sad considering how they cared about each other and what they sacrificed.
Reverse Valentine would have Acts in D4C?
su ta n do
>It sends you into infinite alt worlds
>you die in every single alt universe
Just GER but with flags
When you think about that, yes
Pesci and Aniki were good guys in first place, a more heroic duo would be sad to see dying
>Dirty & Cheap
>Dirty Deeds Cheap
>Dirty Deeds Done Cheap
>Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Joshuu brings me hEAVEN
>First act make you able to "send things to another world" like bullets
>Second act gives you the power give you items from another world
>Third act make you able to bring alt versions of you to fight
>4th act is Love Train
gu-reito des
meme magic
Joshuu makes me horny
>Valentine won
What's all this about reverse Stands and reverse Stand users? Is Sup Forums writing a jojo fic?
What a time to be alive
Nah, just fucking around and speculating about what it'd be like with the villains in a heroic role and vice versa.
So...ummmmm.....I don't really know what to say .....
Question here,
Why does the Jojo fanbase always get bashed when there is obviously far worse fanbase for other mangas ? (Fairy Tail, Naruto, Bleach)
and people were saying that poltards are not the ones who are memeing up part 7.
>Murrikans actually have Valentine as president
Fuck I'm so jealous.
how did you concluded that their fanbase is worse?
pretty faulty argument
Some of us get far too but hurt when people haven't read the manga and some of us spoil people for no reason other than "how dare they not know everything about JoJo right away!"
The only other argument I've heard is we're gay which is automatically invalid.
at least theres gonna be more valentine content
Wasn't an argument but a question you autist.
Your grammar is the only faulty thing here.
not an argument
>Wanting your favorite villain ruined with shitty memes
Wasn't the vore shit enough?
wtf I love Valentine now
I was in all those fanbases for a long time.
They are far worst than jojo.
We have memes, and spoilers, and memes
do we generate more oc than them?
No, the Jojo fanbase gets bashed because of the forced memes and the cringy fans that think Jojo is the greatest thing ever.
>guy posing
>haha i bet normies wont get this reference
>when there is obviously far worse fanbase for other mangas
doesn't seem like a question to me, you son of a nigger cum guzzler.
whole series is popular because of ora ora and expecting fanbase to be any better.
These threads don't generate much OC at all. We don't have a single regular drawfag, no writefags at all (thank fuck), and all the promises of games have unsurprisingly come to nothing.
A lot, and our OC is in most of cases better
They overuse the same damn memes over and over again
>Erza wins
>Gay sasuke/naruto and useless sakura
>Ichigo the meme man
>Sasuga, keikaku doori aizen-sama
and that's all.
Hey guys, did you hear the news?
Funny Valentine just won the presidential election of 2016!
These next 4 years are gonna be fun!
Getting mixed messages here.
Don't you mean __8__?
The other fanbases didn't even have game projects
We fail, but at least we try
and another thing, 80% of that fanbases are shipfags (nalu, nali, sasuhina, etc)
If you are talking about this general then definitely not. The drawfags are all shit, the fandubs are utter garbage, the writefags are non-existent, the comic redraws are Sup Forums tier toiilet humor, pixelfag was a sham and duped us all. ect
All we have are the avatarfags.
Name ONE (1) worthwhile thing this general has produced over the past half year,
>Not thinking Kanye will win in 2020
>The other fanbases didn't even have game projects
We don't either you fuckhead.
>our OC is better
ok faggy boy
We have the projects, they'll never be finished but at least they tried
*cough* *cough*
im hoping for some decent content
but yeah, when you put it that way, valentine run into the ground even more is gonna be a sad sight, along with god knows what else
He's a dweeb and wouldn't want to be seen in public with him (at least not with that sort of "fashion", but he a qt.
I want to FUCK him in the mouth and kiss him
this general didn't do shit
This is the Holy Trinity of JoJo:
>The Father
Phantom Blood
>The Son
Steel Ball Run
>The Holy Spirit
Diamond is Unbreakable
We need to make a game somehow.
But not a single user working in it, that's too much
We need more people to make something that can actually work.
I heard a rumor that the spriter called it quits,it might affect the demo release.
>The Holy Spirit
Don't you mean The Golden Spirit?
and your mom in the dumpster
He said worthwhile.
Gappy makes me ...
the madman
pixelfag was a 14 year old Ukrainian boy. he stole the spites, the game was never going to be completed
Making sprites for a fight game isn't THAT HARD
just redraw sprites from KOF or something like that, it's what most of MUGEN chars are
that makes it even worse. he couldn't even be bothered to draw the sprites.
I don't mean to completely ignore your post, I actually agree with you, but I need to know where I can get that Rohan shirt
feel a rush of Dopamine
You will never be as hot as him
Also I think it's custom-made
i thought this series was just gonna be homolust the whole way through
wtf i love jojo now
Gotta have some variety
Otoko no sekai
to the true shitposters world
Dead thread: Act 2
I swear these threads have been slow as shit last few days, more than normal.
Whats up
Natural Burnout. Tomorrow though we will get episode preview so thats nice.
Crisis on infinite threads
We had a VERY fast one sunday.
It was pure shitposting (with the main themes being BtD, ONE OFFU and dubs/trips rolling).
So Star platinum-tier
Excessive shitposting from the last 3 days drained the threads from its energy.
Here's hoping they don't cut out more shit from part 4. My soul hurts every time they cut out a gag panel.
I'll fucking firebomb David Production if they cut the bicycle guy telling Rohan to put a girl with big boobs in his manga.
Can someone please explain to me what Northerly and Southerly meant?
Yasuho chose Northerly and they both "cried". Does that mean that if she chose Southerly then they'd piss themselves?
Could Notorious B.I.G. defeat Made in Heaven?
Whenever there's a huge shitposting session like last weekend, the threads afterwards become much more slower.
I guess all the shitposters got banned or something like that.
Well I got lucky, I guess
Also Joshuu makes me horny
Daily reminder that Haato hasn't smiled since the Damo arc
damn what a shame that we can't replicate the great place that is /vg/
Americans are partying/mourning