Athletic cheeky cunt who laughs while beating you up

>athletic cheeky cunt who laughs while beating you up
>even defeats MC

Why is that archetype so rare?

There's Nui. But they're underrated


Pretty soon you continue to watch the show in the hopes her shit eating grin gets knocked into her teeth.

Well she wasn't athletic. Just reality-warping.

My dick doesnt get bored of them

Medeka Box is "I hope X gets their teeth kicked in" the anime.

boobs don't work like that brodie

>why are mary sues so rare

Multiple levels of kek

>implying they exist
Even when there's a Mary Sue she never gets to fight

She did some sick ass moves

She's a loser and only ever got the upper hand because he was distracted.

Are you a masochist or something?

She beats him and two other people later even though she was out of stamina

How did you find out

>loser guy who actually loses all the time
「Why is this stereotype so rare?」

Was she a lesbian with Medaka's sister?

Just cute BFFs

It's weird you picked that phrasing, because I was looking at the medaka wiki and see if I could confirm it for myself and they use the word "cute bff" as well.


Call a dog a dog

She's not cheeky.