Is hunter x hunter the greatest anime ever created?
Protip: it is
Is hunter x hunter the greatest anime ever created?
Protip: it is
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No it is not, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is better and Fullmetal Alchemist is better than all of them combined.
I've watched all 3. Hunter x hunter still wins.
no it doesn't (last word)
Fugg off cunt. You ain't know shit
*teleports behind him* (i'm chrollo, so i can do that among all the other coolest powers out there)
indooru fisho
*kills him*
nothing personnell...kid (said in an apathetic voice just like chrollo)
the most it does is make me want to wank to porn of the cute boy characters
It's the most consistently perfect anime.
homos, typical hxh fangays
Yeah, it's a masterpiece. Certainly one of the best out there.
How can anyone say this when greed island is a thing.
That whole arc was so shit, i only continued to watch it because a friend kept telling me to persevere.
Its good in parts but not as a whole
It panders to faggots too much and it's obvious that Togashi has no clue how it will end. It's one of the best though.
It drags out for no reason and story is awful. Ending and episdoes prior to it are especially bad. I'm talking about Brotherhood, other FMA is 0/10.
First half was pretty good
Second half was amazing
I really enjoyed it. It's not the greatest thing ever but it resonated with me on a personal level.
were you molested by a clown
dude wat
nice dubs by the way
Thanks gay clown man. You too.
It's not even the best of its genre. Get real, OP.
the Hunter Exam is pretty bad, the fights are very uninteresting even for typical shonen fanfare. However the show becomes something else entirely with the introduction of Nen, and its amazing after the hunter exams.
FMA is excellent shonen, but the endings for both series are lackluster. Such a letdown really.
Hunter exams were good in the 99 version but shit in 2011. Show goes to shit after greed island too, so can't really say it's the best, but it was pretty good up to that point
No but it's one of the best shonen
I find funny that the main characters are clearly gay, and Sup Forums don't say is fujobait.
Hunter Exams feels like a totally different show, but is not bad, it is just weak compared to the rest
The battle tower was cool, the introduction of Nen was well made but it felt like most of the cool concepts of the tower were underused
Yorkshin is fucking great, Kurapika as the MC for a while really added to the series. Genei Ryodan is a great group and the fights and plot is very capitvating
Greed Island is meh. It wasn't as bad as people say but it wasn't great. It was mostly a training arc, but the Razor episodes were fantastic
Chimera Ants starts off as fucking shit, easily the worst part of the whole anime. It only gets good when Komugi appears and gets great when the invasion happened. It wasn't the masterpiece I was expecting
The Chairman arc is pretty boring, but Gotoh and Leorio made up for it
And the rest that is manga-only is a snore fest, except for the Chrollo vs Hisoka fight, but it was rushed and felt like bullshit because of Hisoka's survival
yes it is
The switched hair is freaking me out man
Why and how is Kura so perfect?
Himouto! Umaru-chan
Samumenco as a second.
Because she's the most perfect tomboy girl ever made.
I don't get the hype around HxH.
Yeah, sure, it's good, maybe even great, but I get the feeling that because of all those hiatuses the fanbase views itself as some sort of elite.
>cool concepts of the tower were underused
Wanna know where they WERE used?
What's that supposed to be?
And maybe one day we'll get to see it comple ....hahahaahahahahahahhaahah
Promotion of Tower of God.
No but I think its the best battle shonen anime ever created
I disagree. I'd say that the manga is the best shonen ever made. The anime (both of them) have far too many flaws, so Brotherhood is probably the best shonen anime, but the series itself is inferior to Hunter x Hunter.
Please, i need that mental protection in order to not be gay.
Daily reminder Kurapika should have been a girl.
I mostly agree. Greed Island was dragged too damn much, specially for being just a training arc. All the Komugi and Meruem story is endearing. It makes me even want to watch good romance manga.
It's the series that Naruto got all its ideas from.
>Daily reminder Kurapika should have been a girl.
Yes. Imagine all the hentai potential it would give to the series too.
Killua looks like a girl with gon's hair
>finish yorkshin arc
>over 60 episodes of pure talking and only a few fights
when you finally grow up
You will like Log Horizon then :^)
I know right the cartoon would be so much better if they fought hundreds of mooks all the time just like in wan piss, my favorite
Did you drop LoGH because it didn't have enough space battles too?
I didn't pick it up in the first place.
Yeah, because wanting to see action in a fucking battle shounen was a unrealistic expectation
When you watch 99
>dbz has slow pacing with lots of episodes of absolutely nothing happening
>"dbz sure is the most overrated piece of shit ever"
>HxH has slow pacing with lots of episodes of absolutely nothing happening
>"how dare you talk shit about the citizen kane of battle shounens?"
It's one of my favorites of all time, I think it would get the credit it deserves if CA arc was more polished, That arc is a hit and miss for loads of people.
yea, i totally implied all of this
Who's the Rosebud of HxH?
Dropped it because
>muh kids
Trash characters who made the show boring.
Took me way too long to figure out why that picture looked so wrong.
And no, it is not the greatest anime ever created. It is my personal favorite, but that doesn't make it the greatest.
togashi is literally taking a break just because he can this time
Fuck Gon.
Killua is cute!
>implying he missed my heart
>implying you have a heart
You're right, he stole my heart a long time ago
I always find it laughable that people try and say this crap is smart just because it give a big tldr explanation on the metaphysics on how every attack and ability works. The plot its self is extremely simplistic and generic.
>got to follow in my father's foot steps and find him and achieve the same dream he abandoned me as a child for
When people save that shit image you made
Wasn't his reason for finding his dad not to achieve the same thing his dad was, but because he thought it must be amazing to be a hunter if his dad was willing to abandon him to do it? So he wanted to do the same thing, but his motivation for it was slightly different than the typical "following in my father's footsteps" more it was "This must be fucking awesome, let's do it"
I remember this being a huge deal with people saying the anime wouldn't deliver due to the heart change
Why not combine the 2011 with the rest of your image?
the last one looks the worst
>he doesnt like edgy designs
Why do you even read Togashi's works
If we guide ourselves by your logic, every great story can be reduced to very simple things. It´s not about the plot, but its execution.
I was going to defend Hiatus x Hiatus, but then I remembered
Also, some asspulls from Pouf really irritated me.
>hurr suddenly I can also imitate other people´s voices just for Gon and Pitou to clash
>hurr we suddenly can give the King our own bodies for him to survive
Log Horizon? More like Snorefest Horizon.
i actually started reading it because of a recommendation from an user on Sup Forums. all i knew before starting:
>glowing clown boners
>everyone wants to fuck blond boy
>Cell looking dude has a tragic story and ending
the city arc was pretty cool, don't know how to feel about everything else, but i am only on the greed island arc. the art style and characters still ain't my favorite, but oh well.
>blond boy
You should know by know that best girl´s name is Kurapika. And you should want to fuck her too by now.
modern killua looks so rapeable.
I'm still not sure what the problem with that is
Working!! is better then this shit.
> Is it good?
>Is it the best?
Not at all
steins;gate is better as well as Full metal alchemist
We all knew that fight was going to take place. We all wanted it. But it was so fucking rushed. It came out of nowhere, just for making Dark Continent´s setting too boring. Even though it was explained Nen can be stronger after dead, that sudden idea of Hisoka an asspull. Perhaps I´m just butthurt, even though I´m a Hisokafag.
>We all knew that fight was going to take place
>It came out of nowhere
>it was so fucking rushed
>7 chapters long
>explained Nen can be stronger after dead
>asspull ex machina
Jesus fucking Christ user, this post is autistic as fuck.
>explained Nen can be stronger after dead
wrong, nen MIGHT CHANGE its properties after death
this is the most misinformed meme ever
and the whole Kurapika possibly dying would finish off Chrollo with judegement chain was 1. just a hypothesis that the Ryodan would not want to test and 2. this specific situation that would cause Kurapika's grudge to become a curse and finish off Chrollo (if it ever were to go the way the Ryodan anticipated)
>Nen can be stronger after dead
>most misinformed meme ever
Kek it's literally in manga.
Can someone please explain why so many fans and critics loved the incredibly boring and slow Chimera Ant arc? The show was best when it was a fun adventure show, not some boring, slower than a Malick film slogfest.
The narration absolutely killed it for me, made the whole thing drag. I'm not retarded, I know all of this from context clues.
Nen "THAT" becomes stronger after death
It's the type of nen that possibly got stronger after the elder's death, but by "stronger" I strongly believe that Chrollo and/or Hisoka meant that the Sun&Moon seals became permanent. Again, it's about context. And this was also mentioned in the YorkNew arc, except less explicit with the whole judgement chain and Kurapika's grudge.
And now we have these aura based "nen beasts" that come after a person dies as a remainder of their aura introduced int he current arc.
For its themes, most of which dont matter on a typical shonen fan, who all he wants is MUH FIGHTS.
I bet you hate the first and second GITS films right?
for me it was the poetic narrator. I liked it a lot and found it effective
If I wanted something deep I'd watch a film for adults or read a book, not watch a show for children.
>that pic
mfw Gon is now cute.
and no not the greatest, but probably one of the better shonens ever made.