10/10 designs
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She looks better with short hair.
...that got ruined
Why did she have to cut the hair?
those are some great handles for forcing her down
lmaoing at u
need moar Bra pics with purple and blue hair instead of that GT turquoise.
Lisha-sama has literally the sexiest design in anime. 11/10 design.
>tfw my first waifu and fap
Haven't watched any Super yet. Does Videl have any screen time at all?
How come Videl manages to get worse every redesign?
>Bulma with long hair
What a great design.
Fucking slut
This is a 10/10 designs thread not 10/10 characters. But fuck you Minmay is a sweet young girl
I miss my ponytail videl.
I liked ponytail Videl, but short haired one is so superior, it's not even funny.
No one will ever top Mikimoto's designs
>you will never suck on TenTen's toes
No. Her personality also changed from fighter to a helpless little girl
Jew Genocide
Orc Serial Killer
Baby Whacker
>Slutty Chinatsu
What a great design.
She repaired herself with using her own daughter's body.
Fuck you.
First of all, you're wrong. Second, they're twintails, not a ponytail.
She was under the impression that it was the easiest way to get the great saiyadick
She's good. But Coachie's design was better
Beat this
Is this from the tv show or one of the movies?
Gohan being his father's son.
This qt
Literally made for cosplays. I've seen a girl dressing like her. All the guys around with horny faces.
My nigger
I can't.
Literally Char
Angry Masked man and the path to finding true love. (His love for killing goblins.)
You boys are really making me want to watch some fucking ranma again. Jesus.
Medieval Doomguy.
Why are 80s designs so god tier?
Beat this
Everyone that isnt a saiyan gets turned into that though, not just Videl.
I don't like chubby cheeks
There's something really nice about the artists right before the 00's.
It's some kind of weird nostalgia. I usually feel it with the old Evangelion mangas.
but dem titties
It's the noses.
QT as fuck desing
Kid Goku is 100/10.
Ranma-chan a cute.
Funny since Akira Toriyama did that design 12 years earlier.
Fuck off. She doesn't even look like that fanart in the anime.
Thats false char hated women and had mommy issues
I once fapped to porn of her dying. was fucked up
Are you blind? They look nothing alike.
Little Goku a cute!
You dumb fuck.
>cool style, team, and skillset
>never allowed to do anything ever
Welcome to every character in Naruto who isn't chasing after Sasuke.
Good designs stuck in a shit series.