You have 10 seconds to find a legitimate reason to hate Jojo.
Claiming that it's gay is not a valid argument and will only prove that the real faggot is you
You have 10 seconds to find a legitimate reason to hate Jojo.
Claiming that it's gay is not a valid argument and will only prove that the real faggot is you
literally you
It's a "monster of the week" series.
I'm up to date on the manga, but you faggots sure do make it real easy to hate.
To actually answer the question, it has pretty weak writing, not a single character develops or changes notably (technically joseph does, but only when he starts going senile) and the plotlines are exceptionally simplistic. It's just that that Araki's really good at making compelling stories panel-to-panel, so it's really easy to overlook this in the manga. It's not hard to see why someone wouldn't like it.
The Fanbase.
Monster of the we-
oh never mind
I still like it
Is this a jojo reference?
>Not a single character develops or changes notably
>"I'm up to date on the manga"
Honestly decent bait.
Because it's popular and I'm a hipster who derives my sense of self-worth from disliking popular things and calling them bad so I can feel better than all the people who like it.
You should read past DiU user.
As for constant shit threads unable to discuss anything and also barely mediocre writing for over half the parts.
It's popular.
Some fans are shit.
It's a fact that people who post on Sup Forums without reading JoJo are newfags, only people who deny it are those newfags
>not a single character develops or changes notably
>what is pucci
>what is johnny
>>what is pucci
A character that doesn't develop, you bloody idiot. Go read some actual literature. You can start with the Greeks.
Nice bait but again ...
bet you speedread the Greeks too dumbass
Not an argument.
But it's a reason?
not him but it's a stupid reason
you can enjoy something and despise the fanbase. there are a lot of good things with a shitty fanbase but that doesn't mean they aren't good.
How else would I know Pucci is a shitty character and villain had I not read the manga you illiterate twit?
Shitty things attract more shitty people. When literally every fan of a thing is an absolute subhuman mouthbreather, you start to look at the thing from a much more critical standpoint and see its flaws as much more jarring than you normally would.
Araki doesn't hit his stride until Arc 7.
If people praised just SBR and Gelion, fair enough, they're good.
Everything before that is meh, villain of the week schlock with inferior art.
Hi just wanted to drop this and leave
Watched the first few episodes and I really disliked the animation. I prefer the OAVs.
You can enjoy something, but still hate it because of the fanbase it attracts
I started reading the first volume/story or whatever and dropped it pretty quickly. It was really boring and the writing is about as dull and simplistic as it gets. During the fight scenes, there was always some character commentating on everything that's happening for the audience, which was hilariously bad.
Every character is a genius and almost every fight in the series is bullshit
It's gay.
i enjoy jojo but you'll never catch me trying to affiliate myself with the atrocious fanbase
in fact i usually false flag as a jojofag to make more people hate the fanbase
Why would I do that? Jojo is fantastic.
Turning pages very fast doesn't count as reading user.
But everything that has a fanbase has a shit fanbase.
It's an anime that attracts more casuals than any other, because of "flashy" imagry. Literally everyone that posts in JoJo threads are Sup Forums crossboarders. I dont really dislike JoJo itself, the anime has really stiff animation due to the difficult character designs, but it's the fact that you fuckers spam the threads all day every day that annoys me.
Also put "jojo" in the title so that it's filtered. thank you.
Says a lot about you when the only thing you notice is the animation,imagery,and visual impact
do you get influenced by others so easily? jesus
I've never watched the series, and never intend to, so what can I judge a series on, other than what I know?
Are you calling me a retard for not knowing what I dont know? The series is just a fancy display of forced memes (ORA ORA ORA ORA, TOKI WO TOMARE, MUH STAND) and is hard on the animators who work on it, resulting in shitty visuals, as far as I'm concerned.
You DON'T judge something without knowing enough about it.
>I've never watched x movie
>x movie must be horrible with no redeeming qualities because y (eg: the cinematography in the trailers suck)
Are you just baiting or are you actually retarded enough to go around arguing with people with this kind of logic?
Also,unironically using the memes you were talking about is looked down upon on because the fanbase knows they're overused.Well,at least the /jojo/ posters do.
>shitty visuals because punches
Most of the time the fights are decently choreographed.Of course the rushes will look bad,it's literally supposed to be a mess of punches/kicks that you can't make anything out of,and are absolutely not the focus of the fights at all.Outside of the oras and mudas the adaptations have good,even great animation.Some wonky scenes in DIO's world,the fans know that,but they've mostly been fixed in the bluray releases.Also,read the manga if the animation puts you off that much.
It lacks a to be continued and you got a Joseph, that's really fun, but i hate fun.
>It's an anime
There lies your first problem. The second is focusing in the fanbase, specifically the Sup Forums fanbase. There is a world outside of the internet bud. The fact that you let a bunch of autists on an imageboard impact your opinion about something is quite worrying.
>in fact i usually false flag as a jojofag to make more people hate the fanbase