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3 days left
You excited?





Taneda will return in 2017!

Also, Touyama's characters will stop topping those Enjo Kousai rankings.


What did she mean by this?

Why is Karen so shit?

She ruined it


Do you think Brexit affects Alice & Karen's daily life?

No marmalade

Any news about her condition?

Why would it?

Why is Karen so shit? she ruined the whole episode

BD when?

Soon after.

>it isn't them going to london

Who cares.


If you mean the delivery date, no.

Still don't know who the proud papa is, either.

What's their endgame?

Holding hands

Civil partnership

Hair masturbation.

It is confirmed that she's pregnant? I personally don't believe that, but who knows?


Eating crepes

>deep symbolism
>wait a sec she's simply eating a-
Oh shit.

When will this meme ends

>Honkers in the background
She's only going to show up for one scene, isn't she?


It probably will just be okay.

Just wanted to say I'm in love with Miss Akari Kuzehashi