You're elected president of the united states

You're elected president of the united states

What's the first thing you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Deport every nigger and Mexican.

Nuke Israel with the entire nuclear arsenal.

Nuke all shitskin countries, including my own

I like the way you think

Write and sign over a dozen executive orders, including enacting NESARA, abolishing the Department of Education, abolishing the CIA and NSA, declassifying everything possible, then resigning, but not before giving myself a presidential pardon.

>implying every aspect of my life isn't strictly controlled from the moment I wake up each morning.

Get a first lady.

launch every nuke to a random target, excluding the oceans

Disband and nuke California

i'm noticing a lot of you would use nukes. why is that?

I do the same Trump does. I salvage what's left of American values and build the border.

Get 2 scoops of ice cream after dinner

hue pleb i would get a whole tub and live stream me eating every night

De-fund the majority of welfare programs
Use the money to lower taxation
Create a program to help middle class workers create businesses
Close all immigration services
Re-allocate the majority of the """science""" and """university"""" budget to private companies that deal with specializing in the design, manufacture and launch of small- and medium- class space and rocket systems
(Not SpaceX though, Elon musk is a fucking faggot)
Force these companies to build Space Miners to mine asteroids
With the abundance of minerals at hand create a monopoly based of off rare Minerals
Back my currency to the mineral I have the most of
(Hopefully gold)
Annex Canada

that water looks clean

Death to the pedophiles and Jews.

nuke every metropolitan area of 1million+ people
It's the only way.

deport niggers and kikes

Race war

thats some real dedication to the race war there.
First thing I'd do is jsut shut the fucking borders, and tell the negroes that their niggeration is now an electric chair offence

I like how you didn't get it. Lurk moar newfriend.

Nuke everyone.


Have all states vote for secession.

Expel the globalists from government and finance or die trying

>nuke whole world
>no people no problems

>world peace ensues


>implying the president is a dictator

Declare left wing ideological groups enemies of the state and send them to camp.

Shitpost on twitter

Build a wall along the southern border of the United States.

Increase deportation of illegal immigrants.

Prosecute Hillary Clinton for crimes against the nation.

Declare all street gangs as enemy combatants and allow the military to deal with them without trial.

Raise the age of consent to 19. (To help young girls to stop being whores)

Greatly increase criminal penalties on distracted and drunk / intoxicated driving.

Greatly increase criminal penalties for child abusers.

Revamp and invest enormous amounts of money into the education system.

Give incentives to companies that bring jobs back to America.

Withdraw American troops from most of the world, put the military to work here in the US on infrastructure projects and border security.

Eliminate the estate tax.

Heavily regulate the immigration of Muslims.

probably have sex

Abraham Lincoln proved the president can be a dictator. If Trump wants to he can institute fascism/monarchy in probably a week.

Mini-nuke all universities that support SJW bullshit.

What do I win?

Make a speech.

>Implying raising the age of consent is going to stop girls from being whores

It's "normal" in today's age for girls to lose their virginity at 14 so rising the age of consent isn't really going to do anything

Moot Point

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

Maybe the answer is through tech.
Saw, how reversible is that type of female ''circumcision'' that stitches everything but the peehole shut?

>Polish intellectual

nuke america, israel and middle east

deport nearly all non whites nationalize the big business ,imprison all the cia officers and invade all south america

Then they'll just do anal like slutty christian girls do

the answer is removing deeply rooted degeneracy set in place
but even then it would take almost 2 generations to fix the damage

I accidentally Israel off the map, it's not a real country anyway.

funny part is that this decision would prob be backed by most of the world

Be wise, usethenuke



well, your archnemesis East of Europe made a ''zombie gun'' (normie translation) that uses photons to influence the brains of it's victims. It can paralyze people or implant suggestions. Also a great idea for the trannies.

Who would u nuke?

Make private firearm ownership up to a calibre of 155mm completely unrestricted and sell military surplus artillery at a heavy discount. Just for the /k/ threads:
>Line of holes in homes for 1/2 mile from /k/omrade's house

Then I'd see if Air Force One can do a loop.


I would force everyone to study economics until they wise up enough to secede.

This reminds me of the officers and NCO pool.

That would mean having to do the same thing to 308 million women in all of the united states and hope that it can't be undone


Still gonna do it.

sneak low dosage antipsychotics into the anticonception pill? Antipsychotics are very potent anti-aphrodesiacs. Try fapping with a shot of risperidone, literally impossible.


>Do a shit ton of work to get the gun nuts on my side
>Declare myself king
>Nuke the Senate
>Antifa is not a "Terrorist organization", LMAO
>Publicly execute bankers. Make them use a shirt that says "Jüden Raus"
>Nationalize banks and some companies
>Declare the war of Judaism
After that
>Ethnic cleansing. Kill blacks, whiggers, chicANOs, chinese and irish people
>Kill all fremasons
>Use Ayy weapons to free the African wild life from their nog oppressors
>Side with Assad and Kill ISIS and the Kurds
>Get qt Iranian gf
>Cut all water to California
>Put Americans to mandatory exercise
>Move to Alaska

Declare war with Germany

>Push voter ID
If congress refuses to act, I'll kick off a campaign that focuses on the exposure of GOP cucks and heavily endorse populist candidates to replace them, having no name recognition or experience.

psssst, burger, yes, you.
don't forget the Platinum that's abudant in space rock too. It's worth more.

deport every single person who is jewish, related to jew or is jewy to israel, all spics back to their respective countries, all blacks back africa, then empty the nuclear arsenal on israel and middle east and africa, maybe let south america stay

put down my cell phone

end fed


Put in the nuclear codes.

Track down OP and kill him

1, commision gas chambers
2, ?
3, Profit

what do you people have against the kikes? I mean, they're bad but they also hate muslims like we do.

Audit the Fed.

Gold has more universal value then platinum

You have to think about consumer wants and needs as well
Gold has had decades of propaganda pushed on it, like diamonds

It's easier for normies to swallow it down

They are the ones who brought muslims to your country to begin with

Get shot.

Install two friends as head of Sec of Defense and Sec of state and start a nuclear war with everyone. Someone has to start the happening

You know your country is pretty damn Jewy, right? And what is a beaner going to do in Alaska? Freeze?

A true based bean would takeout his god awful "country" - otherwise kys

Platinum actually does things though. For the record, I consider all of these ''platinum'' as Platinum is a group name for these guys: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, and platinum.

Platinums actually do practical things outside being a currency. Outside of economics gold has little use. Silver conducts better for example, and lead shields you better from bad stuff.

I don't want traitors back.
I love trump but i hate those cunt's who left the country (illegaly).

Remove the income tax.

Too bad, you should be able to keep your dogs on the leash.

The hate between us and the Muslims was brought to us by the Jews. The refugee crisis was masterminded by the Jews. The refugee migration was masterminded by the Jews.


That doesn't make the muslims any more civilised or gives them any right to exist.
So you could say... they redpilled us.

deport all niggers, muslims, faggots, kikes, and illegals
carpet bomb Israel
nuke mecca

Declare war on Judea

Trying to establish a dictatorship and appoint myself as the Führer of the American Empire.

Exterminate / Deport Spics, Mexicans, Niggers, Jews

The US is the reason we can't move out of our status quo. Basically any country that does something that the banks disapprove of suddenly "attacks" the US and get invaded. Take out the bankers and we would be good to go.
However, I took the question as in if I was american and came to power, so showed no favoritism to my country. If that were the case I would use all my butthurt to strengthen Mexico and Destroy the US

>And what is a beaner going to do in Alaska?
I love cold and hate people, I am sure that I will live happily even when being exposed to the Sun four hours a day


Make anime real.

Block his stoyl.

>What's the first thing you do?
genocide the jews living in the US and nuke Israel

Dissolve the Federal Reserve System

>Destroy what the UK created*
What did he mean by this?


>Free abortion for all non-whites, perhaps even provide incentives for abortions
>Drastically increase funding for space exploration, resource mining, and future colonization
>Establish long-term moon colony on the moon, tell the UN to blow it's space treaties out it's ass
>Deny the franchise to everybody until they complete 4 years of military service
>Establish a government sanctioned successor to the Boy Scouts focused on physical conditioning, weapons manipulation, and small unit tactics. Make a single summer camp session at said paramilitary organization mandatory for graduation from High School
>Unironically use the CIA to assassinate cuckservatives who try to stop the implementation of any of the above


name of game, user

Good thing I'm not British then :^)

Shadow President

Destroy the welfare system. Deport blacks, spics and every illegal immigrant. Stop funding ISrael and kick them out of the country.