Where can i find this manga?
Where can i find this manga?
Other urls found in this thread:
>on This
Just down the right aisle, in the fiction section
Sad that Sup Forums is one of the only boards that shuts down Sup Forumstard threads
Here family.
Hillary shills are so fucking triggered lmao
Don't think I could fap to this Hilary-kun
Though maybe if it was NTR...
Oh shit what is this source please
They actually published it? Embarrassing.
>rubba rub your clit ton
Finally trump up trickle down economics makes sense to me.
They had both prepared, just had more of hers printed as the predictions favored her apparently.
I suppose people are surprised it's easy to misinform Americans, we reelected Bush after all.
You know she's into that. NTR doujin about the Lewinsky scandal when?
my fucking sides
I still believe I just woke up in a dystopian nightmare today, but all the memeposting on Sup Forums and butthurt Hillaryfags are just making my day.
I didn't think it would ever be this funny.
Somebody spoonfeed me please.
Amusing as Sup Forums is from time to time I would prefer they stay mostly on their own board.
>I have a husband
The 2016 US elections
why don't you try this instead
It's cancelled.
Eh, deleting every thread but one for containment would be just fine.
Just for today, of course.
Buttblasted libtard detected. How does it feel to get BTFO so hard?
>b-b-bbut its just a variant cover
>we also have a trump cover
>there's a clinton article inside it
god this is embarrassing
they cant even backpedal
/pol memed trump into office
Not manga
are you ready for the gender bent trump doujin where he femdoms you?
I hate this generation.
Enjoy your ban and your dead country, amerifat
I know, I'm literally afraid to go back to Sup Forums until this blows over.
When will he start making anime real?
>not fucking your daughter
Get the fuck out.
>yfw trump is actually involved with the making an anime
I'll off myself if that happens
All you're missing is "Cuck" and we would've had a full Sup Forums bingo, head back to your containment board.
Well there's the live action GitS thing.
Dump this, I dare you.
I've been waiting all day for a thread like this but i didn't wanna get banned.
>every trump joke must be made by hillary supporters
Why not go to Sup Forums and stay there if you want threads like this?
Faggots completely misunderstand the reason Sup Forums looks down on crossboarding.
They think leaving Sup Forums to discuss their topics on the right boards is worse than off-topic posting about them on Sup Forums while complaining about the mods doing their jobs.
Why do we need this on Sup Forums? Judging from the posts in the Sup Forums sticky, like 1/4 of posters were from Sup Forums; it's not like you're in small company.
Just keep Sup Forums on Sup Forums.
Post more awoos
>he doesn't know
Celebrations are all over the world user, why cant we celebrate abit here too?
How will you react when your waifu shows up on your doorstep made real by trump's overwhelming meme magic Sup Forums?
>I'm a childless single man
>I masturbate to anime
>I matter in the overall course of humanity