Is this the correct way to treat your mentally impaired imouto, Sup Forums?
Is this the correct way to treat your mentally impaired imouto, Sup Forums?
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This is blue /h/, not /r/.
>mentally impaired
Wasn't that whole thing an act and she just wanted the dick?
Carrying her and kissing her to calm her down?
Seems pretty nice.
Her sacks of useless meat are bare and pressing into his chest, user!
so THAT'S why he's carrying her that way around!
What a gentleman.
But he's exposing her ass in that position, now any filthy old man can touch her booty!
Is she?
I cannot see it from that picture. Maybe you need to provide video evidence for your nasty claims?
yes, stick it in
Yes, at least he protected her from fat old men.
Arguably, yes. Who better to take care of her retarded ass for life than yourself?
Thanks, user
I don't get it, is she kissing him? Why her tits are uncovered? Why is he grabbing her by the butt? Are they outside?
>implying exhibitionism isn't a top-tier fetish
They are doing /h/-related things.
just. . . .wait
>tfw only have a high functioning autistic neesan
Who is this semen demon?
Have you fucked her? Why not?
F-fuck her?
Yes. Autists need some love too.
Cure her autism with your magic penis
I don't understand. Why would anyone fuck their sisters?
To get physical pleasure and strengthen family bonds.
That sounds immoral.
Why not just play monopoly?
>Strengthen family bonds with a board game
It's like you've never played one with your family
>not playing monopoly until until she goes bankrupt and then using your money to pimp her out
Capitalism, Hoe!
He said strengthen family bonds, not destroy them.
Can I bap the neesan instead?
Why not just play Mario Kart?
Why not just play Mario Party?
Wait, what?
But loosing on purpose for your imouto is one of the best ways to bond :)
Bapping: the process of baps.
I hate Kancolle.
I understood that reference.
Explain to the rest of us please?
>He doesn't know about monopoly
I'd make a terrible father
Yes, give her all the affection she needs
Trips don't lie my friend. Good taste
All imouto are mentally impaired.
Does he impregnate her?
She's only 15
It's rape depending on the severity of her impairment. Just FYI. If she's too retarded to say no then she can't consent.
Context of the image please.
Do you really need one?
The youngest real girl who give birth is 5.
I don't see how it's impossible.
Girls can menstruate at 5 years old?
In rare cases.
I don't know. I'm not an expert on menstruation.
Google about youngest birth mother if you don't believe it.
All Blondes have natural slut instincts so no surprise
I do.
>squeeze the jenga
only if she is hot
She has the body of a porn star with a mind of a 4 year old
what is this
Reverse search ain't pulling up shit.
Can anyone sauce me?
>mentally impaired
I guess he meant something like stupid.
(Japanese) Stupid + Imouto.
try that.
Well that worked, thank.
holy shit thank you
some desease, rate1 out of 50000