She finally debuts.
Ani Tore! XX
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This is looking lewd.
All hail our smug empress.
Why is there a bulge?
meh, I don't like her
This is a ridiculously puffy vulva.
What the fuck am I loking at?
she just born from that cunt in a ball?
I want to fuck her over an exercise ball.
I would ravage her.
Bullying an empress.
Sakura's smartphone.
I always like seeing these anime settei
>if you don't cum inside i will tell daddy about us
Plushie storage space.
She looks very young, would it be any problem with cumming inside?
You have more of these?
If I knew how to photoshop, that box would be pointing straight up.
It can't be a good idea to ride these barefoot. It looks like her feet stick out from both sides, that's got to be uncomfortable.
That's all the animator has posted, however a pal of his (love live animator) occasionally draws some anitore.
Riding them barefoot is fine. The issue becomes is that my feet are only sort of off the edge at a size 10. How big are her feet?
Why are they manspreading?
Because they have the right to do it, too.
Check your privilage, cis scum.
I had better get on with these wide squats before ADONIS shows up and explains that they're a meme exercise/they destroy your knees or whatever.
That thigh hug.
I can feel the love live
The artist posts these on his twitter?
NEET here who has been doing anitore exercises exclusively since the first season aired.
I am still not fit.
Yes. It's kitazinger.
If you're fat, you're better off just dieting for a while. Saves your joints.
Thank you
user-kun is being so nice today
Not fat. About average.
Why would doing these exercises ruin my joints?
>About average.
Fatty detected
If you are fat they would put more stress
>compare squat and wide squat
>no difference in affected muscles or anywhere else except feet position
Has anime finally lied to me?
Does anyone have that navel-licking 69 pic?
>this view
Sorry, feminists terms are banned under our new God Emperor.
Make sure to add a little hop in the rising portion of the squat
at least you tried
Images from this show make me feel uncomfortable. It's like my pants went smaller in size.
Needs a shoop of THAT dick.
new character a cute. a cute!
>exercise 1
nothing wrong with doing these as long as the ball doesn't fly out from underneath you and you snap your shit. doing it on a ball is more beneficial than the floor in some ways because you can work stabilizers and obliques more because the ball tends to bounce and move a bit. if you don't want to use a ball but still want to try the big negative stretch, try doing situps on a decline bench.
>exercise 2
holy fuck that range of motion is absolutely pathetic. she is doing nothing. pretty sure we've gone over squats a few times before so check the archive. when you squat you should be going as low as you can (ATG) or at least going to/just below parallel. if you are squatting with weight please look up form videos and or have someone critique your form or take a video of yourself, it's very likely you will snap your shit up if you don't learn to do them properly.
9/10 episode, only thing that sucked was that squat depth works nothing really. as the old adage goes, lower faggot.
ask questions until the thread 404s, read the sticky on /fit/, and maybe one day we'll make the /sakuraempireliftingteam/
Why do they have to wear socks?
Because it's sexy.
This. I don't think I ever saw any anime where they wear socks in their own household. It makes no sense.
Because they don't want to pander to subhuman scum.
>doesn't wear socks at least in the winter
>not liking socks
Then why make them wear socks?
>they wear socks in their own household. It makes no sense
Jesus, user, it's not a fucking tuxedo.
No one cares about footfags.
Acute case of yeast infection.
Because it's infinitely easier for a animator to draw an oval 1000 times instead of a foot.
Is this an educational show?
Is it watchable unironically?
Read the threads
They're shit user. Wearing it outside and then the whole time at home is bad for your skin. Skin is best when exposed to air.
>Is this an educational show?
Like highschool gym class level
>Is it watchable unironically?
Is any anime?
>that squat depth
I know, right? I mean, at least do it like you're sitting on a chair, if not a dick.
This one or am I thinking of something else?
The younger they are the sluttier the go?
I literally never take off my socks except to shower. I'm totally fine user.
Not him, but that's the good shit right there.
How long until we get anavel orgy between all the Ani Tores?
Disgusting. I can't imagine how bad the smell is. I'm glad you don't live in my household or else you'll spread an bad odor.
As long as it takes for someone to request it in the drawthread and however long it takes for the request to be fulfilled.
>no navelservice
She just beat Eriri as worst Anitore.
To make them sweaty during their workouts, so they can use them to blindfold and gag you afterwards while they punish your penis with their fresh warm bare feet.
I really hope that Genki/Chuuni request gets done.
Yeah, that's the one. Thanks for the help.
My god, she's absolutely perfect.
Nice to see a lazy anitore. Laziness and balance are her exercise theme it seems. The smug is also nicely executed.
My balls will definitely be sitting up, if you know what I mean.
why is she wearing a diaper?
What is user saying
Man, I love this positioning.
I won't be able to put my dumbbells down, if you catch my drift.
Same reason she's doing crunches. Poor bladder control.
I want to grab this pussy
What are they going to do for the BDs now?
I'll pick bottom
I'd also pick bottom solely for chuuni and empress if she joins that team. Glasses can sit in the corner
Fluffy hair