Why didn't Manabi sell? It's literally K-ON before K-ON was a thing.
Why didn't Manabi sell? It's literally K-ON before K-ON was a thing
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All this time and I still can't unsee the faces in the hair.
>Better cast
>They made an impact at their school through vandalism and pretty much terrorism
>Roach girl was 10/10
>Every girl was great
>Semi-futuristic setting with a sad background masked by fun and games
>Great music
I loved it when I first watched it. I can say I definitely liked it more than K-ON without any doubt.
It was garbage?
Mika alone was better than the entire cast of K-ON. Also the ED is great.
It released in 2007, right when the 2003-2006 anime bubble had just about burst and people were beginning to transition to Blu-rays.
Because the drama ruined it.
This nigga gets it.
Because it wasn't made by KyoAni?
It was forgetful and boring show. I couldn't remember anything happened., but I do remember that the OP was the ending sequence all along. Too bad the singer/writer died. RIP.
How is this different than K-On?
>semi-futuristic setting with a sad background masked by fun and games
This is the most unique aspect of the show and to me, differentiates it from other moeshit, and depicts an actual problem that will almost certainly be happening to Japan sooner or later. Shit, it's like the only part I remember other than that one scene of tomboy sucking a popsicle and the series ending.
*clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap*
Just an school girls with happy days come up smiling in everyday life.
K-on didn't have "drama," it had a short character conflict at the end of the first season, which was great. That's as dramatic as it got.
The character designs were pretty horrible. I remember that being something that put me off. I don't mind lolis, but I do mind when you try to pass them off as high schoolers.
The OP / ED were sung by Megumi Hayashibara, who is not dead.
He is referring to the composer, who is very much dead. Megumi does baller OPs and EDs by the way.
They were covers of songs by Ritsuko Okazaki, who died in 2004. Her last work was the posthumously released Symphonic Rain VN.
Ritsuko Okazaki was Megumi Hayashibara's friend and composed many of her songs.
they have the faces of toddlers but the bodies of teenagers. Shit was uncanny valley as fuck.
right. If you want to be some toddlerkon weirdo, then make toddlerkon. If you want the characters to be loli, then be loli. if you want them to just be SD teenagers, then make it SD. But you can't mix and match, it creates an unsettling chimera that appeals to no one.
literally because it had superior humor was a bit wild. also because the character design wasn't as good.
Man this show was great.
Because nobody liked Ufotable.
It's easily the best CGDCT with actual character the development.
Didn't even felt the 'drama'.
Roach girl didn't show up enough.
Manabi Straight was kind of a cross between K-on and Hanayamata, but before either.
It was good.
How far up my backlog should I put this?
All the way to the top nigga
The visuals were really pleasing to look at, wish I had better screencaps not from google.
I'll take this under advisement.
Is any user manabi enough to take on this straight?
It was really average, couldn't bring myself to give a shit about any of the characters. K-On forced me to care even though I didn't particularly like the first season. The second season was exceptional.
me irl