Dragon Ball Super
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>The Goku Black component of Merged Zamasu may prove his weakness.
>Trunks will get a chance to shine in the finale too.
>Standard explanation of Vegetto, but he's got some new weakness now.
I'll try to translate it, please bear with my crappy language.
Who's the strongest?
Producer : Excluding the powerful God of Destruction Beerus, I think the strongest one is Goku Black
Magazine : So that means merged Zamasu is invincible?
Producer : I feel that even in Dragon Ball universe, merged Zamasu is a "cheat" character. He has the power to mow down enemy combined with immortal power that can nullify all attack. His attacks is also a sight to behold. Maybe he's only fatal mistake is that he originally "one" person
In order to defeat human, Zamasu uses a human body, Son Goku. Such contradiction will be the key to defeat Goku Black and merged Zamasu. That means Goku and co still has a chance!
Producer : Goku and Vegeta will merge and become Vegetto to fight Zamasu. But we also give future Trunks a highlight. His action will be the key in the fight"
That was translated last thread, I want to know about the Vegito thing.
Go away and it's Turampusama
I wonder how toyotaro would nerf Vegetto compared to toei
>Goku and Vegeta are almost at max stats
>Vegito is not much of an upgrade due to the same issue
Hopefully not.
are you retarded
>Uncle Raditz could have had a life on earth
>Could have gained absurd power training with the others
>Instead he was outclassed like a child
>Died like an idiot
>Never learned his lesson
No, I'm referring to something that was bought up by Vegeta already, that he and Goku have very little room left to grow, they're approaching the maximum power limit.
I'm not saying it's true, it's just what came to mind when they talk about nerfing Vegito.
>>Instead he was outclassed like a child
by a child
Anyone translated this? What is Vegetto's weakness?
I really hope that they are not going to make Trunks steal Vegito's thunder.
I mean he had like a dozen of episodes focused on him and he even got his own snowflake ssj form, how many more times to shine does he need?
Just let Vegito have this one episode.
I was thinking earlier today, how fucking crazy it must have been for people who watched DB from the beginning to jump into Z.
I was too young to have seen DB Beforehand. But to see Goku, that character they'd grown with, to randomly be unveiled as a member of a super-powered warrior race and die?
Shit must have been cray
I swore I typed "by a child", but yes thank you
At this point does Goku still consider Krillin to be his best friend or is it now Vegeta?
The reverse is also true if you were watching DBZ for years and had seen up to the Cell games before finally learning that Dragonball existed and what it's about.
You really do end up being like "This is not at all what I expected".
Future Trunks is one of the most popular DBZ characters. Of course they're gonna pander to his fans
He's prob gonna use the sword the kid will give her to make an opening for Vegito. Bonus poetic points if it's during a ki clash like Vegeta did with Cell.
Vegeta and him have a friendship but they don't really hang about unless they're training or fighting.
That's actually the precise effect I got.
>go back
>it's the whimsical adventures of a little badass with a monkey tail who takes no shit and gives no fucks
Not being Gogeta.
but they are always training and fighting
Only recently. You see Goku n Krillin interact prior to G.Frieza's arc.
Remember the black arc literally has only taken place in less than a week.
Goku and Krillin grew up together, Vegeta and Goku are bonded through fighting only, where as Krillin is his genuine friend.
I wondered that too, like if DB ran in shonen jump during this day and age.
How many shippers would be BTFO out by toriyama the captain of the crackships.
How salty would shippers be if the the 23rd world tournament was running right now.
Goku became an adult and Bulma thought he was cute, shippers would practically shouting that BulmaXGoku would be revealed.
Imagine how salty they would be when chichi comes along after appearing once hundreds of chapters ago just to win the gokubowl out of nowhere.
They would go nuclear same as everyone else here when somefucking randomass ssj comes out of fucking nowhere kills Frieza and his dad like it is nothing, just to reveal that he is Bulma and Vegeta's son from the future.
How nuclear would the threads be?
I thought Toriyama wanted to go with Goku x Bulma, but his editors convinced him not to because Bulma wasn't a perfect housewife
This was Japan in the 80s, after all
oh I didn't mean to correct you I was just saying he was beaten like a child by a child
Not so bad, not after the Piccolo arcs messed things up massively already. By that point crazy twists were becoming sort of the standard
The trunks reveal was pretty hype though, in a "This is so edgy and stupid I fucking love it" kind of way.
The whole reveal about his parents was hilarious because of Goku and Piccolo's reactions.
In hindsight maybe Bulma and Goku getting together would have made sense but if I recall they are very different in age, Goku was like half her height when they met.
>I thought Toriyama wanted to go with Goku x Bulma, but his editors convinced him not to because Bulma wasn't a perfect housewife
That would have made her perfect for him.
And, inversely, ChiChi would have been cool for Vegeta.
>Goku, the free-spirited fighter who wants to squeeze the most fun out of the most arduous battles
>Bulma, the hyper-intelligent but emotional and domineering seductress
>not a perfect match
>Vegeta, the stoic, noble, haughty elitist
>ChiChi, the explosive, aggressive, demanding banshee
>not hilarious in their interactions
Toriyama had it right
The Trunks reveal could never top the absolute bullshit of how much Trunks cheapened the previous arc
Toriyama has a real problem with doing that
the face of justice
As a child I didn't care. The show was funny and Goku and Gohan were moe.
I think he's gonna distract Zamoku while they fuse.
I'm really hoping Trunks doesn't steal the win from Vegito here.
She is like less than 4 years older than him, also in jaco it was stated that saiyans don't age like humans do they look like primary schoolers untill they are like 16-18 and then they hit a massive growth spurt.
I think it is just an excuse that Toriyama made up so that he doesn't have to age up goten and Trunks in super/
800% nuclear
>pic related happens
No, Toriyama's editor wanted GokuxBulma. But Toriyama hated his editor so much that he paired Goku with Chichi just to spite him.
Well it fits pretty well with how Goku grew
He was tiny right up until he was 16, then suddenly he went from a tiny kid to as tall as Yamcha
Vegetto is going to job, his fight woth Zumasu is going to appeal to the shounenfags, then he is going to job because that's Toriyama's way to deny Super isn't Goku and Vegeta's show. You all know it, maybe Zenno's buttom is going to be pressed.
I'm still expecting this to end with the Zeno button.
Maybe Vegito will accidentally press it since Retard Goku makes up 50% of his personality.
Ha haaa, you speak truth.
I still hate you Cuckgito.
Let's be honest here, do you really think that Tori planned that shit out so many years before?
We are talking about the man who made ssj blonde, because he got tired of inking hair.
Now that I think about it maybe that is why the DB. became the saiyan show.
Toriyama doesn't give a shit about what's coming up, but every now and then someone reminds him of what came before
I don't think he planned it for a second, but as a retcon and excuse, it fits well
I still believe Zamasu vs Veggi2 would end in a tie,and trunks would come in to seal zamasu in the sword.
>duel on a vanishing planet
fuck off to that political board
They would all go apeshit. Toriyama doesn't give a fuck. Who honestly foresaw that Vegeta was going to end up with Bulma? Chi Chi and Goku were at least a bit understandable though still a little random. Then there is Mai and Trunks which I'm sure absolutely nobody thought of before the BoG movie.
If DB came out within the past decade, I'm sure most people would expect Bulma and Goku to end up together.
I don't care how he loses, I just want him humiliated before it happens
Narcissistic villains are great solely for how absolutely magnificent it is to see them fail. The perfect shadenfruede
Fucking this
I want this timeline, where Goku trains himself to get stupidly powerful early on
>Raditz arrives
>Goku's power is several hundred thousand at least
Would Raditz quit his bullshit at that point or be stupid enough to try and piss Goku off anyway and get obliterated?
Well, good pairings in popular shounen pretty much never happen
What's the last battle shounen you've seen where the main characters love interest did not fall for him within one chapter of meeting him? If not before the starting point of the series?
No fucking way Toei is making Vegetto job so Trunks can have the finishing blow? What the actual fuck?
It doesn't say.
What's with this bullshit about Vegetto having weaknesses that he didn't have before. Don't tell me it's because he isn't a Kaioshin
weak against magic
The shit that happened in Naruto still has me pretty salt.
>Is she your girlfriend
>Find a girl like your mother
>Ends up with someone he had hardly any interaction with the entire series
>The correct one ended up having her character ruined by the author
Jump romance is so unnecessarily retarded
>Trunks will get a chance to shine in the finale too.
I hate these threads
The more I get to know about the guy, the more I come to love him.
I have never heard of a guy who winged his way to succes this hard.
Think about how many mangakas plan out and carefully think about what direction their stories should go too, just to get axed within 20 chapters.
Then this dude comes along and giving not a single fuck about what he writes in his story.
He literally names his character after what he remembered seeing in his fridge the night before and he goes along to create one of the most popular and succesfull series in the entire world.
One thing is for sure that guy is a total monster when it comes to talent in manga writing.
What magic is in play? The only Kai that had magic was Old Kai.
It's not like anything in Naruto mattered except brotherly homolust
Our Mary Sue is a popular character so even though he has no business interfering with a fight between potara fusions he will somehow suceed. It better not be something stupid like that loli being killed and him gaining yet another rage boost. And why the fuck is that nip in the interview acting like its a great idea. I didn't want Vegetto in Super because I knew they would make him job but I didn't think they'd do it in his first fight
Where I live, DB was aired first and because it was successful, DBZ was aired too, few months later.
Everyone in elementary school was out of their minds.
Those were good times.
He had many chances to shine in this arc he doesn't need more
I'm more salty about how it happened in Bleach
Which is insane, because I thought by now I should have stopped feeling any emotions at all regarding Bleach
Toriyama is great its a shame he doesn't care about Super enough to gove it more than vague scripts. Super isn't as fun as the original manga
My indifference reached a level where I was pretty pleased to just watch Aizen have his way with the series and took joy from that.
But even that joy was robbed.
I wish there was an alternate timeline where things went completely different from the start. Like Goku ending up with Bulma, or Vegeta dying after his battle with Goku like he was originally supposed to. Or even a timeline where Launch isn't forgotten and still hangs out with the cast.
The pairings were the less retarded thing about Bleach's ending.
But I think there is a trend of "whoever wants the dick the most, ends up getting it no matter the amount of screentime". With the exception of VegetaxBulma which is still the asspull of the century.
This producer is retarded. Vegetto was hype and was going to save this arc from shit ratings but now he's going to lose becuase of some made up weakness? Fuck this just like Vegeta jobbing for the stupidest reasons
If Vegetto loses I jope Toei is ready for the backlash.
what did they mean by this?
In which part it says Vegitto is losing?
Goddamn it, retards always jump into conclusions so fast. The episode isn't out yet.
>We are talking about the man who made ssj blonde, because he got tired of inking hair.
Is that seriously the story? lol
It's Trunks. It says it right there. Trunks is going to be the decisive factor. Bringing up Zen-o would kill any tension.
>Super isn't as fun as the original manga
Speak for yourself, the DBS manga is pretty good.
>Fuck this just like Vegeta jobbing for the stupidest reasons
He's Vegeta, what more reason do you need?
Why did Toriyama even bring F. Trunks back. I thought the next arc would have been exploring the other universes while training for the tournament. I hate this arc so much. Why they still fighting on earth and in cities? I'm not asking asking for Goku to destroy Solar Systems with a stray ki blast all I want is a change of scenery
>Bringing up Zen-o would kill any tension.
Not to mention that it wouldn't be appropiate for Zamasu to die to anything other than a ningen
He almost certainly won't be around in future arcs, unlike Vegeta and Goku. Really, it's surprising Trunks was popular at all considering how he was mostly useless in the Cell Saga, after the mecha freeza stuff, back in the day.
Dude it's Toei what did you expect. They're always lazy. Just watch the universe tournament will be held on earth
Only DBZ aired in my country and I loved it, but I had to catch it while I was watching tv to watch it.
I got a late birthday present when I was 9 from my uncle.
He downloaded and burned every single episode from DB to GT on a dvd for me.
He gave it to me like right before the winter holiday breaks.
I didn't even know DB existed I was so hyped to find out Goku I could watch the adventures of goku when he was still a kif.
So I just spend my entire 2 week break sitting snug on a lazy chair watching DB and DBZ in the living room.
Dragonball was so fucking comfy to watch, it really is a shame a lot of people never watched it.
They need to nerf Vegeto/fusions in general, otherwise "they can fuse!" would always be the answer to any problem.
If it is Super will become one of my many dropped anime
Because Toriyama doesn't want Goku fighting in space for some reason. He even insists that the BoGs battle happened under atmosphere.
I hop those spoilers aren't true. I like F.Trunks, but they need to relax with wanking him so hard. If he manages to get a shot in at Zamasu that even Vegetto couldn't, that would be absolute bullshit. That's like Krillin saving the day during the final battle between Goku and Frieza on Namek.
Goku is not Batman
He can not breathe in space
Goku and Vegeta don't fuse because of their pride. Vegeta probably made an exception because he actually cares about his family now but in normal fights they'd never fuse. Also fusions aren't allowed in tournaments. So yeah there's no need to nerf fusions
>it's surprising Trunks was popular at all considering how he was mostly useless in the Cell Saga
Handsome and had a sword.
There you get a pretty big dose of fangirls, fujos and chuuni kids obsessing over him.
Reminder that Chichi is where Gohan had his rage potential from, also reminder that Chichi used to be best girl before Toriyama ruined her.
Webm related:
>23rd Tournament
Literally peak of Dragon Ball, so much stuff happened during his tournament and some of the best fights in the series.
We even got Chichi kicking ass.
Son, it's exactly 3 years between Piccolo Daimao dying and 23rd Tournament.
Daimao was killed by teen Goku (he was 13 if I remember right) who looks like a 4-5 year old at best.
Fast forward to 23rd Tournament and he's taller than Bulma and equal with height to Yamcha, only slightly shorter than Tenshinhan.
Who did he vote for?
What the fuck was the point of introducing universe busting characters if they're still going to fight on planets. They can't just keep using the ki control excuse
He was affected by gravity the second he got knocked out, thus he was most definitely in the atmosphere and thus it's not some asspull excuse on Toriyama's part.
Upper part of the atmosphere is pretty close to spehs.
Hillary. Why else would he be so mad?