What's the appeal of French girls?
What's the appeal of French girls?
The fact that they aren't British.
They're hot.
Many girls are hot and not British (in fact you can't be hot British).
Their cooking.
Born sluts
The appeal of a living onahole.
Jeanne's appeal is being the best and the purest.
This is your medical treatment today.
>Jeanne's appeal is being the best and the purest.
Uh, neither of them have the training
Why is Alter always so much better?
Big fat tiddies.
>Of the love or hatred God has for the English, I know nothing, but I do know that they will all be thrown out of France, except those who die there.
Religious and chaste
Sexy outfits
Jeannu is such a smart girl. Truly the best.
Right > Middle >>>>> Left
French girls dont have appeal.
They dont shave and smell of cheese.
If you like horsefaced cunts with bad hygiene sure
Left or Right?
Left is the less shit one of the pair.
They probably don't wash, have a bush and smell bad and that's hot
because you want to be pegged, even if they dont want too
Short haired Jeanne Alter with her cape is simply the best. The best! But the crooked gatcha didn't give her to me. Sad!
right because Vanilla is delicious
I wish Jeannu was Saber instead of Arturia.
Would be so much better.
It would have been dogshit. Jeane is bland shit.
>2nd to worst girl
You cunts come second to the nerofaggots in bad taste rankings.
>unironically defending shitty Arturia and insulting amazing Jeannu
Spotted a butthurt britshit.
>shit taste
I'm sorry user.
They're both bland shit. At least Jeanne doesn't look like a 12 year old boy.
>dull, bland french meme
>better than one of the main girls
Disgusting taste. Even Sakura is better
I love Perrine!
F/A was shit and so was Jeanne
The appeal is that they aren't actually french
>dull, bland
>better than one of the main girls
>Even Sakura is better
You are just desperate at this point, britshit.
Nah Jeannu was actually glorious.
Ease of access. They wave the white flag as soon as they catch even the tiniest glimpse of the D.
Fact that they are more feminine.
>Le French surrender
Nice brit meme faggot.
I surrender. Do what you want.
>I surrender. Do what you want.
We are going to make France great again!
french fries and french toast
>bottom right panel
I'm afraid I don't understand
Jeanna is my waifu and the mother of my childfu!
delet this shit
>What's the appeal of French girls?
They put out on the first date. And their accent if you like shit accents.
>And their accent if you like shit accents.
What the fuck did you just say?
French accent is amazing
French accent is the most faggot shit ever. German accent sounds like angels singing compared to French.
I can't stand the french accent. I like most foreign accents. But the French just constantly sound like a smug hipster talking through their nose.
>But the French just constantly sound like a smug hipster talking through their nose.
Because that's what they are? They were 'smug hipsters' back in the 1700s.
Yeah very angry angels
Let me guess you also listen to lossy music and have integrated shitty on-board sound card.
We have every reason to be angry.
We share a border with France.
Where is that Artoria from, I love those sandals.
What is this from?
New Fate/Extra obviously.
Fact: The birth of the British Empire wasn't spawned out of the desire for fame, glory, or power. It was just to get the fuck away from the meanspirited, horrible shrews known simply as "Englishwomen"
I like her with short hair too but without cape.
To me a mere slav, they are the epitome of European diversity/purity.
Fuck everyone else, French and Italians are the only real Europe.
>This is your medical treatment today.
Alter Jeanne is a perversion, and her existence as a playable servant boggles the mind (not that I am against it), spawned by an insane man's wish, she really doesn't count.
>posting Irish woman
Jeanne Alter is actually purer than Vanilla Jeanne since she is the image of the perfect Jeanne according to Gilles.
who is mad
>we will never have a route where Gilles and JEANNU Alter go on a lovecraftian adventure to find the origin of the Crawling Chaos, NekoArc
yeah sure going radically crazy toward the dark arts because of one fag at church who later got publically denounced and executed for the jeanne burning by tricking her for being illiterate is a SURE way on helping her name out right?
Why does Sup Forums have such horrible taste in Fate girls?
Not really rude when it's true. Wasn't he a child serial killer?
Who is a good girl in your opinion
This, at least we aren't inbred like the british are.
3D French girls are pretty corrupted but they could draw anime with proper directions, they're huge weebs too (France as a whole is).
One with a personality.
Yes, wich lead to her being full of hatered, but the core of what makes Jeanne as a symbole for him is her absolute purity.
sounds very selfish
kind of like a messed up purityfag
cause pure good vanilla is too safe.
Alter has that tint of crazy that makes her spicy
Reminder: Jeanne Alter's NP should be called "Rugissement de Haine"
whats wrong with pure vanilla
also them legs...
Both of them have the same legs
Alterfags want femdom but not really
nothing wrong, it's just a bit boring compared to
Well, he is.
>cause pure good vanilla is too safe.
Boring in general.