What anime would he watch?
What anime would he watch?
Other urls found in this thread:
boku no pico
none he's not a fucking faggot
He's a successful person, these don't watch anime.
Sup Forumsuters, niggers, all the same
gate because he's in it
Steel Ball Run.
>steel ball run
>ever being an anime
Trump would actually love that.
Also I think it's funny that Hillary Clinton saw Pepe and Trump saw Awoo.
He is the king faggot
Can't wait for the anime/manga parodies of him
He would watch this one, OP
His women are more good looking than anyone you'll ever get, and apparently he has a 9 inch erect dick (yes this is real) Sup Forums had a thread about wikileaks shit and Clinton's groups had personal health files about Trump. It said trump never had a cup of coffee and his penis is 9 inches. No wonder his woman stays with him
attack on titan
Imagine a world where everyone who ever posted on Sup Forums was permanently banned from every other board
he was already President in it, after all.
Code geass
Trump would love LOGH and Code Geass
World Trigger
Is there even a question?
notto disu shittu agehn.png
Lodoss war
He has a good taste.
Shillaryfag spotted.
He doesn't like anime. Not one with cartoon women.
How long until President Donald J. Trump appears in a manga or anime? I mean, I know I'm not the only one who can't wait until President Donald J. Trump becomes Sup Forums related!
>Sup Forums will slowly kill Sup Forums
If gookmoot actually gave a shit then maybe we wouldn't have to rely on self moderation. That being said, fuck off to Sup Forums
Where were you when anime became real?
He's gonna appear in the new Resident Evil CG movie.
Zankyou no Terror
I wonder what his real reaction to anime would be. I doubt he's the one actually posting on his twitter account.
kill la kill, duh
>Drifters fans are also Hillary shills
Really makes you think huh...
Give it time.He will def. show up in Baki the grappler. Bush and Obama did.
I wonder how much money Hiro has made just with Sup Forums traffic in the last 24 hours.
>US president is a literal meme
Sucks to be you cucks
>I know I'm not the only one who can't wait until President Donald J. Trump becomes Sup Forums related!
"I can't wait until I can use one image as an excuse to spam Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums like an underage retard" you mean?
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
Trump is literally making America great again though
The Working! series, unironically.
sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire
Glad to see that Kek is still with us
Nobody likes you, poltards.
Fuck off, poltards.
Nobody cares. Go be a retard elsewhere, poltards. Fuck off.
Fuck off poltrads.
FBI probably just donated some better servers to handle the load.
I never knew Sup Forums gets this butthurt over a simple anime question
All me.
People who voted Hillary can't endure the critical hit.
Sup Forums always gets buthurt when fucking Sup Forums IS LEAKING TO THIS BOARD. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR STUPID POLITICAL SHIT
>praise kek
Fucking cancer
Why are you so mad? Are you an illegal Mexican or something?
Can we not do this I come here for anime.
Half of me wants to agree and the other half wants to ruin this place.
Liberals man.