It's coming.
It's coming
Other urls found in this thread:
>I'm coming
Fixed that for you
I mean, i'm happy and all, but we have a board for that.
>not wearing thongs
Is it shotacon or tentacles? Because fuck tentacles.
Meh, the ones with Saitama were better.
How comfy
>mfw hurricane doujins get update more often than both manga versions
Oh God yes
> Could have been Lily riding
> nah, it's eyelashes again
Damn, this author really couldn't care less about her. Don't think he ever drew her on a cover or at all either.
> underage duo raping Fubuki
Too much wasted potential.
...they're beating a dead horse
just make something new please
>implying thats a bad thing
Oh shit i found my new wallpaper for my phone
Name one good tentacle doujin, you can't
I don't count the second one as tentacles, and its definitely the best one there
>more rape
I just want loving, consensual sex between 2+ characters in a scenario that makes sense within the established setting's universe, is that too much to ask?
Tentacle hentai is the most boring shit ever. wasted potential
Still a bit soon to think that won't be the case.
Maybe CE got drunk or something. or Fubuki tries to tease him but it doesn't go as expected.
As long as his robot tentacle doesn't works on Tatsumaki because porn it should be fine.
Anyone have screenshots of Murata's night stream
and so am i
>mfw Child Emperor
Should've gone with Watchdogman on this one.
>Should've gone with Watchdogman on this one
For what reason, at least CE and Fubuki have interacted before
>Name one good tentacle doujin
Into the trash.
Crack pairings are more interesting
Butterfly DX and Tank Top Girl when?
> Crack pairings are more interesting
You're stupid and both your ideas are stupid.
>Butterfly DX
Keep that unholy creature away from everything, especially hentai
>That Fubuki
How big do you think Child Emperor's dick is
Bear x2.
yea it makes me so fucking mad look at fairy tail even natsu got raped in one
>even natsu got raped in one
>There are barely any Fairy Tail doujins
>And some of them are yaoi rape.
Really rustles my slimjims, lads.
I'd let her Blizzard of Hell me, if you know what I mean.
At least he has good taste and knows who best girl is
Highschool Fubuki and Psykos for OH5?
I want Lily in OH5
> Lily somehow traveling at the time where Fubuki was in highschool
> threesome yuri
> then Tats joins too
When is Garou Vs. Watchdogman coming out?
It won't. The next chapter will focus on the other MA monster attacks and Flashy Flash.
>Scene switch
I knew this shit was gonna happen
Hot.. damn...
SO what weird fetish do you think is going to be portrayed in this one
How much time until release ?