Is the African American community beyond saving?

Is the African American community beyond saving?

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>African American
top kek


Why would we save them? They are low-IQ neanderthals that tax our infrastructure and social systems beyond the point of repair. They are a nuisance wherever they settle. They don't have a sense of community.

Dr William L. Pierce - The Lesson of Haiti

you know what to do

What's wrong with that pic?


sound great if I'm honest

they were never worth saving.

what, you dont have an evening to take off of saving western civilizations by complaining to like-minded individuals on an image forum to enjoy what God gave us to enjoy on this earth?

i have had the feeling that the dad in the picture has when American tourists come to Denmark

no shit had a tourist once ask me where the "Viking reservation" was ... so she could go see them ...

Actually africans are far from being neanderthals. They are pure homosapiens.

Coming from South Africa - where whites are the minority. Black people have engaged in 'civilised dialogue' where they want to get rid of 'colonilisation' and embrace the power of voodoo doctors. I think the African community in its whole is flawed and most leftist European whites believe its our duty to enrich them and enlighten them. Problem lies with the question - do you validate them as having enough inherit potential?

Lie. That’s a lie. You made that up and you know it.

Brown people cant plan ahead and live for the moment.

Yes they are beyond saving.

>No culture of their own other than pop culture
>No language of their own other than shittier english
>No religious or traditional ties to their ancestors
I'm glad I'm not a nigger.

They need another Garvey

I'd only go to Europe for drugs.
Speaking of which, my dear Spain. Thanks for Scientific-Innovation!

As long as race relation issues continue to be memed into reality, yes.

They were born that way.


You realize that happened because a dindu tried to rape a white girl, right?

When the first post is the best post

And yet, this would be a perfectly acceptable sort of question when vacationing in Australia.

Maybe it is YOU who are uncivilized.

those where good times

If they want it bad enough, yes.
If not, it's nobody else's fault at this point.

If they save themselves.

Why would you want to save it?

Why don't you just say they should be genocide'd and get it over with already.

Yes, you can save the African American community. But you have to disperse the them into white communities. This will in turn Europeanize them. They will talk white, act white, and if they're truly blessed... think white.

There's literally nothing neanderthal about blacks.

What is banter?

They are beyond saving thru any conventional means. Only thing that would work is shipping them back to Africa and then subjugate them for their own good.

>Is the African American community beyond saving?
No. All they need are to be afforded their evolutionarily given rights...

Under the current socially acceptable tools of control, no.

>Viking reservation
American "education".

I like how someone drew this with children's markers. Probably some autistic black kid

>No culture of their own other than pop culture
>implying pop culture isn't a Jewish farce

they should be tho

like what?

Nah, they are doomed to be the lowest class of human, I think it's unfortunate but IQ is genetic. They could mix with ashkenazi jews and they would land near white IQ. The thing that would come out of it would be close to 100. Otherwise they will be always the niggers of the society.

Oh and I'm using IQ as the measure because it's the only accurate predictor of success. We could modify the meaning of success in our tradition but it will be a short-lived changed as power aligns with success and niggers don't have any power and never will so if we ever change the meaning of success so that it's achievable to niggers (having a job and a family) they will still know they have the worse type of success because whites will have power over them.

They aren’t WORTH saving

they need to check their privilege.