Who is best girl?

Who is best girl?
popuko or pipimi ????



This one




dumb moco posters

The original version is funnier.

It's perfect

Pipimi is the answer

Chicken or mixed vegetables?

I like Pipimi, she is less violent.


Pipimi is the best, and still growing!

Post your best poptepipic.

You're under arrest, sicko.

Both best grrill

If you don't quit being such a spicy girl OP you might regret your meme ways.

I only got old stuff that everyone already saw.



My sides have left orbit and I don't even know why.


Because it's funny.





Chen is qt





My favorite.




I just noticed Popuko's video is almost 2 hours long.


too perfect







And the very first one (or so i heard).

That's so fucking cute hnng.
>tfw no Ran mom to pamper me












What the heck?! Those potato snacks got RAPED?!

Too much cancer for Youtube.

how is that possible?