Was I the only one who watched this?

Was I the only one who watched this?

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No you're not.

I wish you were, it was shit.

Piledriver'd through the moon, nigga.

It was good. Good story.

I liked it

Dark spirit warrior arc > *

No as I watched every Digimon series that has and will come out.



>Time Hunters

I'm so sorry.

What do you think of Appmon so far?

I'm sad I wasted so much time with this

I'm still stuck in Adventure season 1 ;_;

Tamers is the only season that's worth watching. Maybe the first season too but just for nostalgia's sake.

Frontier was good.

I'm thinking of rewatching this

Hardly. The fights were pretty good.

I have seen 2 episodes so far and it's pretty fun.

>2 that high
>7 that high

I liked it

2 is good thanks to 1 characters
7 (tri) just got better thanks to the last movie

Adventure = great, 02 not so great, Tri is mediocre with some nice points

Tamers = the best

Frontier = almost killed Digimon

Savers = haven't watched

Xros Wars = good, Time Hunters almost killed Digimon again

AppMon = fun

skip 9 episodes in a row once you see the guy on the left.

>02 better than tamers
Tamers has multiple characters with ken's quality.

I never liked tamers much even if its "objectively" good, so its third place to me, because everything below I find honestly quite bad.

and you don't find 02 bad?

Already told you the returning characters made it for me. I also enjoyed that villain, he just wanted to have a cute digimon friend.

Frontier? Oh you mean, 11/10 first episode, 8/10 first arc, 0/10 ending?

Yeah dude, seen that shit. Best first episode of the franchise.

i'd say 02 ruined quite a few returning characters but suit yourself.

Never cared about that romance triangle at all.
Only about Mimi, Koushiro, Hikari and Joe.

the ending to frontier was good, don't blame it for the road it took.

Also not the best first episode.

Well mimi and hikari suffered a bit but joe and koushiro were in top form. The problem with both wasn't the romance triangle but how the the characters developed.

liked frontier up to cherubimon's death, then the royal knights came and then everyone jobbed all the way to the end
last element is awesome tho

The best.

Tamers is overrated as fuck

Tamers > Xros Wars (manga) > V-Tamer > Savers = Xros Wars (1st season) > Next = Xros Wars (2nd season) = Adventure > Frontier > 02 > Xros Wars (3rd season)

that's the first time i heard the english opening, it's not as bad as digimon adventure
but i still llike the japanese more for nostalgic reasons because my country made a dub of the japanese op

Yeah I dont get it either.
Adults are shit and take too much screen time, digital world is a boring desert, culumon is annoying, final boss is the delete button gone mad, Ryo is shit, dobermon and the loli what the fuck even was that, Kenta and whathisname jobbing 24/7 even though marine angemon is shown to be immune to the dreaper
But hey muh Lain writer

If xros wars manga counts so should frontier manga.

Savers was the worst shit ever.

Since they are manhuas and D-Cyber was terrible I never bothered reading them, are they good?

Has Appmon been confirmed for 2 or 4 cour yet?

literally everything in that sentence except dobermon and the loli being a WTF moment is wrong.

frontier manhua is better than the show itself. nicer art, RK arc is two pages rather than 9 episodes, takuya and koji aren't that big spotlight stealers, the rest of the manhuas not really.

D-Cyber is okay.



Nothing is wrong, all of that happen and its really bad.
The fusions to reach mega were also shit


Do I have to repeal your arguments one picture at a time?

I loved the sentai/magical girl transformations the series had. Even though that one arc with the Knights was shit there was a lot of cool stuff going on in Frontier.