Good evening waifu thread! I hope you and your beloved had a wonderful week, and remember that they're just as proud of you as you are of them!
Mint, as ever, is super adorable, and that picture is supremely lovable!
If waifu took my favourite leather jacket, it would be way too big, but she'd look pretty punk rock in it! I wouldn't be able to resist picking her up and hugging her!
Yukari would look pretty masculine in my jeans and jacket combo, but I think she'd be able to move around freely, and it has many pockets for her gear! Meanwhile, I'd look like an idiot in her dungarees.
We'd turn the dry leaves into a fire and cook army rations over it! Then we'd make a shelter and sleep under the stars!
>compli-Mint a waifu/husbando
Crona, as always, is adorable and deserves to be happy!
Miia is super genki and loyal, with great fashion sense!
Kobori is a beautiful!
Kagura is very cutecool, and would get on pretty well with my waifu!
Erza is an amazing fighter and so cute!
Hibiki has the best taste in animals and songs!
Konata a super cute and seems super fun to be around!
Sunako is very cute, and has many pretty clothes!
Your waifu a cute! A cute!
I reckon, if Yukari got a job in any tank-related field, her enthusiasm would keep her going eternally!
If she woke up as a loli, I'd do my best to calm her down and try to find a way to restore her to the body I fell in love with! and try not to have lewd thoughts
Shuzo a super cute, and that picture is wonderful!
Waifu and I carved a single skeleton pumpkin, though I confess it wasn't very good!
Question time!
If you could see your waifu/husbando wearing the outfit of another loved one in this thread, who would it be?
Is your beloved the type to indulge in their hobby or passion all at once, binge-style, or space it out to do other things?
Which day of the week would be their favourite? What about yours?
Have a great evening, waifu thread.