Waifu Wednesday Thread

All waifus are a miracle of the universe, be sure to cherish yours always!

Let's get things rolling!

You're waifus taken your favorite piece of clothing, hows it fit? Does it look good on her, or does it not suit her at all?

You decide to do an outfit swap with you're waifu (with alterations of course to fit any size differences or small preferences like pants instead of a skirt or dress if needed,) how do you look in something that's close to what she wears? Hows she look rocking a style like yours? Do you think she'd be comfortable in it?

After a long day of yard work how do you celebrate? do you make a mess of all the leaves you've raked up jumping in them together?

Remember to compliment a waifu today! Yours are all really lovely

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh boy, is she SIesta410?

That's a long arm.

-While I'm fond of the simplistic t-shirt and jeans look, it's far too low class for someone as refined as her.
-The asymmetrical look sounds a little off putting, as does me walking around in gold and brass colors. How strange that our respective looks seem okay on us, but fall apart if switched around.
-I doubt many would be able to resist a pile of leaves. It's almost as effective as the old 'shave and a hair cut' thing.

...and I misread that last one as 'hard' work. On that note, how well does your special one handle their line of work if any? How much would they be able to handle before feeling it's effects?

You wake up one morning and your waifu has become a loli. What do you do?
Alternatively, you wake up as a shota; what does your waifu do?

Mint is cute!
>favorite clothing
Shuzo would look cute in my jacket even though it would be really big on him.
>outfit swap
It's hard to imagine wearing his prince clothes. I'd probably look strange in them, considering my build and facial hair. He'd look a lot more normal than he usually does in my plain clothes, but still just as beautiful.
>yard work
He'd probably just watch me work and cheer me on every now and then. We'd share hot chocolate after.

A little late, but did you and your waifu carve a pumpkin this Halloween? How did it look?

Good evening waifu thread! I hope you and your beloved had a wonderful week, and remember that they're just as proud of you as you are of them!

Mint, as ever, is super adorable, and that picture is supremely lovable!

If waifu took my favourite leather jacket, it would be way too big, but she'd look pretty punk rock in it! I wouldn't be able to resist picking her up and hugging her!

Yukari would look pretty masculine in my jeans and jacket combo, but I think she'd be able to move around freely, and it has many pockets for her gear! Meanwhile, I'd look like an idiot in her dungarees.

We'd turn the dry leaves into a fire and cook army rations over it! Then we'd make a shelter and sleep under the stars!

>compli-Mint a waifu/husbando
Crona, as always, is adorable and deserves to be happy!
Miia is super genki and loyal, with great fashion sense!
Kobori is a beautiful!
Kagura is very cutecool, and would get on pretty well with my waifu!
Erza is an amazing fighter and so cute!
Hibiki has the best taste in animals and songs!
Konata a super cute and seems super fun to be around!
Sunako is very cute, and has many pretty clothes!

Your waifu a cute! A cute!

I reckon, if Yukari got a job in any tank-related field, her enthusiasm would keep her going eternally!

If she woke up as a loli, I'd do my best to calm her down and try to find a way to restore her to the body I fell in love with! and try not to have lewd thoughts

Shuzo a super cute, and that picture is wonderful!

Waifu and I carved a single skeleton pumpkin, though I confess it wasn't very good!

Question time!

If you could see your waifu/husbando wearing the outfit of another loved one in this thread, who would it be?

Is your beloved the type to indulge in their hobby or passion all at once, binge-style, or space it out to do other things?

Which day of the week would be their favourite? What about yours?

Have a great evening, waifu thread.

When you die, you reincarnate in a world, significantly different to this one in appearance but mostly the same - you live a more succesful life, but this time with your waifu

This cycle continues and continued to infinity from both sides of the timeline. Succesful couples you see on the streets etc. are people already reincarnated, that met with their destined loved one.

Haremfags live an eternity of pain

>they're just as proud of you as you are of them!

>After a long day of yard work how do you celebrate?
Relaxing on the sofa.

Ohayou friend~

>You wake up one morning and your waifu has become a loli. What do you do?
Hug her.

>Alternatively, you wake up as a shota; what does your waifu do?
Hug me.

Why can't I weak up as a loli?

Your waifu is the fluffiest!
>If you could see your waifu/husbando wearing the outfit of another loved one in this thread, who would it be?
Maybe Mizores school uniform with a bit longer skirt.

>Which day of the week would be their favourite? What about yours?
Saturday is objectively the best day of the week.

Good night thread~

Remember: if your waifu is a witch, or has other magical powers, there's a slight chance that she opens a portal to a different dimension - and that dimension is your room!

Headpats for her. Cuddles for me.

I haven't had to carve a pumpkin in years. I kind of miss it, actually.

-The idea of seeing Luka as a Galaxy Angel does seem intriguing.
-Depends on the hobby in question. She'd definitely binge on tuna, though.
-Hers would probably be Sundays; the day we share musical tastes together. Mine would be Fridays.

Ohayou friend.

When you say that, specifically witch, I feel like you're talking to me.

The world of Higurashi/Umineko exists in a strange state of meta-fiction. Where there are layers and layers of worlds. The world above you is the reader's world, where readers and writers decide your "fate". And the world below you is the fictonal world where you decide your own character's "fate" by writing and reading their stories.

And they all mesh together. The voyager witch is like someone who goes from book to book and reads their stories.
My waifu Rika's existence was that of a character. But a part of her, that named herself the witch Bernkastel moved upwards into an upper meta plane.

Sometimes I feel like I could find Bern one day and she'll take me to Rika. I know I'm stupid, it's just a fantasy I have.

I have sinned.
I fapped to the thought of my waifu and two other girls who are other anons' waifu

She already made me fall in love with her, I'd say she's plenty magical.

>You're waifus taken your favorite piece of clothing, hows it fit?
Her wearing a hoodie really doesn't seem too far removed from what she normally wears, so I don't think there'd be any problems there.

>outfit swap
I don't think I'd look too flattering in a skirt, but replace them with something like shorts and that would be fine. I just wear hoodies and jeans all year around, not much of a style, but it's comfortable. I just don't think she's ever worn, like, actual pants before.

>yard work
Definitely by jumping in the leaves.

She's not much of a worker, but would at least do smaller, menial tasks for a while before tiring of it all.

No, sorry. I haven't done it in a very long time now.

>If you could see your waifu/husbando wearing the outfit of another loved one in this thread, who would it be?
Probably no one here yet.

>Is your beloved the type to indulge in their hobby or passion all at once, binge-style, or space it out to do other things?
She'd probably binge it.

>Which day of the week would be their favourite? What about yours?
For her, a day like Sunday. I don't really have a favourite day of the week, just good days and bad days.

Weekly reminder that you're waifu a cute and so are you.

I am currently away in the field of battle but I just wish to say I love Mai Miracle of the Supreme Ultimate.

Mai Goddess, my blade swings for thee

>You decide to do an outfit swap with you're waifu
I'm not a vest guy myself, but she would at least look and feel fine in business casual.
>You wake up one morning and your waifu has become a loli. What do you do?
Cuddle her.

Actually kill yourself. Your "waifu" is just a meme to you and it is beyond me how anyone still respects you.

>says that to Jebus and not the cuck posting right below him
Get your priorities straight.

We'll only forgive you if you tell us who

Good point. I just didn't give enough of a shit about him at the moment and have him filtered anyways.

>You're waifus taken your favorite piece of clothing, hows it fit?
Big, I don't have a favorite but it would not fit well. But she will look cute anyways. I would look weird with her outfit.

>After a long day of yard work how do you celebrate?
We would play with our daughterus in the yard.

>You wake up one morning and your waifu has become a loli. What do you do?
It would be quite shocking at first but she would look adorable. I would look for a way to restore her body. In the other case she would need to calm me because I don't what I would do with a children body.

Is your waifu "special" with food? Something that she can not stand for eating or similar.

Hi Mint-user, hope you're well. Mint a cute!

>You're waifus taken your favorite piece of clothing, hows it fit?
Her wearing a hoodie of mine which is too large is utterly adorable, the same as were she to wear any of my shirts too. How it turns into a dress for her and the arms being so long they're all floppy. Probably makes a good 'flail in my face' attack too~

>You decide to do an outfit swap with you're waifu
I could go into this in way too much detail, ha. Our general fashion sense isn't too different from one another, so broadly speaking it wouldn't change too much other than the gender changing stuff. But I kinda like the idea of her teasing me by dressing me up in her actual outfits too.

>After a long day of yard work how do you celebrate?
Yard work itself is kinda hard to imagine, heh. But yeah, we'd definitely start messing things up a little bit and wind up undoing half of our hard work. But it's more fun that way. At least, until we have to spend half an hour picking leaves out of each other's hair. Though I'd probably have to spend longer helping her while she watches TV, I suppose.

>how well does your special one handle their line of work if any?
She's in college; procrastination is key to getting all of the non-worky things done. Of which there are a lot of non-worky things to do, and it's less a case of 'how much she can handle' and more a case of 'how hard she'll need to work to catch up after bad time scheduling'.

>You wake up one morning and your waifu has become a loli.
Hug her, then promptly worry about her seeing the contents of my bookshelf and hard-drive.

Hey there Yukaribro! Yukari looks super cute in that picture, fluffy works so well with being wrapped up warm and comfy. Also as a thought for you, little snowflakes which landed on her hair sparkling through the fluff would be so pretty.

I wish the character limit wasn't so small.


Shut the fuck up, cuck.

And for questions:
>If you could see your waifu/husbando wearing the outfit of another loved one in this thread, who would it be?
I always really liked the Academy City uniform from Kuroko's series. Though she'd probably copy Misaka and wear shorts underneath, purely to tease me about it.

>Is your beloved the type to indulge in their hobby or passion all at once, binge-style, or space it out to do other things?
It's pretty hard to tear yourself away from something if you're getting really into it, and she's one to 'suffer' from that. Scheduling things between other things is important sometimes, though.

>Which day of the week would be their favourite? What about yours?
Lots of anime seems to air on a Saturday, and Sunday is always a free day, so that works for both of us.

>Is your waifu "special" with food? Something that she can not stand for eating or similar.
One of her biggest dislikes is specifically Mozuku Seaweed. Can't say it's something I'd particularly want to try myself, either...

She's a yuki onna, so hot food really isn't for her.

I do not wish to say who for obvious reasons.
But they had similarly bright hair colors and were pretty busty.

Threadly reminder that in a different universe, every wednesday waifus gather at an imageboard to talk about their anons.

She truly has shit taste and i feel sorry for her.

My wife is the most precious ball of sunshine on Earth and I wish to hold and snuggle her close and let her know everything will be fine with just that one physical action.

Good evening again, anons! hope you've had a wonderful day! All of you're waifus are cute

She'd take one of my plain hoodies. Hoodies are universal, and look good on anyone if you ask me.

>outfit swap?
White button shirt with brown shorts? I could make that work. She'd just be chilling out in sweatpants and a regular t-shirt. I tend to chill out all the time, so it's nothing fancy. She'd definitely be comfortable in it

>long day of yard work?
That pile of leaves isn't going to jump into itself, you know

>waifu becomes loli?
I love her in any form she could assume. I'd give her a hug and let her know this

Her line of work at the candy shop is rather low intensity most of the time, so It'd probably be a little while before any effects were felt. maybe around the holidays?

>Pumpkin carving?
We didn't get around to it this year. Though they're just usually generic jack o lanterns

>new outfit of another beloved
Konata looks like she has some comfy outfits. That'd be nice to see

>binge or space passion?
Probably all at once, but has plenty of passion to back it up

>day of the week?
Thursday. It's a day off for me, so we can cuddle and do whatever we want to do all day

When you're waifu listens to music, does she get up and do some dancing, or does she maybe just hum along and/or tap to the beat?

Is she scared of Thunder? If so, how do you help her during a storm?

Would you ever take you're waifu bird watching? Or would she not appreciate the serenity of just watching birds?

>You're waifus taken your favorite piece of clothing, hows it fit? Does it look good on her, or does it not suit her at all?
Miia in CIA's outfit would be pretty funny, of course the pants and the shoes wouldn't work, but if she gets a similar colored skirt to go with the shirt and jacket it would be nice.
>You decide to do an outfit swap with you're waifu, how do you look in something that's close to what she wears? Hows she look rocking a style like yours? Do you think she'd be comfortable in it?
Obviously her outfit wouldn't work on me, I mostly just wear jeans/shorts and a t-shirt, she would still look great and be comfortable, it just wouldn't be anything special.
>After a long day of yard work how do you celebrate? do you make a mess of all the leaves you've raked up jumping in them together?
We would probably get some nice hot chocolate and cuddle on the couch.

She tried hard to get a job, but it hasn't been mentioned since, but I assume she is doing great.

I would still love her, even if it would be a little strange, I would just hope that it would eventually go back to normal.

No pumpkin carving this year.

>If you could see your waifu/husbando wearing the outfit of another loved one in this thread, who would it be?
Probably either Mint or Luka both of their outfits look great!
>Is your beloved the type to indulge in their hobby or passion all at once, binge-style, or space it out to do other things?
She would probably binge.
>Which day of the week would be their favourite? What about yours?
Either Friday or Saturday for both of us simply because of how relaxing those days can be.

He cooking certainly is something "special", other than that she loves eggs and I hope to spend every morning eating an egg breakfast with her.

What would you drink with you waifu while relaxing by a fire?
What is your favorite physical trait of your waifu?
What about non-physical trait?

>You're waifus taken your favorite piece of clothing, hows it fit?
I'm most certain that she'd look fantastic in my favorite waterproof boots. Not because they're especially fancy, I just have a major weakness for girls wearing practical boots of almost any kind.
>How do you look in something that's close to what she wears? Hows she look rocking a style like yours? Do you think she'd be comfortable in it?
I'd feel pretty silly in a sailor uniform, but a male variant of her senshadou uniform would look good on anyone. I tend to dress in a very boring and utilitarian manner, but Momo can make make anything look extremely fashionable! I think simple clothes can be great at emphasizing someone's beauty. Sadly not too much is known about her clothing preferences, but I think she prefers slightly more extravagant clothes.
>After a long day of yard work how do you celebrate?
Since it's pretty cold here already, we'd enjoy a hot cup of tea or cocoa at the heater or chimney followed by cuddling under the kotatsu.
She's a hard worker, but she does have her limits, which she hits from time to time due to being the vice commandant of a senshadou team and a member of a student council in charge of 5000 students. She tries her best to maintain her workaholic image, but her complains can be very vocal when it comes to paperwork.
After basking in the bottomless cuteness of hers I'd take her to a doctor since Momo would most likely detest her state.
>If you could see your waifu/husbando wearing the outfit of another loved one in this thread, who would it be?
All waifus here have a based taste in fashion, but I if I have to choose one I'd love to see her donning Luka's clothes (and not just because of the delicious boots).

My hoodie would be adorably big on her and it would look adorable with the hood drooping over her face
I would probably look kinda awesome in gothloli coords. As for her it would be difficult to find anything she didn't look great in. She'd be comfortable for sure
>yard work
Plop down on the couch and play vidya

>line of work
Depends on how busy it is at the bookstore. She would probably be drained pretty quick if she had to work more than a few hours on a busy day

>become a loli
It's hard enough to stop cuddling her already
>a shota
I don't think she could stop laughing and she would thoroughly enjoy treating me like a child

It's too hard to choose from all these lovely outfits, can I pick all of them?
If not for other obligations she would binge her various hobbies non-stop
>day of the week
Saturday for maximum free time. Me also

>scared of Thunder
No way
>bird watching
She might be up for trying it but I think she'd find it quite boring

Do either of you get shy or flustered or are you just comfortable with each other? Is this something that changed with time?

Luka is lovely!
Shuzo loves his work and is always very passionate about it.
Yukari is incredibly adorable!
>other waifu outfit
Either Luka's or Mami's
Mami is pretty!
>special food
Not that I know of, but he probably doesn't like things that are bitter or very bland.
That's a beautiful picture!
I think he would find it relaxing.
>Miia is a wonderful young lady!
>favorite physical trait
Hard to pick just one. His hair, thighs, and cute fang.
>favorite non-physical trait
Can't pick just one here either. His passion, ego, and occasionally seen nurturing side.

I love Shuzo so much. Have a great week with your waifus everyone!

>You're waifus taken your favorite piece of clothing, hows it fit? Does it look good on her, or does it not suit her at all?
My hoodie? She would look like pic related.
>After a long day of yard work how do you celebrate? do you make a mess of all the leaves you've raked up jumping in them together?
I don't think we would do something this irresponsible. We would probably sit down on a bench and look at the work we have done.

I would be very worried because it would be super problematic if it's pernamemt.
She would probably feel in similar way.

>If you could see your waifu/husbando wearing the outfit of another loved one in this thread, who would it be?
Mint's I think. It looks cute.
>Is your beloved the type to indulge in their hobby or passion all at once, binge-style, or space it out to do other things?
I think she would indulge in her hobby.
>Which day of the week would be their favourite? What about yours?
Saturday, for both of us I think.

I trust you user.

>When you're waifu listens to music, does she get up and do some dancing, or does she maybe just hum along and/or tap to the beat?
She would probably hum along.
>Is she scared of Thunder? If so, how do you help her during a storm?
I don't think so. But I love to fantasize about it and about comforting and embracing her.
>Would you ever take you're waifu bird watching? Or would she not appreciate the serenity of just watching birds?
I think she would appreciate it and want to spend time relaxing like this.

>What would you drink with you waifu while relaxing by a fire?
Hot chocolate.
>What is your favorite physical trait of your waifu?
Petite body.
>What about non-physical trait?

We both still get overwhelmed with the feelings, even after years being together. But we surely feel more comfortable together than on the beginning.

She doesn't seem all that fond of messy foods. And also, in a hilarious case of irony, she also hates leeks.

-She does a bit of both, though something particularly lively will make her more opt for the former.
-Not so much the thunder as she is of being startled in general. She tries to put up a tough act, but I usually find myself as a human shield if something tries to bounce out at her.
-She's more of a fish person, but she'd still enjoy the sight of animals in nature.

-Tea or cocoa immediately come to mind.
-Her voice
-Her kind nature.

We're both introverts to some degree. That said, she's far more open about things than myself. I imagine it would probably take a little coaxing from her to get me to open up about things.

My clothes are really plain but she would still look cute regardless.

I would look like I am some military nut if I wore hers. She would be definitely comfy in hers, I wear comfy clothes.

A nice warm beer for the both of us as we gaze at our very clean yard.

She could handle it perfectly, after all years of experience in the battlefield with enemies, she's still all healthy and well.

I care for her and treat her like a daughteru for a day. And give her plenty of hugs.

On the other hand if I was a shota, she's going to hug me so hard to the point I can't breathe.

Nope, to be honest, no one here celebrates Halloween as much.

Not really, she's really open minded with food and she would love to try anything that looks appealing to her.

Gets up and dance, she's really active.

Not really, I am probably more scared of it than she is. She would help calm me in a thunderstorm instead.

Definitely, if she wants it. Birds are cute for her, so she might enjoy the scenery.

Her twintails.
Her intense positivity.

We would get shy at first then we'll get really comfortable together over time.

What would you do if you find that your waifu is a communist? In the other case what would she do?


Is it just me or does it seem like each week, there are less and less waifufags in these threads?

I want you all to know that you're waifus are beautiful and lucky to have such loving husbandos!

You're waifu a pretty

>When you're waifu listens to music, does she get up and do some dancing, or does she maybe just hum along and/or tap to the beat?
She's more likely to just hum or tap along.

>Is she scared of Thunder?
That wouldn't be much for her to be scared of.

>Would you ever take you're waifu bird watching?
She finds people more interesting to watch than birds.

>What would you drink with you waifu while relaxing by a fire?
I don't know if being by a fire is a good idea.

>What is your favorite physical trait of your waifu?
Her eyes.

>What about non-physical trait?
Her passion.

She can be quite romantic, but I'm overall very romantically shy. Even after 8 years I still get bashful, but I see this as a good thing as that I still have strong feelings for her.

The threads have been getting slower and slower over the years, I feel.

Thanks Mintbro! Hope you're doing well!

>favorite piece of clothing

My tank top that says "Hataraitara Make" would probably just barely fit her, but one of the shoulders would just keep slipping down which would only add to the cute factor!
>outfit swap
She could definitely pull off wearing my look, at least to me I think she could, but I would probably look silly wearing what she normally wears haha!
>yard work
I wouldn't get mad if she did it, but I fucking hate raking leaves so i'd rather not.
>compliment a waifu
Yukari's laughter could cure cancer!
Luka has really pretty hair!
Momo's smile shines brighter than Mrk 231!
Kuroneko is too cute for this world!
Konata's personality is super fun!
Rika is a true hero and deserves happiness!

Hibiki handles being an idol gracefully!

Have fun with it until it wears off, same for me!

Didn't carve a pumpkin, but maybe next year!

I'd love to see Hibiki wearing Luka's signature outfit!
She'd have fun with it and then move on to something else after a while.
Wednesday for me, most likely Friday for her!

You mean picky? not really.

It can surprise her if it is loud, but she isn't spooked by it.

Hibiki would LOVE to go bird watching!

>What would you drink with you waifu while relaxing by a fire?
Scotch Whiskey
>What is your favorite physical trait of your waifu?
If her face isn't an acceptable answer, her signature hairstyle I guess.
>What about non-physical trait?
Her cocky-yet-friendly demeanor

We would still get flustered and shy when it comes to public displays, but comfortable in private.

Everybody has their own circumstances going on in their life. Regardless if they are posting here or not, I hope they are doing well.

Off to work, later cuties!


Same to you!

>Would you ever take you're waifu bird watching? Or would she not appreciate the serenity of just watching birds?

I think she would appreciate the more calm and serene activities. She's really not one to be in huge places or events.

>What is your favorite physical trait of your waifu?

Her ears. They're so fluffy, soft, and cute!

>What about non-physical trait?

Her resilience and dedication to those who are close to her.

>Do either of you get shy or flustered or are you just comfortable with each other? Is this something that changed with time?

I think it would have been the same for both of us. I was definitely more of a shy one, but I think I've matured to the point where I've become completely comfortable. It took a long time, but I'm happy that I was able to arrive to it. I think she would gradually become more and more comfortable as time went on as well.

Hope everyone has a great week and weekend. Your loved ones are special. Be sure to treasure them always!

It's the changing of the times. Old faces are moving on, and things are getting pressed back further and further.

I remember the threads used to start considerably earlier as well, sometimes around midnight. The last time someone attempted an earlier thread, it got shredded to pieces for being made earlier than the norm.

We're pretty comfortable with each other, but we're both pretty awkward in general, so while we are comfortable, we end up walking and talking ourselves into corners a lot. I don't think there's any changing that about us, no matter how much time passes, and I wouldn't have it any other way

While posts are temporary, waifus are eternal. You'll see all sorts of threads about waifus and people who insist they have a waifu, but don't ever post here. it's rather strange to me. It's pretty chill here, so I don't mind

I remember that thread. It was only a little earlier, I feel people overreacted.

Early threads a best.
Tired of Thursday Waifu Threads desu.

>it's rather strange to me.
Why? Some just get tired of these threads and take a long break from them.

A leather jacket would definitely look odd on her but it'd be extremely cute.

I don't think casual clothes are as good as her usual dress and I would look horrible in it so all around I'd call it a failure.

Simply relaxing with something cold to drink is the best way to celebrate a job well done. As for jumping in the leaves, I wonder what that would look or feel like with meat vision.

She doesn't have a line of work but she'd make an excellent doctor.

I'd love her no matter what her form looked like to me. My waking up as a child would be much more inconvenient.

>Other Outfit
I want to see her in Shuzo's outfit just because it'd be the most interesting/amusing.

She'd go all in without reservations.

All days are pretty much the same to her. As for me, I enjoy Saturdays the most.

"special" is one way to put it.

She'd be the kind to just hum along.

I don't think she'd be scared of thunder.

>Bird Watching
This sounds like fun and she'd enjoy learning and watching all kinds of different birds.

I'm simple and would just like some vodka or water around a fire.

>Physical Trait
If I had to pick one, I love the green hue of her eyes.

How deep her feelings are. I feel like she has more genuine emotions than some people I know.

We (especially me) would be shy at first but it wouldn't take us long to be comfortable around each other.

Would you take you're waifu on a camping trip? Would she enjoy it? Does she need a big tent and lots of stuff or is she content with a bedroll and the stars?


Thank you so much for your kind words!

-My favorite hoodie would be much too big for her. But that would be damn cute. Going a step further and having her wear my shirt would be too much for me to take~
-You've got it easy Mintfag, that uniform looks pretty snazzy (for space fantasy)
What are my options here? A summer dress? An elementary school uniform? Haha might as well wear the miko outfit if I'm forced to cross dress.
-To have fun and jump in the leaves together, that sounds really nice.
This outfit loli-sized
>physical trait
Her face I suppose. Her expressions, mad or happy or sad or whatever. It all makes me feel love inside. Especially her smile, and the way she blushes, and her cute forehead when you brush away the bangs. Also I really like her butt, but that's a different kind of favorite maybe.
Strength of her heart. It's my inspiration, the fire that lights my life. She's wise and kind, and very funny. But that wouldn't mean anything if she didn't have heart, that's what sets me over the edge. The mountain of will, enough to challenge fate.
I don't think I get too flustered, but it actually happens to me all the time. When I see a new drawing of her. Or when a new fantasy pops into my mind.
I was especially flustered when I heard those yomecolle audio files for the first time, still very thankful for that if you're out there user.
I like to think I'd be able to get Rika flustered, love seeing her embarrassed. It sometimes happens, but hings rarely catch her off guard.
Thank you for the sentiment buddy, means a lot. Remember that "happiness" isn't something someone deserves but something they take!
>Everyone has a right to pursue a happy life. The difficult part is to be given that right.
>Everyone has a right to pursue a happy life. The difficult part is to fulfill that right.
>I too have a right to pursue a happy life. The difficult part is to work out a compromise for that right.

She works hard on the daily hunting.

>If you could see your waifu/husbando wearing the outfit of another loved one in this thread, who would it be?
I love seeing her in different outfits, but it's hard to choose one. I think that Miku's would look good even if blue isn't her color.

>Is your beloved the type to indulge in their hobby or passion all at once, binge-style, or space it out to do other things?
The first one suits her more.

>Which day of the week would be their favourite? What about yours?
It doesn't seem that it affects her, I suppose that Friday or Saturday for hanging out with her friends. The same for me for being with her.

I hope that, I really hope that...

>When you're waifu listens to music, does she get up and do some dancing, or does she maybe just hum along and/or tap to the beat?
She would hum.

>Is she scared of Thunder? If so, how do you help her during a storm?
She wouldn't, someone needs to lead by example to our little girls.

>Would you ever take you're waifu bird watching? Or would she not appreciate the serenity of just watching birds?
I would like to be in a relaxed place with her, that sounds good.

>What would you drink with you waifu while relaxing by a fire?
Hot tea made by her.

I like that kind of questions but they are the most difficult for me, just choosing one is hard. I think that her hair is the first thing that draw my attention, it seemed a bit curious but elegant. I like her kindness and will to help and protect others.

Well I do get a bit nervious when thinking about her with other people around, especially if it's crowded. She also would be shy with me. But I have been feeling more comfortable with time.

Thanks! I also hope you have a good time with your cutie.

I would do it in a special day, it would be fun.

Does she enjoy festivals? Would you like to be with her in one?

Have a great week, waifufriends!

I'm gonna become much much more happy from now on.

I'm not gonna compromise with just this.
We are gonna take back all of our happiness that we lost.

For me, that's about a hundred year's worth.
For you, a thousand year's worth.
-Frederica Bernkastel

My friend drew her for me in 15 minutes on a whim. What do yall think?

Post your waifu and what you're listening to!



Good night, everyone.

>you're waifu says she wants to try out a threesome

what do?

It would be a shirt that's too big, but it'd be cute, maybe

She seems to handle it pretty well.

Panic for a while. Then try to find a way to fix it.

I guess she has went to different dimensions, so it's not impossible.

Around this time? Hot chocolate, and some Julmust.

She'd probably, at first, but I'd be a bit shy all the time.

Could be fun, a big tent might be nice though.

>When you're waifu listens to music, does she get up and do some dancing, or does she maybe just hum along and/or tap to the beat?
She would be one to just hum along.
>Is she scared of Thunder?
Not that I know of, but if she is then I would be sure to always stay by her side to protect and comfort her.
>Would you ever take you're waifu bird watching? Or would she not appreciate the serenity of just watching birds?
She would probably try it, but we probably wouldn't stay for a very long time.

We both would be comfortable around each other, although I am more of an introvert around new people so it might take a bit of getting used to at first.

Thanks! You have a great week as well!

I think it could be fun, we would definitely need a large tent. As for the trip I'm not sure whether it would just be the two of us or if we get some friends and go as a large group, either one would be exciting though.

She would enjoy them, and I would love to be with her in one.


Good night everyone! It's been a crazy but entertaining week. Hope you all have sweet dreams about your beloved!

>After a long day of yard work how do you celebrate?
An ice-cold glass of water.

>On that note, how well does your special one handle their line of work if any?
She kicks ass and takes names.

>A little late, but did you and your waifu carve a pumpkin this Halloween? How did it look?
We carved a Taijitu into it. Looked wonderful.

>Which day of the week would be their favourite? What about yours?
Friday. Same.


>Is your waifu "special" with food? Something that she can not stand for eating or similar.
If it's delicious and healthy, she'll eat it. I'm the same.

>Would you ever take you're waifu bird watching? Or would she not appreciate the serenity of just watching birds?
Hell yes! Sounds great!

>What is your favorite physical trait of your waifu?
Her everything.
>What about non-physical trait?
Her everything.

>Do either of you get shy or flustered or are you just comfortable with each other?
I will never get used to mai waifu. She's just on a higher plane of existence.

I miss Peach and Panda.

>Would you take you're waifu on a camping trip?
If she wished.

Good night thread.

My Miku fills me with so much desu-spair.

My Miku is super big as the universe cute!

What do you think of your waifu's hair color? Do you like it as is, or would you prefer a different one?

He does excellent as a scientist. He's something of a workaholic, so he's able to handle a lot of work. I don't know if he enjoys it, but he's very determined to discover a cure.
His favorite time of the week might be Sunday since it's a day where he's able to take a break if he wanted to.
I feel that he would enjoy bird watching. It's very calming, and he would be able to appreciate the small things in life since he grew up in the countryside where he would go butterfly hunting.
A nice cup of tea, of course.

I love his eyes. They're a beautiful blue-grey. His non-physical trait that I love is his caring side.
I would definitely like to go camping with him and watch the stars at night.
I love him the way that he is.

Nice. Looks pretty nice for 15 minutes. Much better than what I can do.
Fuck yeah I love the blue. There's nothing better.
Before her I was pretty into hime-cut black hair, she converted me to anime blue. But I still like black hair. Anything that makes her look like a Japanese princess.
Being long is great too, and let out. But sometimes tied in twintails or a ponytail is nice.

Oh god yes! I would love to go camping with my Hibiki! We'll take all the pets too and we'll sleep under a big tent and go hiking and eat smores and play by the lake and maybe do some fishing, it would be paradise!

Hibiki enjoys a good festival! I'd love to have her drag me around to all the different stalls and watch her face light up as the firework show begins!

Kagura is a fun person and I would definitely love to be her friend!

Is that Lilly Satou? Where is her ponytail bow? Otherwise is pretty cute!


The only time a threesome is a good idea is when none of the 3 individuals have any sort of romance/partnership with each other to begin with. Doing so while in a committed relationship will give way to jealousy, as sooner or later it will be perceived as being 'unfair' because "why is it fair for you to fuck another girl/guy but not me?" At that point, your relationship will never fully recover and you're pretty much one really bad argument away from falling apart completely.

tl;dr: Don't fucking do it with a girl you actually care about

>What do you think of your waifu's hair color? Do you like it as is, or would you prefer a different one?
I've always, ALWAYS, loved black hair on girls. Naturally, I wouldn't want Hibiki to change her hair color because its already black.

>Is your waifu "special" with food?
She loves sea food.

>When you're waifu listens to music, does she get up and do some dancing, or does she maybe just hum along and/or tap to the beat?
Dancing is part of her job. I think when she listens to music at home, she just wants to relax.

>Is she scared of Thunder? If so, how do you help her during a storm?
She isn't a kid any more.

>Would you ever take you're waifu bird watching? Or would she not appreciate the serenity of just watching birds?
She prefers fish watching.

>What would you drink with you waifu while relaxing by a fire?

>What is your favorite physical trait of your waifu?
Other than her voice it's her hair or her eyes. Can't decide she has many good traits.

>What about non-physical trait?
She doesn't have much characterisation but some how I like it that she is so mysterious.

Ohayou Rurifriend~
>Do either of you get shy or flustered or are you just comfortable with each other? Is this something that changed with time?
It was always comfy but I feel like it's getting even more comfy over time.

>What would you do if you find that your waifu is a communist? In the other case what would she do?

What if we both are already communists?

>Is it just me or does it seem like each week, there are less and less waifufags in these threads?
Things change. I kinda prefer this smaller weekly threads over to old daily ones.

>Would you take you're waifu on a camping trip?
Why not. Not really my thing but it's some thing I want to do at last once.
>Would she enjoy it?
I hope so.
>Does she need a big tent and lots of stuff or is she content with a bedroll and the stars?
A tent would be nice. Without a tent you have mosquito problems.

You also have a great week together with the greatest of all Kaguras.

>Post your waifu and what you're listening to!

>What do you think of your waifu's hair color? Do you like it as is, or would you prefer a different one?
Pink is perfect, I love pink.
If I had to choose another colour I would choose black.
Would make her look a bit like Sakaki or Mio.

Post cosplay/crossover!

Thanks Mintbro, you too!

I don't really have a favourite piece of clothing, but I do have a lot of hoodies, and I think she would look great wearing them, especially with a cap and ponytail.

Wearing an armour would be a new experience for me. She wouldn't be uncomfortable in my clothes but I think she'd prefer her own clothes. She has a better sense of style than me anyway.

Snuggling with waifu

She's very good at completing her missions, and the fact that she's been given an S rank means that she's qualified to take on the toughest missions of the guild. Obviously, she can only do so much though before she gets fatigued, it's not uncommon for her to take a break inbetween missions.

Give her lots of headpats and make her blush.
If I became a shota, she would probably feel like she would need to protect me.

No pumpkins this year

Thanks Yukarifriend, Yukari is a super cute and fluffy.

I think she'd look great wearing any of the outfits from any loved ones in this thread.

She only indulges in her hobby during private times.

I guess Friday as it's the start of the weekend, so we get to spend more time with each other.

That would be a real surprise but a good one.

She's more of a hummer.

She won't be scared of thunder.

Of course! I think she would love to see more of nature.

We'd both drink some hot chocolate.

Her beautiful red hair.

I love her airheadedness sometimes. It makes me smile.

We were both shy at first, she in particular would get flustered at anything intimate, but eventually we both came to be more comfortable around each other.

You too

I love it

Aye sir

I would to see her with an oversized shirt.
Other than her skirt, the rest of her barrier jacket would work pretty good.
Sitting down with her for the rest of the day.

She really likes being an Enforcer, and gets leave which helps with being on the ship all the time.

I really hope so.

She doesn't really have a problem with anything.

She wouldn't really want to dance with it.
She is the thunder.

Her eyes.
Her determination.

Yes, it kind of evened out after a while.

You have a great week too.

People get tired of the form filling and same questions every week. I take breaks a lot of times, and then I even then I still question why I post.

Muh cheap slavshit.

I think she would enjoy doing festival stuff, and I'd love to go to one with her.

I already have and I hope it's great for you.

I love her blonde hair and wouldn't prefer anything over it.

Tsubasa is a very cute and cool girl with a great voice, and 7-san is a great guy.


I-i think I've found my waifu. She's too adorable and my heart pounds whenever i see her. But still I'll wait and see if this is truly love. Never thought I'd be a waifufag.

Very sleepy thread.
Yes it's a good idea to wait and see. It takes both insanity and love, enough to think of your waifu as if she were "real". And the conviction that you'll be with her forever till death do you part.

It's okay to just have crushes. It's okay to never even have a waifu. But if it does happen, you'll know it when you start to feel like you're going crazy. Good luck either way.

How long do you suggest waiting?

I would have to drop another truth bomb.

Summer ended. Also many people leaved their waifu and/or the threads and there isn't enough new waifufags to make up for it.

As far as I remember early threads were always less serious and attract people who doesn't have a waifu.

>Would you take you're waifu on a camping trip?
Yes, I would love to even go on a camping trip around the world with her.
>Would she enjoy it?
As long as she would be with me, she would enjoy it.
>Does she need a big tent and lots of stuff or is she content with a bedroll and the stars?
We would have to have tent because she might get scared about bugs.

I think she would enjoy them.

Same to you, Kagurabro.


I like it, but I prefer her having more blue shades of it.

3 moths after the end of the season/finishing series. If your feelings will only keep getting stronger and no other girl will catch your attention then it's a good sign.
After that you should wait until you'll be sure she is that only girl you want to spend rest of your life with and you'll never care about any other 2D or 3D more than about her. Take as much time as you need, there is no way to rush some things and it's always a life changing moment.

Just so what feels natural and decide for yourself when it feels right. This isn't something that should be influenced by anyone else

If we did go camping, we'd definitely have to bring lots of stuff. That said, I'd try to slip her out at night for some unadulterated exposure to the stars.

She's somewhat fond of them, and I wouldn't mind experiencing them myself.

Oddly enough, sums up my feelings as well.

Something a little different.

That pic is cute as heck

cute bump