This is a small boat
This is a small boat
Other urls found in this thread:
for you maybe
Can I ride that boat?
>flat pancake ass
you whiteboys never change
Never liked ugly nigger asses. Fuck off.
I want to commit a crime.
Tell me, Sup Forums. Which do you prefer?
Normal shimikaze or girl shimikaze?
That is because you are supposed to focus on hips when you are not a nigger.
He's asking which one do you prefer
Normal shimikaze or girl shimikaze
I was born in a small boat.
I was still a child when we were raided by boats. Foreign boats.
Kongo a BEST
size of the butt does not matter, only suppleness of the shape.
ASCEND! Mere mortals.
he means that shiMAkaze has a penis by default
I want to rock the small boat, if you get what I mean.
Don't lewd little boats
Ama's better desu
Nice boat
I'd never lewd the Akatsukis, but Shimakaze lewds himself.
Shimakaze is built for lewds
pls stop
This is the future you chose
>Shimakaze is built for cutes
>Shimakaze is built for sex
Sex with little boats is NOT allowed.
Not on MY watch.
What about little boats having sex with little boats?
Hibiki is pure, no lewding.
Pure sex
Superior as a boy.
What sex
Stop lewding her you bydlo.
I want to engage in sexual intercourse with Shimakaze-kun
I'd never lewd Hikibi
Ireland please go
Big boats.
Shimikaze was built to be fucked and do it fast
I want to rape Shimakaze and have her return the favor~
I'd get her drunk and take advantage of her~
Am I supposed to be irked by that?
My Yuu wasn't sent to the other thread, did you guys get her?
>thinks he can outdrink little Russian boat
Shimakaze-kun is the single reason why Kancolle is where it is today.
I've got a big boat right here
Who said I'm going to drink myself? I'm just going to get her shit faced enough to talk her into taking her clothes off.
Girl because I'm not a faggot.
Right every time, since you a boy would be willing to do anything if he's willing to dress like Shimakaze
Where exactly did the idea of Shimakaze being a trap come from? A few others get it rarely, but Shimakaze gets metric fucktons of trap art/doujins. Why?
That's illegal, I'm calling FBI
>no thong
not canon
Frustration from faggots. She is the best girl so gays try to make her the best "boy".
Shimakaze being the boy is literally the only option. Same thing with Z1 and Z3. Clearly better as boys than girls.
Faggots - out
This is a small boat torpedoing another small boat.
Call me what you will but you know I'm right
This user gets it.
Damn right. I'd post some stuff but I all got is way too much for a christian blue image board.
Z1 is cuter as a reverse trap.
Post links/artists then.
Hopefully Trump finishes what Hitler started and gases all the fags.
trick question, they both do
Reverse traps are cancer
dont have doujin links but heres a good pic
a guy in shimakaze cosplay won a marathon in japan, memes ensued
Your shit taste is cancer.
Better as a trap.
reverse traps are just for gays who dont know they're gay yet
give in
welcome the boipussy
Please die.
FACT: The only people that like reverse traps are bisexuals
FACT: These people will be much happier once they accept the power of the penis.
Thanks to Trump guys....Iowa is going to have even bigger tits.
best and the sexiest DD.
I'm aware of what I like and I like younger, less developed girls. Dicks are gross as fuck.
Verniy is Russian.
More like this.
Having your name changed and sold to a country doesn't make you russian, user.
Yarg dar she goes and there he blows
Kek, it describes perfectly all these trapfaggots and similar fetishfags.
Tell that to blacks.
They are the worst.
She indeed is.
That is literally the worst image on the internet .
>tfw Trump has now won and the reign of these spear-chucking THICCfags is over
You no longer have any power, be gone back to whatever shithole you came from.
Reminder that the idea of Warspite being crippled is nothing more than Abyssal propaganda.
Lies. Abyssals love the idea of girls sitting on chairs and similar stuff during combat.
>the reign of these spear-chucking THICCfags is over
A miracle. Thank you based god.