Who else /run out of good anime/ here?
I have watched every good anime in existence.
Who else /run out of good anime/ here?
I have watched every good anime in existence.
you haven't watched akikan though
One day you'll grow up and start watching things because they are fun, not because they are "good".
>One day you'll grow up
>Still watching anime by that point
Every single one of us here is a manchild to some degree.
Best example of a "fun" anime?
Every single person alive is a manchild to some degree. Maturity is realizing you're not alone.
This desu
...? name a "fun" thing that would be considered "bad"
When you grow up you realize growing up is a meme, people don't magically become different people when they're older. Just the same problems but amplified.
>mirai nikki
>not great
What's wrong with masturbation anyway, is it some leftover of the masochistic tendencies of the early christian church?
>smart, good anime aren't good
Spoken like a true shit-eater.
Nothing's wrong with it, per se, it's just not a good thing by any sort of measurement. It doesn't improve your life except for a few fleeting moments.
you meant to say fun and they aren't fun
Considering you use phrases like
>growing up is a meme
I don't think you have any right to call someone immature.
>smart, good anime aren't good
Not even remotely what I was saying. Way to show your intellect there, champ.
you need to be over 18 to post here
Life is only a fleeting moment.
There isn't any such thing as good. There's stuff you saw for the first time when you were 13 and then you'll never like anything else again because you used up your lifetime store of enthusiasm.
Masturbation is what drove me into the physical eromanga hobby, so that's a net positive.
Im full manchild.