So GATE really predicted it huh?

So GATE really predicted it huh?

>mfw I might get deported

I don't wanna go back

'Gate was right, yeah.

GATE's set in the mid-2000s and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are going worse than they were IRL.

You can marry some Sup Forumsnon for a green card. Yuropoor here so I can't help.

why the fuck you an illegal brah? Why not just do shit legally?

Come on Pablo, just do your papers. It's not hard.



>tfw the House and Senate are also under Republican control

I just really hope that most of the Republicans in the House and Senate aren't as stupid as Trump.

You have to go back.

Well from the Japanese perspective they simply could not believe a woman can actually get into a position of power. Plus Yanks are stereotyped as blonde men with blue eyes.

With everyone moving to canada murica is going to need all the cheap labor it can get.

Trump being president is infinitely better than an all red Congress.

Now we have both.

>Sup Forums normalfags redditors won

Yeah, if anything that's supposed to be Bush.

You have to go back, Pedro.

Japs have women and trannies in government. I don't think the idea is that weird to them.

No it isn't. Watch the first episode again.

That's why they elected a woman mayor of Tokyo

>reading is for faggots

>Japs have women and trannies in government.
> Trannies in government
what the fuck?

>Sup Forums won
Now that's surreal

come join us in Canada, we are a nation of cucks and love non whites

Break the rules and get fucked

>hillary shills
>not normalfags
Granted, they are pussy starved beta cucks, but still.