What is the best time loop story?

What is the best time loop story?

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Ultra Heaven.


>no A Distant Neighbourhood

Not really time loop but it involves time travel and it's good, Shinkai movie adaptation when?


Attack on Titan.

The Big O

Unironically Groundhog Day

>every day until you like it, but with more cancer!

I don't think that Shinkai would be a good fit. Actually, I don't know that any anime director would be a good fit. Taniguchi is very inspired by live action film, I'm not sure his style would translate too well into anime.

Both of them are pretty scenic or rely heavily on nice scenery pieces yes? That's probably why I thought Shinkai would be a good match, who knows, really. How was the live action of A Distant Neighbourhood? If I recall it was a French production.

all you need is kill is better in novel, manga, or hollywood?

>How was the live action of A Distant Neighbourhood?
I only saw the trailer, but it looked pretty bad.

>No Erased.
Shit taste detected.

Final Fantasy 1

Another One Bites the Dust

Hello moron.

Endless Eight

Muvluv, but just saying that much is already a massive spoiler that ruins it.

It really seriously is this, tho. Everyone else is just competing for second place.

Endless Three

Hello idiot.

Someone needs to add Shin Mazinger ZERO.


ironic or not?

you know it

It's legitimately good.

Phil? PHIL?!

I thought the manga was pretty forgettable. The art's nice enough.


to add onto the other responses, I read the novel and thought it was pretty forgettable. Didn't see the movie or the manga though.

Qualia is only sort of a time loop.
I'm really fond of it, though.
Can I nominate 12 Monkeys?

No and it's trash anyway.

Not the TV show, mind you.
The Terry Gilliam movie.

I was a big fan of the 1st and 7th volumes of HakoMari myself.

this big time

I like Madoka & Girl who Leapt through Time.

Re:Zero is good too even though Subaru is a fag.

Re:Zero hands down

Jesus that's some bad taste. I gave ReZero a 10/10 but even I wouldn't come close to calling it the best in this setting.

I said I liked it, not that it was the best.

You're right you're excused, but the other user ain't got no excuse.

> "I gave Re:Zero a 10/10"

Dr. Strange

Oh come on you're baiting harder than saying ReZero

There's not even a contest there.
Half the other options are legit shit, the rest are varying degrees of OK


I-is that scanlated kodoku no gurume? Since when?

That's not >le visual direction



Yuta is the only competent time travelling protagonist, instead of destroying world Rick and Morty style by hoping dimensions every time he fucks up, he saves humanity in every dimension starting with his own.

whats better
time travel story
inter dimensional travel across parallel universe story

Saike Mata Shite mo

Season 2 was godawful

except the scenes with Roger and Dorothy

Re:zero is okay but only because of the checkpoint system and watching the MC suffer

Steins gate is very overrated but about as good as Re zero which isnt saying much

TGWLTT is great

GD is top tier

Madoka is shit

Higurashi is too edgy for my taste so that brings it down from okay to near shit

Tatami galaxy isnt a time loop but hypothetical imagined scenarios from a beta

Majoras Mask is top tier because you see just how everyone reacts and suffers during the 3 day sequences

Havent watched the rest on that list.

Time travel. Interdimensional travel is just Isekai trash with a scifi twist.

>he hasnt watched groundhog day

>I gave ReZero a 10/10
What an idiot.


isn't that what GD is?

But Ever17 is not a time-loop.

>that fucking beach scene
>watching him get better and better each loop

Great movie. Im glad the ending was happy too. Fuck the edgelords.


erased has nothing to do with timeloops
time travel=/= time loop




> I basically killed myself over a haircut.
Yeah man (not).

I had forgotten this exists, after quick google search, found that that not only had I watched it, but also reviewed it. I think I'll go watch it again.

Hakomaria is objectively the best out of japan.

I labeled it as GD

Groundhog Day is not the best.

fuck off cunt

Dumb as usual.


Not Steins;Gate.

If we are counting visual novels, Sumaga needs to be added to list.

...Not that it'd have a chance of winning. But it should be acknowledged.

I like punchline


Anyone else here watched that movie called predestination

Shit was pretty nice


google, iqdb and wait give me nothing, can anyone help?

This looks cool but I can't reverse search a webm, source?


you forget this

Surely my quints deserve a source?

If we are counting visual novels, we should also add baldr sky, baldr sky zero, dies irae, senshinkan, island, fate/ha, and a lot of other stuff. Sumaga is definitely not the first on this list.

Are you really so stupid you don't know how to take a screen shot?

Also, you must be really new for not being able to recognize that series.

I mean I could take it and crop it if no one has an answer but that's a lot more work than just replying to let me know. I know the new argument is just baiting but I've seen > 100 series over the last 4 years I just haven't come across this one.

Is the one on the bottom right corner even translated?
And I'm forgetting the name to check.

It's pretty shounen but the first volume was pretty great and the one before the latest (haven't read the new chapters) was pretty good too with bringing up the fact that he can't push himself any more.

No, it's not "baiting" you retard, it's me pointing out your genuine ignorance.

Is Maria worth getting through? I read the first volume and thought it was fantastic but volume 2 just killed all my interest.

Also I think Tatami Galaxy is the best on the picture. Not for the use of time loop in particular though, just a great work of art all around.

Same, volume 1 is 10/10, volume 2 though. I still want to read more though.

Maria is trash after the first volume. Don't bother reading the rest.

Birdy Decode

Thank you

How dare you not know every anime ever made just from seeing a picture or clip? Disgusting

Qualia the Purple is translated all the way and it's the best thing in the OP image

Seventh is good and 5-6 If you like edgy suffering