Ankle Braclets

Are Hillary, Chlesea, and McCain being tracked via ankle bracelets so they can't flee? Only news article I could find was from some shit tier website, but doesn't it seem like a big coincidence that all three of them had a right foot injury requiring the same cast be placed on them? Are they hiding ankle monitors?

Other urls found in this thread:

are they all wearing it at the same time or is this like 1-3 years apart?

Haha sucks to Have retarded parents

yeah someone answer this. it'd be crazy if it was the same time. also someone make sure it isn't shopped.

That shit tier website says HIllary's ankle bracelet picture is from October 16th (her last public appearance) and the McCain one is a picture from November 6th.

That picture of Chelsea is from 2012.

Chelsea has thiccc thighs

Hillary and McCain are both current, Chelsea's photo is around 5y old.

found the chelsea one . its from 2010...

Did a quick google search for McCain pictures in the last 2 weeks, there is jack shit that show below his waist.
Was Chelsea involved in anything in 2012 that might have required her to have an ankle brace?