So Evangelion and Legend of the Galactic Heroes are arguably Sup Forums's most beloved anime of all time.
But which does Sup Forums think is better overall?
So Evangelion and Legend of the Galactic Heroes are arguably Sup Forums's most beloved anime of all time.
But which does Sup Forums think is better overall?
You're confused, there's no girls in LoGH.
>legend of the galactic plebs
What's your favorite anime then faggots?
Redline or Sword of the Stranger
LOTGH is an adaptation that no literature fan would dare to list even among their favorite trasy sci-fantasy. Therefore, any work derivated from it is bound to be irrelevant.
please, just let these threads sage and die.
LotGH is just a bunch of obvious generalizations about humanity with bland visual direction while Eva is one of the most honest and personal works of art ever created. Geez, I wonder which was better.
Don't forget the shit tier battle ""tactics"" that a middle schooler could write better
Overrated garbages.
Why would you even compare these two? They're not alike at all
You talkin' shit about semi-circles, bitch nigga?
Because overall they are the two works that receive the most overwhelming praise from Sup Forums.
This sounds really ineffective.
Nah, they might as well be sensible, I mean the author was actually a historian. But it's not logically consistant plot elements that make art resonate with you.
I think most of Sup Forums agrees Eva is a classic, but I doubt many think it's actually great. Personally I think it's decent but there are plenty of better alternatives out there.
>I think most of Sup Forums agrees Eva is a classic, but I doubt many think it's actually great.
You haven't been here long, have you? I'd say Eva is one of the favorite pieces of fiction of Sup Forums in general. Sup Forums and /lit/ love it especially.
Why not? People should be able to compare whatever the fuck they like. If they weren't different at all there would be nothing to compare.
I don't know, it depends on what you consider a long time. Somewhere around 7 years now I guess.
Sup Forums and /lit/ have absolutely horrible taste though, so if anything that speaks against it.
>Somewhere around 7 years
Oh, then you're just memeing.
>He disagrees with me so he has to be memeing!
Of course Sup Forums prefers Evangelion
>Nah, they might as well be sensible
They aren't. No matter how you try to justify it, only having two "corridors" not even large enough to do a battle without being hindered linking the two part of a galaxy is ridiculous.
This isn't a matter of opinion. If someone spent 7 years here they would know how many evafags there are on Sup Forums. This isn't a matter of personal taste.
what about dragonball? I'd wager more people like dragon ball than Eva here.
I will say that Eva is probably the most polarizing anime though with people who think its either the best thing ever or shit.
>what about dragonball? I'd wager more people like dragon ball than Eva here.
you mean Dragon Ball alone and not everything else right? even then, you're pushing it, it's not as praised as other stuff.
Nobody here likes the poster child of shonenshit
but every seems to like it to some degree. Where as everytime Eva is mentioned someone is bound to say its shit or a meme
Sure, everyone is fond of Dragon Ball, but it's a mild (but enduring) love. Eva is divisive, but those who love it REALLY love it, and they're not few. There's DB threads because of Super, but once that's done things will quiet down, Eva just goes on and on, over the same thing and over the same fights if you want, but there's passion for it.
It's grandiose martial arts faggotry, but I've been silent about it for years. I was hoping this shit would cave in on itself when Super aired but that doesn't seem to be the case. Definitely wouldn't say nobody likes it, because there are a lot of powerlevel obsessed autists on Sup Forums.
I've never seen anyone who didn't like Redline.
May as well say that Katawa Shoujo is Sup Forums's favorite game
that comparison makes no sense
LoGH easily.
Anyone who doesn't like Eva is a pleb with shit taste. Prove me wrong faggots, protip: you won't.