>Gundam is disregarded as a toy commercial
>It has a better story, more memorable characters, and more emotional moments than 99% of anime
>Meanwhile autists spend thousands of dollars on waifu toys from shitty LN adaptations
Gundam is disregarded as a toy commercial
Other urls found in this thread:
>It has a better story, more memorable characters, and more emotional moments than 99% of anime
I've tried watching five different Gundam series. For every one of them, I was never able to finish. Because there is so much filler. How can a show spend so much of its time on character dialogue and still have zero development? Its like they went out of their way to NOT have character development.
The only Gundam I was ever able to finish was the movie versions of the original. And even then, with all the filler cut, it was a chore to sit through.
New meta has determined that people would rather watch literal shit for a bunch of not-that-cute moeshit in favor of good shows with actual stories and memorable characters
You're just not used to the format. The character development is definitely there in 0079. I suppose your complaint would be valid for shows like ZZ and Wing though.
>>Gundam is disregarded as a toy commercial
Giant robots are for kids
>>It has a better story, more memorable characters, and more emotional moments than 99% of anime
Huge and incorrect opinion
>>Meanwhile autists spend thousands of dollars
>on waifu toys from shitty LN adaptations
I don't spend any money
Like clockwork, you faggots are so embarrassing.
>You're just not used to the format.
A person shouldn't have to 'get used to' a show. It should be enjoyable on its own merits. You're as bad as the KyoAni defenders who keep insisting Hyouka and K-On are good. 'You just have to get used to it!'
Original is worth watching so you have context for War in the pocket, Thunderbolt and Origin.
You lost me. Both kyoani shows and original gundam are enjoyable to a lot of people on their own merits. So much so that they get daily thread years after airing.
>you should watch a boring show to get context for three later sequels
Yeah, I'll get right on that.
Its not like you have anything to do aside from jerking off to fictional underage girls, who are you trying to convince?
For the record I've completed 00, SEED, Unicorn, Thunderbolt, and am current with IBO. I've enjoyed parts of all of them. I even defend Sunrise from haters. So I'm definitely not a true fan since I haven't watched the boring originals and the fringe shit ones but my opinion of what I've seen is "just okay".
tl;dr OP is a casual who doesn't know the joy of LNs and is a certified faggot
>No 0079 or Zeta
>Likes LNs
Like poetry, how is it being retarded?
>you're just gonna waste the time anyway so waste it on a bad show!
Or you know, I can watch the thousands of other shows on my backlog. Which plenty of them are better than Gundam.
Even the mecha fighting in Gundam is boring. Probably because you don't care at all about the characters inside the suit. The only thing that makes mecha interesting is some kind of human connection. And in Gundam, the characters are as hallow as the mecha they pilot. Not to mention the endless empty death scenes.
>Or you know, I can watch the thousands of other shows on my backlog
go do that instead of complaining and trolling then
Why don't you take your own advice instead of arguing with everyone who talks down about your precious Gundam? If you want to do that, there's a whole board devoted to mecha.
Was it Victory Gundam where they literally aired the episodes out of order against Tomino's wishes so that it'd have a gundam in the first episode to sell more toys? This entire franchise sacrifices storytelling integrity for plamo sales.
That's because some of them are literal toy commercials. Beginning G, GBF/T, AGE might as well be one with how many Mobile Suits there were and how weak everything else was.
I don't think the issue with the earlier series is that they're perceived as glorified toy commercials but that they're dated and aspects such as animation turns people off from watching them. The series are mostly lengthy too so there's the time commitment as well. Their loss.
The mecha fighting in 0079 is fun as fuck though, as is it in several other Gundam shows. The characters in 0079 are actually pretty endearing and remain exciting to watch throughout.
This is just my opinion but you're trying to claim yours is a fact.
Yeah it was Victory. I honestly think Victory would have been a really great had it not been messed around with and not padded to all hell in the second half.
>OP self-bumps
So you already confirmed to us you're a casual; now you confirmed you're a newfag. I'm out.
I think it was kind of worth it. Turn A, 08th MS and War in the Pocket were pretty good. Plus you can watch the movies instead of the series, so you waste less time. I didn't like the original either by the way. In fact I haven't really liked anything by Tomino besides Turn A. But those three were pretty good.
>This is just my opinion but you're trying to claim yours is a fact.
You started this thread claiming the story and characters in Gundam were better than 99% of all other anime. Don't try and pull the opinion card now.
>Or you know, I can watch the thousands of other shows on my backlog. Which plenty of them are better than Gundam.
Hahahahaha no they aren't, you're posting on fucking Sup Forums, a place barely above MAL. >Probably because you don't care at all about the characters inside the suit.
Even moefags are better than this with their bait.
>the characters are as hallow as the mecha they pilot
>Not to mention the endless empty death scenes.
How does it feels being ACTUALLY autistic?
That wasn't me, dumbass. OP just posted a pasta you fell for.
>you can watch the movies instead of the series
Don't do this. If you're invested in Gundam at all, watch the series and then the movies as supplementary material.
I'm not even OP you flaming embarrassing faggot, hahahaha how does it feels to actually be less than trash?
>m-muh sekrit club
Hahahahahahaha, you can (Not) make this shit up.
I tried watching Turn A (still Yoko Kanno's best OST in my opinion and I loved the design). But even that show was just tons of pointless filler episodes.
Its nice to see a Gundam show where the characters got more focus than the mecha. But still, the characters were too bland and couldn't carry my interest. And its not like I dislike dialogue focused shows. But while something like Cross Game is one of my favorites, Gundam just bores the fuck out of me.
Should I watch the OVAs or the movie?
The movie adds a few extra scenes at the end.
I can understand, I just have a different attitude. I'm more interested in the concepts, emotional resonance and visual direction than characters and tight plots.
>A person shouldn't have to 'get used to' a show.
Many good old shows are not enjoyable by modern people because the pace of TV has insanely increased. Youngsters can't stand 15 minutes of "nothing happening".
Usually it's not about you getting used to a show. It's about you trying to undo the damage of artificial ADD that the internet and modern television have given you.
I can't speak about Gundam 79 in particular.
Oh so plot and characterization are irrelevant to you but you're going to teach Sup Forums about Japanese media?
>Many good old shows are not enjoyable by modern people because the pace of TV has insanely increased. Youngsters can't stand 15 minutes of "nothing happening".
It's not about youth. It's more about the way we watch tv series. It used to be that people would wait week after week to for the next episode. The pacing didn't change recently, it was already in the 90s when people started buying vhs tapes and they could start watching the show in one go.
I mean just think about movies. You almost never really have "filler" in them because they're kind of a complete package. You want the person to finish the movie. Old films were also rather fast paced, I'd say they actually slowed down a tad. Just look at the way people talk.
I mean if it was just "kids got no concentrayshon dese days" then they wouldn't watch tv cartoon shows which almost all have episodic plots. The fact that they add more of a continuous plots to cartoons nowadays is since more and more older people watch them and have more time to follow them.
These can be a way to evoke an aesthetic, emotional or intellectual response in me, but they aren't the only ones. Art thankfully isn't that limited.
>It's not about youth.
I didn't mean to say that it is.
>It's more about the way we watch tv series.
Not really.
>You almost never really have "filler"
What you consider "filler", others consider atmosphere
>Old films were also rather fast paced,
Where did you get that idea? Movies have become faster, much faster than they used to be. Camera movement and cuts have become more aggressive too. They have to keep people entertained at all times. I'd call it the Emmerich phenomenon, but he's far from alone in driving that development.
I actually write teleplays (aspiring TV writer). So I understand about flow. In fact, flow is the number one thing I focus on. I often have to rewrite an entire act (or the entire script) to fix a flow problem in one of my pilots.
But having said that, Gundam came out in a time when people were rebelling against the slow, visual based focus of the 1970s and wanting more action/character development. As time went on in the 1980s and 90s, the majority of anime jumped on the trend. But Gundam kind of continued to stall out. It kept the flow of a 1970s drama series. In one way, you can commend the show for sticking to its roots and appealing to a market that didn't have many other choices. And you can see why many Gundam fans rebelled against more recent shows that changed the formula.
But as for me, I have my own form of ADD. As a writer, I don't watch TV shows from an entertainment stand point. I watch it from the viewpoint of a writer. When I watch Gundam, I can't just tune off my brain until that one rare death scene or fight scene comes along. All I see is a play by play example of missed opportunities. A 2 minute dialogue sequence that doesn't develop the characters. The slow build up of a character being forced into a mech, only for a random communication that keeps him from piloting until the next episode. Long, cliche dialogue of the masked chaotic neutral who makes veiled threats and allusions to his plan...that doesn't come to a head until 20 episodes later.
I have the same problem watching Game of Thrones or NCIS. Just 45 minutes of missed opportunities with about 2 minutes of pertinent dialogue and action intermixed. If you're lucky.
What a pointless post.
>tfw people only remember your favorite shonen as that one brand of toys
SEED and 00 are modernizations of 0079 and Wing, respectively. Just admit you're a nostalgiafag salty no one gives a fuck about kind-of-OK series with low quality animation.
>Not really.
Of course it is. There's a difference if you watch a show on a week-to-week basis and if you can watch it in one go.
>What you consider "filler", others consider atmosphere
There's a difference between the long takes in a Tarkowski movie and the nonsense half the Ideon or Gundam episodes would provide.
>Where did you get that idea? Movies have become faster, much faster than they used to be. Camera movement and cuts have become more aggressive too. They have to keep people entertained at all times. I'd call it the Emmerich phenomenon, but he's far from alone in driving that development.
But before actors would be a lot more theatrical and even talk faster. And mainstream films would almost constantly cut from vital scene to vital scene without leathing much time to breathe. The fact that camera movement is faster is because of breakthroughs in technology. It expanded the capabilites of what you can do with a movie.
Not that guy but speaking personally, I don't care that there isn't something important happening a lot of the time. I just enjoy the characters, their interactions, the mechs, the world building, etc. It's good fun.
>There's a difference if you watch a show on a week-to-week basis and if you can watch it in one go.
Sure there is a difference. But it's not THE difference.
Life has become extremely sped up. The fact that people almost automatically check for news on Sup Forums (or, if they aren't anons, on reddit, facebook, their email account, icq, msn, twitter, aim, skype and every other service they subscribe to) every few minutes is almost symptomatic for our times.
Movies, being one aspect of the ever increasing assault on our sensory input, have also sped up in the competition for our attention.
>The fact that camera movement is faster is because of breakthroughs in technology.
And it's far from the only thing that has changed.
But you should be able to tell that not everyone enjoys the way Gundam does things. You're basically saying that you can overlook the flow of the show because you like the characters, plot and mechs. But what about someone who doesn't think the characters, plot or mechs are developed well? Maybe even because of the flow of the show itself?
>ITT casuals discuss /m/echa and 3DPD
>low quality animation
omg, like ebin fail QUALITY amirite xD
I never liked the humanoid designs of Gundam very much. To this day I still think Metal Gear has the cleanest mech design, but I'm also a scrub so what would I know
Don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.
And yet in the end both are tools for greedy people to market to poor innocent otaku of both persuasions to spend huge amounts of money on. Got anything better than bait people with weakass shit, user?
So how would that explain all the millenials that are either neets or go to college or school but spend most of their time on media. They have a lot of time on their hands and yet they watch all those fast-paced, thrilling shows you talk about.
Not to mention it isn't just about movies trying to be entertaining all the time. Something like Lain, Kaiba or Penguindrum had practically no filler compared to something like Gundam but could in a much shorter time frame introduce more ideas and develop more interesting characters, despite have a lot less of them.
Gundam's status as a toy commercial has nothing to do with it's quality.
The gouf's body morphs. That is QUALITY
Of course, their entitled to that opinion and I can understand why they'd think that.
Also, I'm not saying I'm overlooking the flow so much as I'm saying I like it that way, apart from a few things here and there. Again, it's a preference but Tomino's directing and pacing is definitely not for everyone.
>>It has a better story, more memorable characters, and more emotional moments than 99% of anime
It may have the characters, but whenever Tomino is directing or/and writing I find it extremely weak storytelling. I much prefer Gundam when he is not in an important role.
You should try G gundam
>They have a lot of time on their hands and yet they watch all those fast-paced, thrilling shows you talk about.
I am not sure how that would disagree with anything I said.
Just because you don't have a job doesn't mean you can't have what I referred to as artificial ADD. Why would you even think that?
>it isn't just about movies trying to be entertaining all the time.
It's not about entertainment, it's about attention. A slow show is unbearable to somebody who needs new input every few seconds. Think of it as an information addiction.
What are you trying to say here?
That SEED and 00 are automatically better and makes 0079 and Wing because they're modernizations of it? 00 is better than Wing, yeah, but are you seriously fucking saying that SEED is better than 0079? Really?
And it's not like people don't care about the old old ones either. UC is still king in Japan, and as far as I know, the west only gives a shit about Wing and G.
Gundam is shit, utter shit.
Yup, casual usually talk about mecha since they're the ones who like it.
I watched most of the entries except the more recent ones.
I like 0079, CCA, G, X, Turn A, 00, AGE.
SEED and Zeta were kind of a chore to sit through. I regret it with SEED, Zeta not so much.
>poor innocent otaku
they're the enablers.
Epic thread.
Hahahahhahahahhah this was his example of quality! They both morphed, the fat one severely. Quick, someone post a 3 second gif of a Naruto or Bleach fight to show utter shit BTFO'ing his best example!
Why did you like CCA?
Gundam always was a glorified toy add, user.
>I liked AGE
>Zeta was a chore to sit through
So if it's talking negatively about a show it's you wasting time but if you're spending the same amount of time fellating the show you're alright?
You're a fucking idiot. He's talking about anime same way you are.
/m/ is over there.
Which MS is best and why is it Zaku?
Gundam did the right things at the right time to achieve it's status in anime culture but I don't think it's all that impressive as a story.
I feel like Tomino's works often work more by being interesting because of his unique style, rather than skillful direction and writing, which works decently for some of his series and backfires for others.
>A person shouldn't have to get used to complex flavors.
> All food should taste great immediately.
Why can't people understand barriers of entry and acquired tastes?
Gundam isn't Opera or Earl Grey tea. Its a toy commercial aimed at kids and teens. Making it hard to like for the general public is detrimental to its goal.
However, Tomino's goal is not to make a toy commercial. Rather to try and make a 'deep' show. Or at least what he thinks is deep. Gundam actually has the dept of a puddle. Which ironically has allowed younger viewers to get into the series. They watch a product they perceive is 'deep' and 'mature' because of people dying and fighting. Much like a Final Fantasy game. Or Game of Thrones.
>Gundam isn't Opera or Earl Grey tea.
No, but Tomino is a fucking weird writer
If you refuse to give a show a chance of course you aren't gonna fucking like it
>However, Tomino's goal is not to make a toy commercial. Rather to try and make a 'deep' show. Or at least what he thinks is deep.
Don't think he's ever stated that. The themes of his shows are pretty fucking obvious, even Brain Powered
>If you refuse to give a show a chance of course you aren't gonna fucking like it
But I did give it a chance. As I said above, I watched 5 different series of Gundam. What more needs to be done to give it a chance?
Well in that case have you ever considered it's just not for you instead of shitting on it? Like for real Gundam's never claimed to be deep at all.
Which ones did you watch?
where do these people come from
what's the Sup Forums consensus on METAL GEAR?
>Well in that case have you ever considered it's just not for you instead of shitting on it?
OP tried to claim Gundam is better than 99% of shows out there and anyone who doesn't like it is crazy. You and OP really shouldn't be surprised when someone challenges the quality of Gundam after such statements.
>Which ones did you watch?
The original (series and movie)
Char's Counterattack
Turn A
Well there's yer fuckin problem
It's a shame you didn't like the rest but SEED is pretty resoundingly meh.
He is bad. Really bad writer.
>>It has a better story,
Muh newtypes, your souls are attracted to earth.
Dropping colonies/asteroids
>more memorable characters
Whiny cunts and a "cool" guy that wears a mask. Every gundam ever.
>and more emotional moments than 99% of anime
-forced newtype romances that are genuinely awful
-Undeveloped characters
How is it emotional? Remember Astonaige? The guy that was in Zeta, ZZ and died in CCA? Did you care about him dying despite the fact that he had 100 episode under his belt?
Kill yourself, Gundam is trash. The only series that has good characters, pacing and "emotion" is War in the Pocket. /m/fags like Gundam because it's senseless fights and fights and fights every single episode, 0080 is the only one that despite having fights(except in 2 episodes) doesn't rely on them because they wanted to sell toys, no the fights only happen when they need to happen, the rest of the time is making you care about the setting, the characters, not dumb laser shooting robots
>The guy that was in Zeta, ZZ and died in CCA? Did you care about him dying despite the fact that he had 100 episode under his belt?
Yes I did. Am I not allowed to care because they didn't stop the movie for five minutes to show half the cast grieving his death?
>hey didn't stop the movie for five minutes to show half the cast grieving his death?
That has nothing to do with it, more with the fact that he had Zeta and ZZ under his belt but had ZERO personality.
If you felt anything for the guy that means you're just a retard that cries because nameless fodder dies
He was a very minor character. He fixed shit offscreen and didn't get many lines. It was still nice to see a random mechanic lasting that long through all that bullshit and I was sad to see him die because of the actions of some dumb cunt.
It's more about the fact that despite being in 3 series Astonaige had no personality or character development that we know of, Tomino never bothered to develop him just like 99% of his cast with the exception of the MC+2 good guys, 2 bad guys, a forced romantic interest and the cliche girl that wants his dick but loses.
Every gundam ever
Bright has been in Gundam for like 40 years and he has absolutely nothing going on for, he's just le meme guy that slaps people.
I didn't know there was a rule saying every character in a story needs a fucking character arc. Static characters have always been a thing in stories and I don't know why you think they'd need to dedicate that kind of focus to a guy who got maybe 30 minutes of screentime across 100 episodes and a movie.
>Bright has been in Gundam for like 40 years and he has absolutely nothing going on for, he's just le meme guy that slaps people.
So you never even paid attention to the original series.
Not that guy. But I don't think he was saying that either. But its pretty bad when a character shows up in 20+ episodes and you have zero attachment to them. Then they die some horrible death, which again, you have no feeling for.
Some shows are able to make you feel heavy emotion for a character that appeared and died in the same episode. Gundam more often than not makes you feel apathetic to all the characters in a 50+ episode season.
It's not about changing you retarded fuck it's about the fact that we know nothing about them.
Keion thread? Keion thread.
I've watched 95% of gundam. It's shit. Osts are good though.
It has neither good story, characters OR emotional moments.
Unless you somehow feel bad for Lala or Four, shit characters that are literally hamfisted because lolnewtypeconnection
Movie. It's literally all the OVAs stacked on top of each other with a few extra minutes added on at the end for the start of the battle of A Baoa Qu. I wish they had shown naked Io shooting up Zeon during his escape instead of cutting to him freeing his buddies.
I feel you user, I fucking love shitposting about things I like too.
>Meanwhile autists spend thousands of dollars on waifu toys from shitty LN adaptations
I still have more respect for them than the people that buy plamo from shitty manga sidestory adaptations.