I want to sexually FUCK Amatsukaze

I want to sexually FUCK Amatsukaze.

i prefer rj

Is Sup Forums safe? I've been staying clear for fear that Sup Forums may have just taken over the whole website.

Let's just build a wall

Get in line

As usual, Sup Forums's collective mind is focused on cartoon girls' private parts, best girl wars and how to get that super hot brand new shitpost out to the masses.

Never change.

I love this slut.

Mods have been doing a thorough job getting rid of it, at least earlier today when it was much worse.

What is she looking at?


Suzuya is pure

> Sit next to Suzuya in class
> She casually sucks your dick before you even finish introducing yourself
> That's how she says hi
> A pure slut

She just seems slutty, but she's never even seen a penis.


how can Sup Forums take over Sup Forums?

Why is she so perfect

Would she let me lick her sweaty armpits?

I'm sure she would

What an angel. What about tasting her pee?

I'm not sure which boat this is but she is best because she resembles my wife Chino.

If you ask nicely.

That's a Russian.

Sounds perfect. I'll prepare a ring immediately.



I stole her and improved her.


Here she is.

But look at how happy she is now.

Package got seized by customs.

Now this is a good thread

awwww, i hope someone finds her soon,
I miss Yuu...

Have you hot glued them yet?

Yes because the ship needs fuel

Lovely Lawson Kaga-san

I want to be Amatsukaze.

How does one properly refuel a ship?

Reminder that Warspite being crippled is nothing more than Abyssal propaganda.

But I want to bone Amatsukaze.


Then there's no problem. I'll be Amatsukaze, you bone Amatsukaze.

Kaga is doing her best for you, Kaga friend.


Step one


What comes next?

>seems slutty
>actually saving herself for marriage



CG was great

It was terrible and like 99% of the girls were shit. I couldn't even finish S1 of the show.

As a whole the cast was worse than 765, but CG had better episodes

Yeah, Amatsukaze's great.

Have you take stock of your shipgirl's assets?

That's not even Amatsukaze

I don't really remember enjoying a single episode of CG, although that's probably because I didn't like any of the girls I saw before I dropped it like 6 episodes in. I know I enjoyed 765's show a whole lot more by 6 episodes in.

You understood the joke. Well done.

I try hard

Your love for you're waifu is obvious and admira(b)l(e).




Then you show her your love. Everyone's love is different so you have to find out what kind of love you express!

This sounds a bit too complicated for me.

So bright and pure. Good for you Anonymous.

I hope my ship can tell me what to do to refuel her.



劇場版「艦これ」公開初日の舞台挨拶付き上映&同ライブビューイングの出演キャスト陣が決定しました! 当日は上坂すみれさん、藤田咲さん、井口裕香さん、佐倉綾音さん、東山奈央さん、野水伊織さん、日高里菜さん、タニベユミさん、大坪由佳さん、中島愛さんが登壇予定です。お楽しみに!



Amatsukaze and Shimakaze are cute together

this isn't 2chan faggot

A melon is harassing your wind, what do?

Rape them both.










God tier taste.



Most bulliable girl?

Poor Kaga-san

I'm a man of AmatsuFEET

What if I like both?

I want to fuck them both.

Thanks /vg/


I want to look EXACTLY like Amatsukaze.



Cloud and wind.


When will S2 air?

Which shipgirl would you want as a sex slave?

Taihou, though I'd treat her like a princess in between trying to break her. I'd want her to repay the favor as well.
