ITT tsundere done right
ITT tsundere done right
Other urls found in this thread:
worst list
too soon user
more like tsundere done in
Fuck off, she's dead.
RIP in peace, Misaka
I'm glad I'm not the only one who clicked this thread just to shitpost spoilers.
actually Touman is going to save her then kamikoto will happen so joke's on you
Her reason to be tsun is horrible.
>OMG I can't beat this guy even though I'm a level 5 and he's so casual about my presence
Shit tsundere.
>t. animeonly
too soon famlan
RIP Mikoto, 2004-2016
Let me meme while I still can
But Louise isn't even that bad. When you really think about it, her attitude is justified seeing how everyone else tries to screw her over every episode.
What did they mean by this?
Agari from Ping Ping girls this season.
All tsunries are best.
What a shocking development
Shes pretty generic.