What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Ecchi and shounen have both existed for a while kys
Yeah cause Golden boy sure kept it PG with its fan service.
Golden Boy was tasteful, intelligent fanservice done right.
Obviously so is Keijo.
I disagree. Fan service never actually enhanced the actual meaning to the plot itself. It's just an extra layer on top to make things look pretty. While in Golden Boy, each shot with fan service is meaningful and has an actual impact on what it means for the story/character. In other words, it's a means, not simply an end.
I'm not the person you were responding to btw.
wow anime got better
I actually agree Golden boy is great, I was just fucking around. Keijo is obviously retarded, but It's fun.
Keijo is literally a better sport anime than 99% of the "serious" sports anime.
t. Sup Forums
We elected a racist right-wing extremist to lead our country.
I still can't believe we let Shinzo Abe come to power.
Keijo was a plot by the Japanese Government to lower birth rates in Western Civilization.
t. Sup Forums
Abe would never allow it.
GB was shit.
Kinnikuman is much better though. Hell even if you don't like the all-male cast there's always Kinnikuman Lady.
I wouldn't call Kinnikuman serious, but then I watch the anime without really paying attention and never touched the manga.
>While in Golden Boy, each shot with fan service is meaningful and has an actual impact on what it means for the story/characte
Maybe you should look at the manga to see how those meaningful fanservice played out for the characters and story
>Maybe you should look at the manga to see how those meaningful fanservice played out for the characters and story
Not him but are you being ironic or is the manga worth looking into?
It got more serious the farther it went on though it never really lost it's humor of course. It's kind of like Dragon Ball all the way up to the King Piccolo saga.
He is clearly sarcastic.
If you've read the manga, you'd realize that there is no meaningful fanservice to the series, the author simply has a piss fetish and and wants to express it. The only reason it isn't as overdone in the anime is because they are restricted with a 4 ova episode length.
It got better.
Anime on the left is for people with shit taste, Anime like on the right(Keijo) is for straight men with superb taste
I'm convinced the people who makes these threads are masochists who loves Sup Forums shitting on them.
I don't know how people can not find this hilarious. It's even well-animated. If there was more flapping skin, it would actually be groundbreaking, which would be even more hilarious.
Autism happened
Of you think I am a straight man you have another thing coming. Although keijo is top tier no matter how you look at it
You might be on to something there
Was that before or after the girl masturbated on a motorcycle
>went wrong
It got better desu sempai
I fucking watch Keijo for epic butt slamming duels. Fuck off with "meaning".
People care more about sex now.
>Golden Boy
The number of people persistently acting as though Golden Boy has some sort of substance makes me wonder if I should give the anime a shot, because the manga was absolute trash.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm way too mature and sophisticated to watch anime that has fan service in it.
it's from that episode, and thank dog they did that anime studio episode and not the entire Masamune shit
Why is the OP so comfy?
I hate to do this, but I don't have the tools to crop the mecha anime 1 square up from bottom right. In short sauce pls.
Unicorn. Plot's not that great, but it's very pretty.
They're full of shit and/or clouded by nostalgia. The author's other works aren't any better either.
The anime was better in the "plot" department because it cut most of the shit. But yes, the Golden Boy manga is trash.
The anime's better, but it's still a pretty unexceptional ecchi series that they think is god's gift to earth because it has a perverted MC and the dub had Western-style comedy.
Friendly reminder that all 'anime then and anime now' images are troll images. Sage and report.
Nothing went wrong, we are in the prime of high quality animation.
>What went wrong?
Cost cutting became a common method used to increase corporate profits.
Nothing changed.
Maybe to your 15 year old self.