Post the worst shows you ever fucking laid your eyes upon.
Worst Shows
I have nothing to add this is literally the worst show ever created
i still dont know what this shit was even about
Fucking BONES.
Holy fuck I hope you asshats are trolling because any retard can understand the symbolism and effective themes portrayed in Glasslip. It falls flat on some parts but it is a solid 8.5/10 and was a strong contender for AOTY that year.
I hope you're trolling honestly. I gave it two episodes and then dropped it. AOTY? Are you fucking autistic?
One of the first shows i watched. Kind of impressive that this didn't make me turn away from anime.
Date a Live.
Mushishi. Literally a dude walking for like 40 episodes. Not sure why it gets so much praise.
Master of Martial Hearts
glasslip was fine, but nothing really happened and it was a disappointment. fantasista doll is perhaps the worst anime of all time. ill never forget the slap scene, literally could not believe my eyes
>glasslip was fine
The problem is that it followed in big footsteps, and didn't live up at all.
whose footsteps
Naw, I like Glasslip. It's not so bad.
oh is that what you meant. well thats like saying nichijou should have done/been better because it was kyoani. and while that is true, it isnt a valid argument on the quality of the show by itself.
What I wanted it to be.
Glasslip wasn't good, but it certainly isn't the worst. If you honestly believe it is the worst anime, you haven't seen enough anime.
It wasn't so bad aside animation. Characters were likeable
Sup Forums fucking left me for dead with this.
At the last episode, literally no one watched this.
Mayoiga is the worst one ive finished
You probably missed the main thread.
Glasslip was the worst anime that I completed without dropping. I've dropped a lot of shitty shows but most of them are just so generic you can't say one is worse that the other. Glasslip wasn't generic, it was just ass.
I'll never understand why it's so usual to take a LN (whose plot is subpar at best by dephault) and rush the hell out of it making it a clusterfuck.
Ayashi no Ceres. It can go climb a wall of dicks.
Mango included.
Myself ; Yourself
This desu, not even the worst show of that season. The plot was just nothing, but music and visual were nice.
anything L.N. related made by A-1 studios.
I think being boring and pretentious is worse than being overtly incompetent.
DearS. Dear god that was an abomination
Reminder that even the author hated the anime.
Mars of Destruction
I'm sure there's something out there that can top this mess but it's going to be hard to find.
Da capo
nichijou is literally the best show kyoani ever made
Seikon no Qwaser
Tesagure! Bukatsumono Spin-off Purupurun Sharumu to Asobou
i lost a bet
Diabolik lovers or however it's spelled. I thought it was bad in a good way coming in but it was one of the few times I physically cringed watching something
I confused this with Endride, which was also shit but not THIS shit.
This anime was like real life.
Nothing fucking happens.
note: endsky is actually a prequel to everyone's favorite pretentious vn, subarashiki hibi
no, not joking
Don't know if the worst but this is the first Anime I ever dropped. When I got broadband access and non-tv animu was novelty I watched everything, Kashimashi was a turning point.
Is it, really? I thought it was terrible, but stuff like Phi Brain, Mahou Sensou, Kampfer, and Infinite Stratos exist.
feel bad for you user. The same thing happend to me once.
Did anyone else get tricked into watching this shit because it was on Netflix?
I think I've never dropped this webm.
Gregory Horror Show. It's so bad I've watched it twice.
You have to go back.
>Phi Brain
I know the homo threads loved this show. I figured the story had some kind of appeal because the art style was plain ugly.
When did you finish it? According to my diary, I finished it on the 29th of July so there should be a thread on that range on how fucked up the show is. There are too many things wrong with it and Accelerator really needed to die. At least I got another Nano song.
That show was awful, but it had one or two good moments.
>I finished it on the 29th of July
on my birthday!