The moment that would define a ship for an entire generation
The moment that would define a ship for an entire generation
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Best ship in entire DB for reason.
Literally the most pure Saiyan boy
Another shit thread made by a DB retard.
Dating someone older than your mom is messed up
The most fanfiction of ships to ever be conceived of.
But Toriyama made it
That doesn't mean it's not contrived as fuck. He literally bent time and space to have them to shipped in two different timelines.
>He literally bent time and space to have them to shipped in two different timelines.
Considering Trunks is all about time travelling and is a mother con, it's not that far fetched
It happen in nearly every second shounen series. Why it's suddenly problem in DB? In any case its better than trying dating prepubescent slut.
>reminder that Launch existed
This ship really is pretty stupid and if it wasn't canon it would easily fall under crack fanfiction parings.
Honestly, Toriama should have just created a new character if he wanted to ship Trunk off so badly. Putting him with Mai makes no sense on any level other then he needed a reason to keep her and the Pilaf gang around (when the three of them have long outstayed their welcome in this franchise over two decades ago.)
I mean, really, when we're talking about Trunks, is that really so weird?
I'm not a Pan fag but the Pan of now is not going to be the Pan of GT, so you faggots continuously posting GT pictures of her is just promoting a bullshit narrative, not to mention that Trunk's and Pan are now much closer in age then they were in GT and much closer in age then Trunk and Mai's actual age of 40 something.
When he could have just as easily found a regular girl in his own timeline, yeah it is.
>not to mention that Trunk's and Pan are now much closer in age then they were in GT
Are you seriously shipping an 11 year old with a baby?
Also, I don't think an 11 year age difference is that much different than the 13 year age difference
>Putting him with Mai makes no sense
Actually it makes sense. Hilarious sense.
People, you are forgetting that age has nothing to do with love.
>Are you seriously shipping an 11 year old with a baby?
You know their going to grow up right? Plus I'm not shipping anyone. I don't even like the Pan x Trunks ship.
>Also, I don't think an 11 year age difference is that much different than the 13 year age difference
Mai's real age is way beyond a 13 year difference.
Anybody have that picture of Future Mai fangirling over Present Trunks and Future Trunks looking jelly?
>What's really happening.
Fucking disgusting.
Its not really happening, because they've never kissed as kids and I doubt they will.
>You know their going to grow up right?
Are you seriously shipping a 4 year old with a 16 year old?
I wish she and the Pilaf gang would have fucked off already. I was glad not to see them throughout Z.
>Hilarious sense
Just like the ploholes and GT.
I love how mad this makes people.
You're shipping an 11 year old with a 40 year old woman.
That's some really shitty fanart user, just like your taste.
If your excuse is age, then you can't defend Mai's case. Also, unlike Bulma, at her 40 she looks like shit.
>Mai's real age is way beyond a 13 year difference.
Physically her real age is around Trunks' age. Mentally she's just as childish and naive as any other 11 year old.
Yes, Trunks looks like shit with blue hair.
>Are you seriously shipping
>I'm not shipping anyone. I don't even like the Pan x Trunks
Illiterate moron. Obviously you Mai fags can't see how hypocritical you are.
What are you saying is the same as excusing Bulla and Goku's pairing, Goku is a retard manchild that will look young when Bulla hits her 20.
I don't even understand the anger. There's a lot of couples with age differences sometimes from hundreds to thousands of years old in shounen
I am mad. They should have left Trunks with lavender hair.
Nah, Japan loves fujoshit, specially shota fujoshit.
>Bulla and Goku's pairing
Was that a real thing and did people actually defend that shit?
Except he wasn't wished younger with the Dragon Balls. Just because Mai has her memories doesn't mean she isn't mentally younger as well. Why do people think Shenron half-assed their wish?
Making things hilariously twisted is Toriyama's style.
Makes as much sense as any other DB couple.
requesting rule34 Goku x Bra
But that would be too vanilla and boring. The greatest thing about Trunks x Mai is how absurd it is.
I just watched Battle of Gods and Resurrection F. What's the general opinion on em?
I thought both were good and enjoyable but Battle of Gods was the better movie.
You will never by so badass as we are.
Saying "she has the mentality of a child" is just a covenant and extremely week reason to justify a 40 year old woman wanting to be with an 11 year old boy.
I don't know about anyone else but beerus and Whis are great additions and the Frieza stuff was alot better than i expected going on.
Goku fucking rushing in to obliterate Frieza and steal Vegeta's kill was hilarious and fantastic
yeah part of what makes it good is how ridiculously Toriyama it is and how it looks like he's the reason its prominently featured now in super despite Toei cutting it from the movie retellings.
Her brain de-aged along with the rest of her body, she's a kid now.
even if she didn't her gag characteristic is that she was immature.
Freiza getting obliterated by Goku was amazing, and it was cool seeing the Earth actually getting blown up.
Dude, he even wanted mouth to mouth healing from Mai and dreamed about family with Mai. Why he should suddenly searching for different girl.
she stole a wish from Frieza's men so she could have ice cream. Pilaf & co have deliberately childlike moments along with gags about their true identity.
>>Saying "she has the mentality of a child" is just a covenant and extremely week reason
The entire gag of the Pilaf gang is that they looked like a bunch of bad villains but were mentally children. It's not a justification, it's how they always have been
I love this argument for how completely retarded it is.
>Goku meet Chich on his travels and was promise to marry her when they grow up.
>Vegeta was the only decent looking single guy around when Bulma and Cuck man broke up
>Gohan and Videl met in the same class
>One 40 year old comic relief villain makes the same stupid wish to a dragon in two different timelines to be young again and both girls in two different timelines are just the right age to end up with one of the main characters.
Oh yeah, completely logical faggot.
Their mentalities were pretty much childish from very beginning.
You fags are taking a couple made by a gag mangaka too seriously. It's not like this is happening in real life, you know.
Also, It's not like Toriyama to make an obvious pairing become canon. He didn't pair Trunks up with Pan for the same reason he didn't let Goku marry Bulma.
Every other paring is vanilla and people love them. So whats the problem?
Trunks is completely Maisexual.
No. Stop. Fuck you. Some shitty gag character does NOT deserve Trunks. Trunks WILL end up with Pan.They will create the ultimate Saiyan babies and there is nothing you faggots can do about it. Trunks deserves somebody who is loving, caring, and is just as good at fighting as she is in bed. Mai is seriously shit and will not win best husbando.
Only when it comes to sex. Her and Shu often gave the appearance of competence. Her gag characteristics were that she took Pilaf's absurdity completely seriously and she made crude jokes. I guess there's also the praising Piccolo Diamo's growing strength while looking really worried about it and bumbling the loudspeaker and physical comedy like surviving long falls. But only the kiss scene directly relates to immaturity.
She already won, user.
Gohanfag, is that, is that you?
Future Mai isn't a gag character. Present Trunks and Present Mai are though.
>It's not a justification
A lot of adults are mentally immature and act like fucking retards. Does that mean it's ok for them to be attracted to little kids?
Also, Mai in DB was attracted to men her age at the time, and now she suddenly wants shouta dick.
But he didn't, his dick choose Mai.
>One 40 year old comic relief villain makes the same stupid wish to a dragon in two different timelines to be young again and both girls in two different timelines are just the right age to end up with one of the main characters.
First of all. It was Pilaf who made wish. Mai and Shu were just dragged into it. And secondly wish was made BEFORE timeline actually splitted. So...
I just want the future to be peaceful again so Mai can wear her makeup again.
He probably wants to suck dick again.
a bit part character everyone had forgotten returned to become the wife of the main character
Vegeta and Bulma pair out of nowhere
Goku's and even Piccolo's shock over Trunks' parentage were played for laughs
Gohan ends up marrying the daughter of the fraud who took credit for his saving the world
I kind of think Toriyama wanted to outdo himself with the strangeness of each new relationship. Trunks and Mai fit his coupling theme perfectly.
>No. Stop. Fuck you. Some shitty gag character does NOT deserve Trunks.
>Trunks WILL end up with Pan.
No, just no. He should have just been left alone.
>Trunks deserves somebody who is loving, caring, and is just as good at fighting as she is in bed. Mai is seriously shit.
>and will not win best husbando.
She already won unfortunately.
Fuck Trunks. They've already ruined him in Super. How will they ruin Vegetto?
The reason this couple exists is because Toriyama decided to put the Pilaf gang as kids in the BoG movie, then he thought he should also add a little romance to make future developments easier.
>Fuck Trunks. They've already ruined him in Super.
How did they ruin him in Super? Besides the blue hair how is he any different?
Because Mai is shit and any other girl would have been better. But honestly he should have just stayed single.
I-is Mai all right?
No, you'd whine if it was some random girl too. Admit it. You only think Mai is shit because Trunks will fuck her.
I-I don't think so user...
They gave him too much, too soon, and without due explanation. Basically, I like seeing that he's doing all of these badass things. He's a key player in his own arc! That's great. But they didn't think Trunks was worthy of having the HOW or WHY he can do what he can now explained. It would have been simple, too. Just the slightest bit of effort could have really made his journey all the sweeter as the arc is reaching a close.
Now he has access to God Ki, and a new hybridized transformation without explanation.
He could learn the Mafuba just by watching a video without any explanation.
SSJ2 Trunks can almost compete with SSJ3 Goku in the manga. It's more or less the same in the anime. A SSJ2 Trunks that could probably fall to base Buu shouldn't be in Goku's ballpark.
They've given him a lot of utility but were too lazy to show us or explain any of it. So it seems so off the wall ridiculous when he can compete with Black or Zamasu -- characters that Goku and Vegeta (both of which are stronger than Trunks) had trouble keeping up with until very recently.
I'm cool with Trunks being a badass, but Super's writing is really weak, and characters like him will always suffer for it.
I see we have some Hilary supporters in this thread. Don't worry guys, I'mWithHer too!
Why do people get butthurt about this pairing? It's completely Toriyama's style when it comes to romance in his stories. He knows he's horrible at it, so he just does whatever the fuck he wants.
She is a child both mentally and physically, so there's nothing wrong with her getting a 13-year-old boyfriend since she's also a 13-year-old girl.
They're not even doing anything inappropriate, they only hold hands.
Because their precious husbando is about to fuck an """old woman"""
It's literally just like two normie I'mWithHer! Gohanfags shitting up the thread. Don't worry user, the pairing is fucking golden and it's incredibly popular, especially in Japan.
>Caring about romance in shonen
>Caring about 2d age differences, one of this small size (most are in the thousands)
If someone is this butthurt about MaixTrunks then they should not be reading/watching Dragon Ball, but instead maybe Toradora.
>third most popular character behind Goku and Vegeta with comparatively scant screen-time
>cool design with longsword style
>popular across lots of cash-cow fan-bases (fujoshits, chuunishits, kids)
>son of a leading character
>is basically uncucked Gohan
>SSJ2 with his own unique snowflake transformation that still gets wrecked by the true top-tiers so he has potential for growth
>could squeeze a Z-Length series out of him without even delving into that growth by going into the backstory of his Universe
>Mad Max-style adventures with Toranksu-San travelling the barren landscape defending the few survivors
>has access to tip-top Mai tang on demand
Give me 1 (UNO) good reason why big money Trunks isn't the rightful successor of Goku's mantle.
You're right user. Tori just wanted to make something fun, but retarded people take it too seriously and get mad.
Godspeed user, and never let those normie I'mWithHer! Gohanfags (sexually frustrated cucks) intimidate you. The majority of Dragon Ball fans aren't active in these threads unless an episode airs, so usually Wednesday through Friday threads get shit posted into oblivion by just one or two of them. Wait until Saturday night, when everyone is posting, to see that most of us approve of TruMai.
I'm always here supporting the OTP and bullying Gohanfags whenever I can, user.
Something I don't understand with Super is how many times Goku and Vegeta get knock off their Ssjb form and they still get up.In Dragon Ball usually when you get knock off your transformation it means you cannot fight anymore or barely in base form.I only see that thing in movies
Holy shit I just realized that Zamasu broke Trunks's sword, I thought he flipped it off
And soon, Trunks will use that sword to cut off Zamasu's hand to remove the time-ring, just in time to save Vegito from losing to a powered-up Zamasu.
Trunks is the perfect 10/10 powerful half-saiyan husbando and will have beautiful and strong kids with Mai.
Someone post the huge post-Time Chamber ponytail Trunks holding loli Mai in his arms.
Are you that insecure?
I agree user. Plenty, of strong beautiful children.