Dumping it.
Magi 327
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Its the same fucking face when he was in the other world.
> Hakuyuu out of nowhere.
My sides.
He's right though. He didn't really do anything wrong. I mean he should have still apologized, but she started it.
Brexit btfo.
Thanks OP
No problem, user.
And the end.
what is even happening with this manga???? why is sinbad so fucking boring???
I want to make Morgiana a mother!
he's a god now
They seem like a typical high school couple.
Forgot to mention, here's the link to the album if someone prefers that.
Learn to center the text inside the speech bubbles. And for text itself, you smooth, not hard option.
Sorry, mate, I did warn the scans wouldn't be pretty. I'm just a translator.
Can we assume he can just control people however he likes now? If so then Sinbad is kind of a huge bitch. Its kinda like cheating to win at videogames, what is even the point in playing when you cheat?
Well, he's clearly doing something, they couldn't have changed their opinions on him just like that.
He just gave everyone the same single thought.
Maybe he thinks as long his intervention is minimal, it doesn't count? Because then he would have to start the world anew.
This is my Sacred Palace. With it, we can send any message we want. In the end, the Kou will be ours. Mind, body, and if you'd like, soul.
- Sinbad
It really was Sinbad .
Looks like it. It's really unlike Morgiana to have a sudden outburst like that, even if it's for the sake of her husbando. He's not directly controlling him, but I think he's subconsciously influencing the world toward his ideals.
Though, it seems like it's not affecting her too much if she just went and apologized along with Baba. But clearly she's off.
Probably the brainwash wasn't that strong at that point.
Maybe he just doesn't care very much about Morgiana.
It seems like he was trying to have Alibaba go back to his(Sinbad s) side through Morgiana.Did not work so he just went ahead and brainwashed whole kou country.
>You're not being yourself!
>Why are you trying to provoke Sinbad?
>That political comment out of nowhere.
She's being way too defensive for Sinbad for it to be a weak brainwashing. She'll likely snap out of it once they figure out what's going on. Or go full brainwash and force her to fight Alibaba once everyone inevitably turns on them.
Yeah, I think you might be onto something.
Yeah but Aladdin wants him to apologize so they can just be done with it since it's just a silly lovers' quarrel.
Ty based translator-kun!
It makes some sense that Aladdin would be immune to general world-scale mindfuckery - all the magi, really - but why is Baba immune?
Is he a singularity of sorts?
You're welcome, user.
I thought Sinbad had done something to her since she was suddenly so into politics.
Could be something to do with Cassim's rukh or Hakuryuu killing him.
I'm assuming he just added something onto the "white rukh."
He did. The influence he exerted over Morgiana was minimal and was probably an effort to throw Alibaba off without letting any conflict arise from it.
>what is even the point in playing when you cheat?
I'm assuming he's at the point that he's just playing with that power, sooner or later he'll come to that realization.
Sinbad Tsukishimad the whole damn world.
How is Morgiana so perfect? She's even cute when she's angry!
my theory why Alibaba and alladin are not affected by sinbad's god will powernya is
alladin is magi and descendant of Solomon
alibaba has dat dragon bwfoee tukh powef
Baba = Trump
Sinbad = Shillary
Baba endgame win confirmed.
>Kougyoku's face when her Sinbad thirst is back with a vengence
Truly best girl
>her Sinbad thirst
D-delete this.
>Alibaba will no longer surrender his waifu to the false song of globalism
>Is useless as a leader
>Always gets manipulated
>Only ever follows the lead of other people like Alibaba and Sinbad
>Best anything
>wanted to trigger a war
>wants no war at all
What the hell with baba too?
>implying what morg said wasn't true from her heart
>implying she doesn't respect sinbad the most for completely abolishing slavery
On a real though, what can baba and aladdin actually do?
Yes, user. Helplessness is a cornerstone of moe
Though I respect your opinion if you prefer Mor. I just happen to have a soft spot for bully-victims
>Wanted open borders
>Wants open borders
Really makes you think...
>people expected best boy to get cucked
You don't take the lion pussy from him that easily.
I'm personally in love with Mor but they're certainly both great ladies that deserve to be respected.
Better version
Fuck off, Alibaba.
Both girls are good. Baba will win both.
Sinbad wants open borders while controlling everything under his rule, kinda different
Nah, you know Aladdin's getting the Fish at this point.
But both of those are Mor, just with her different haircuts kek
>Fucking two Mor's at once
Baba is one lucky sun of a gun.
How long til Baba dip his dick in lion pussy
Very soon.
Alibaba is the alpha furry.
After sinbad plows her first
Sinbad doesn't care. His only waifu is power.
He should just turn everyone into a girl, we all know that they can't beat the cock.
Procreation when?
I want to see what kind of kid they'll make.
>Baba = Trump
His low banter skills say otherwise.
A cute one.
His waifu was clearly Serendine. She always takes the biggest spot of his flashbacks. But she's dead.
>literally only wants world peace
>Sup Forums compares him to a devil
Get rekt, sinbad did nothing wrong. Also mor angry face a cute. Cute! Alibaba a shit.
Choosy beggar. Personally I thank translator-kun for his hard work. Happy Trump Day! Happy Sinbad Day!
I'm extremely angry.
Shota aladdin so much cute. Teenage aladdin old and busted, a jerky looking shit. All the shota are gone, manga is shit now. Coincidence? I think not!
Part 1: erolord.com
Part 2: erolord.com
Maybe it has something to do with his death and his soul wandering for 100 years. Since he had 'died', he is no longer bound by fate.
I agree, it's just that it's kind of impossible for them now that she's under the dirt.
Is this art from the same person who drew that super fuckable BabaMor daughter?
Is that her as a child? Now I feel bad.
Good, repent for your sins!
Then kill yourselves.
You should, you cunt.
You win, Baba. I'll just say she's cute from now on.
Babafags are cancerous, you don't see no one spamming sinbad like a faggot.
Nobody wants to see the same pics in thread: gazzillion
I've learned to value every single harmless characterfag in here. Because when I start getting annoyed I remember
It could be worse. It could be Fishbaba shitposting.
I think is just some babafag that is trying to keep alive the thread.
That's more like it.
It's not just one.
I'm but wasn't me at all. So there's at least two of us.