I'm going to post this everyday until you like it.
I'm going to post this everyday until you like it
I am indifferent to it.
I don't like it,
but I love you all, faggots
Is this the birth of a epoch new meme
Be careful when eating fish.
kuso thread.
I am the fin of my fish.
kuso post.
Hiroyuki-user is late today so,
>But he did it once.
I like it.
Just save it already.
Fuck yo fish.
Quit spamming this shit faggot
Fuck off newfag
>I don't know what this is
Welcome to Sup Forums, New Friend
I'm going to reply with this everyday until you like it.
Was it rape?
No longer have any Originality
What do you think he's doing at Google?
Is he filling coffee cups and pouring tea?
He thought he wanted to do it once.
>He thought he wanted to do it once.
...and now he'll be doing it forever in Google Hellâ„¢
We don't like small fish around here.
But you didn't post it yesterday.
i forgot name of this girl
it's probably keksandra