>yfw Saber could have been an incredible female lead character but Fate would rather make her maximum waifu bait to please dumb Otakus
Why do we suffer, Sup Forums?
Yfw Saber could have been an incredible female lead character but Fate would rather make her maximum waifu bait to...
>posting false Kings
user a shit
Fuck off.
I do agree that the romance was handeled really badly, but the pairing is still the best.
It's just the way it's executed, which sucks. But Nasus himself admitted this.
Whoever got the worldbuilding route was going to get the shittiest development.
She was doomed from the moment they made her the cover girl.
shoo shoo animefeminist
I'm curious, assuming this isn't a bait thread, what potential do you think went unfulfilled? Between the Fate route, Garden of Avalon, Camelot (GO) and Fate/Zero, I think she is one of the deepest characters in the franchise.
Fate Zero added literally nothing to her character, it's just suffering porn.
Maybe I just have high standards b/c I study literature, but the prose in F/SN is really inexcusably bad.
Some parts are the result of the translation, but others (like the godawful repetitiveness) cannot be.
I think the sexual violence is actually falsely represented as the only misogynist stuff in F/SN. Even w/o it, that series is sexist.
Nasu has stated in interviews that his idea for the Fate route was Saber "discovering her femininity" through bangin' Shirou, which is, um-
-kindaaaaa a super sexist proposition. Man writing about WHAT IS FEMININITY. Turns out badass King Arthur is a sad little girl inside. ):
It's not just the sex scenes, it's bad attitudes about women & sex implicit from the game's worldview.
"No ideological bias" is really just code for "conforms with the dominant ideological bias." We live in air so it's invisible.
Review "without ideological bias" is the new "objective" review.
Get out. Just get the fuck out with your damned victim olympics and oppression bullshit. I hate every single damn time I have to see or hear this shit, on the internet, real life or anywhere. There are people in places who have every right to blame other people for their problems, as in those other people directly cause the bad shit that happens to said people and don't give one fuck about making others lives a living hell. Actual people with valid claims to oppression and victims of fucked up things. You and your SJW, libtard ilk are not, and never will be, one of those people. Your cancerous ideology needs to crawl it's way back to hell from whence it fucking came
>the prose in F/SN
Learn Japanese if you want to comment about that. Nasu's unique kanji play can't possibly be translated to it's fullest, not to mention the translation we have is just plain bad.
I don't think it's controversial to say that Anime in general is generally pretty fucking misogynistic and/or has very shallow written female characters that tend to just exist for sex appeal for male audiences and often reinforce traditional Japanese gender roles (often the case in Dramas). So I was thinking out of all of anime, there must be female characters who are strong, brave and yet don't abandon their femininity to resort to misogynistic traits (or just be genderswapped male characters) I think Nausicaa is a character that I would hold up as an incredibly well written Female character, strong, brave yet motherly and caring.
I don't even know what a feminist character is. What really distinguishes feminist and non-feminist in that sense? Because when it comes down to it, it's just about personal arbitrary judgement that is therefore just vapid and pointless to begin with.
Girl is really shy, soft spoken and timid? That's just pushing status quo of gender roles and is unprogressive.
Girl is really outgoing, pushy and confident? She's overmasculinized and basically just a guy with breasts, that's sexist.
Girl is really sexually liberal and wears skimpy clothing and likes to show self off? That's male power fantasy that makes her just a sex object with no personality, that's disgusting and mysoginist.
Girl is really oblivious about sexual things, really cannot hold candle in them and dresses very conservatively? That's just society making girls think they should just be virgins for the right guy, implying they're just possesions of males in society.
Girl is really motherly, caring about others and looking out for them? That's partiarchal device invented to suggest that women should just bear children and don't work.
Girl is rather tomboying, likes sports and more carrer driven? You took away her femininity, she's got nothing left as a woman and you made her into an empty vessel.
I personally wouldn't mind talking about the topic, but nothing is ever good enough though this lens, everything is poisoned, everything is wicked, everything is evil if you just choose to think so.
What I thought that feminism stood for is for women to be able to do whatever they want, to give them aboslute freedom of choice, so I thought that any female character written would be feminist character. If women chooses to be slut? Go ahead. If she chooses to be mother at home? Neat, I support you. If you want to be a truck driver? Nice, I like that. I really do think that even the concept of "feminist character" is contradictory to what feminism is supposed to stand for.
>people directly cause the bad shit that happens to said people and don't give one fuck about making others lives a living hell
Like Nasu and everyone who has read his shitty writing.
Good thing you haven't read his writing then, EOP
>Studies literature
>Reads free English translation by teenagers
>Thinks he knows anything about the differences in English and Japanese, let alone Nasu's prose
Truly a Liberal Arts student
>Saber could have been an incredible female lead
>DEEN/Stay night
He sounds dumb enough to be talking about the VN
>shitting on the one person in this thread who isn't a secondary
You lack reading comprehension. I saying there are two possibilities:
1: OP is a complete idiot and has read the VN
2: OP is a complete idiot and watched the show instead
>red saber has vagina bones
huh, neat-o
>Girl is rather tomboying, likes sports and more carrer driven? You took away her femininity, she's got nothing left as a woman and you made her into an empty vessel.
>Girl is really shy, soft spoken and timid? That's just pushing status quo of gender roles and is unprogressive.
this is where our current feminism is failing logically.
>Girl is rather tomboying, likes sports and more carrer driven? You took away her femininity, she's got nothing left as a woman and you made her into an empty vessel.
n-no, I just made her into perfection
Stop posting fake kings.
We all know there is only one true king.
>I-I study literature
>Cant figure out that you cant compare amateur translations to its original japanese prose
>posting tumblr tier "THIS IS SEXISM SHITLORD" opinions
You need to leave.
I know this is shitty bait, but I'm just gonna come right out and say that Saber is a more genuinely "feminist" character than anything that has come from western media in like 20 years.
Welcome to modern feminism. Fuck logic and facts. Everything is sexist and trying to say how women are bad in some way despite the work saying nothing about women in general.
Only two questions remain, did Shirou finally fucked Rin? Will Heavens Feel movie be good?
He did.
They'll have amazing quality but people will nitpick every tiny detail of the adaptation like they did for UBW and Zero.
>amazing quality
Sure is low standards around here
Production values were even better than Zero. What were you expecting, KnK levels of quality? that's not gonna happen for TV anime.
But she was an incredible female character.
She was a woman who had to act like a man to become a King, only to get betrayed by Lancelot and her son. She blamed the downfall of Camelot to herself and instead just wanted to become a normal girl and lead a normal life so she joined the Holy Grail War so she could go back to the past and not pull the sword instead.
>TM's GOAT character
worth it
>commenting about the prose of a translation made by amateurs
Saber refuses to be archived.
>japanese autistic ginger with retarded mary sure genderbent king arthur
>best pairing
Wasnt expecting my sides to burst so fast just by reading the top of the thread and I bet that the best has yet to come
You're not fooling anyone OP
To date, there has not been an adaption that has done the VN justice. If you want to know the characters you really have no choice but to read the VN.
This is your alien for tonight
There's no such thing as a feminist character. You can have well written female characters or poorly written ones. Sure, you could write of poorly written female characters as "sexist depictions of women," but at the end of the day, they're just shit characters.
>write of
Shit, meant write off.
The Grail dialogue and her conflict with Kiritsugu, as well as her friendly rivalry with Lancer centered around chivalry, added a lot. Fate/Zero lacked any of the waifu shit OP complained about, while distilling Saber down to King Arthur.