If ANN is innumerate (or pretends to be) and MAL is mostly normies that don't know any better, what anime sites does Sup Forums trust?
If ANN is innumerate (or pretends to be) and MAL is mostly normies that don't know any better...
None of them.
>Utterly disjointed narrative-wise
What a bunch of retards.
Sup Forums.
What math? All i see are letters in there.
>ABCDF grading
>Anything but complete bullshit
Imagine it A+ to F were 12 to 0. 5+9+10+7/4 = 7.75 or high B- which can round up to B, but it overall goes for C+. From a mathematical standpoint it fails in objectivity and I've seen a lot of reviews that do this. Not to mention their Gundam reviews are obnoxiously brutal.
I saw all this as someone that gives 0 fucks about Haruhi
>I say all this
>what anime sites does Sup Forums trust?
I hate normalfags pretending to hate ''normies'' while they are ''normies'' themselves. Im so tired of this ironic humour garbage culture.
>trusting anime sites
all of them are shit op
Really makes you think
f**k back to mal you high school underage b& trash
None of them because they don't gobble up shallow fanservice shows and moeshit like Sup Forums does
Epic meme my fellow redditor.
What's your fav subs?
Back the fuck off??
Useful as databases, utter shit as anything else.
Nick Creamer just has bad taste and is an obnoxious Yamadafag to boot.
>Sup Forumsutists can't into irony
>Sup Forumsutists
Who fucking cares.
ANN has been stated time and time again to only be good for news updates. The editorials are garbage.
How was that bait?
>ANN has been stated time and time again to only be good for news updates. The editorials are garbage.
Well since they started reviewing Gundam and did their Mazinger Z review they just started taking them seriously, even their forums acknowledge it is snowballing out of control
>in before Guyver reference
I love how all these sites are shitting on Haruhi now, when it's no longer popular and most people hate it, yet when it came out they were doing nothing but suck its cock. it's almost as if it's just trendy taste signalling or something.
Anyone ever touched a loli cunny? I wonder what it feel like.
The whole is not the sum of its parts, you autist.
After I realised both ANN and MAL are pieces of shit, I only read news on Crunchyroll.
No agenda, no retarded people: just people who want to inform to tell their public about stuff related to their shows.
Crunchyroll is currently the best news site. I never visited ANN nor MAL ever again.
Because you get better taste as you're older.
Haruhi is entrylevel shit
give me your lunch money nerd.
That piece of shit's taste is so fucking awful and one of the reasons I don't visit ann is him. Now crunchyroll brought him to write shit and for fuck's sake this guy is so fucking pretentious and annoying.
Seriously any fellow pedophiles here?
>Because you get better taste as you're older
pic unrelated of course.
>reading reviews
I've only just started using MAL to make a list of all the manga that I read
I see no reason to use it for anything else
No need to ruin a perfect civil thread with your bullshit because you don't like it, cancer-kun.
I know that, I never liked Haruhi, even as a kid. I never understood why people thought it was the best thing ever. it had like 2 interesting ideas and that's it and most of its influence on the genre has been negative.
to add to my last post, it's pretentious in the *true* sense of the word, like it tried to be clever with the out of order stuff but the fact is that never meant anything and was just a type of viral marketing to drum up interest in the show.
This picture is utterly retarded in a multitude of ways
To be honest Haruhi is miles more interesting than new stuff like Madoka.
I even livewatched every Madoka episode when it aired with you guys back in the day and it was never surprising, just a lot of opera voices and shit.
I actually agree with that, for example, people keep saying to me that episode 3 was a surprise, which it really wasn't because the previous 2 episodes for all intents and purposes went "you could die guise" over and over while sinister music plays, you'd have to be autistic as fuck not to pick up on the obvious implications. Source: I'm legit autistic and I predicted most of the show.
Why the fuck do you faggots care about these goddamn sites so much.
Just fucking ignore them if they're as cancerous as you believe they are, goddamn.
Are you fucking masochists or something?