How the fuck did the Danes lose part of their capital to a bunch of hippies and why don't they take it back?

How the fuck did the Danes lose part of their capital to a bunch of hippies and why don't they take it back?

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what is this

idk about christiania but we have a similar place in murrica
something to do with no one knowing who actually owns the land and the land ownership being disputed.

Danes are experts at losing parts of their country.

Christiania. Its a bit of Copenhagen where hippies decided to refuse to pay rent and they try and prove they have superior ideas for governing society by having shit damaged buildings and desperately selling shit weed and stuff to tourists

Its not actually its own country/entity they are just larping boomer fags that noone cares about. Hopefully the area gets purged soon and turned into a large open air military museum as it should be.

As long as they stay there, I don't give a fuck. It's a nice change of pace compared to the rest of Copenhagen. Still way too many people like everywhere else in the city though.

10/10, actually laughed.

>It's a nice change of pace compared to the rest of Copenhagen.

Hvad mente han med dette

Its a shithole and a disgrace to the beautiful ramparts its build along

Han mente det, han sagde. Der er hyggeligt.


tak for mad

Hvornår har du sidst været der`?

Sidst jeg var der var det fyldt med kebabs og taber hipsters.

Billede relateret er hyggeligt. Du skal vist have dit hovedet checket, tror du lider af urbanitenza

Oh bro true that, hate Copenhagen but I love the rest of Denmark. It seemed to me like they are so desperate to become this bland obnoxious modern cosmopolitan European capital whilst getting rid of anything unique or interesting

Jeg snakker ikke nodvendigvis Pusher Street, det steed er fuld af lort. Nu mere naturområderne.
Sidst jeg var der, var vel nok for halvandet års tid siden.

Yeah, exactly. Also I'm not very fond of big cities in the first place; a village within a city, jammed with tourists as it may be, is worthy of keeping around - if anything for the tourism.

Bikers run it?

The cannabis sale, yes. The inhabitants of the place run the rest.

Is that what the XRE episode was parodying?

Possibly. But what on Earth was that garbage?

I read an article & it made out they ran it all.
The truth as usual is a different thing.

Dear god what a harsh language. Reading that out loud is pretty funny

Yeah. They have their own kindergarten and shit, they fund and run that kind of stuff themselves without much influence from the outside.

Dansk er et flot sprog, ikke sandt?


I tried it out when I was there, isn't as harsh as some others but still difficult but I didn't get much past taler du Engelsk and tag etc

Derp a derp a flippity flerp var der var dar verden det fyldt med kebabs