Dragon Ball Super



>I write an outline of the entire plot, then the script writers break it up into episodes, expanding on things, changing things around, or adding in new bits as need be.

>Even I haven’t checked the final script yet.
>Let’s enjoy this together (laughs)!!


>I had put Dragon Ball behind me, but seeing how much that live-action film ticked me off, and how I revised that script for the anime movie and complained about the quality of the TV anime, I suppose somewhere along the line it’s become a series I like too much to ever leave alone.



>Speaking of the manga, I want to ask you two about how you put the manga together. I hear Toriyama-sensei checks the storyboards for each chapter.
>Toriyama: That’s right.

>Back when Toriyama-sensei was drawing the manga, the animators would use his manga panels as reference, imitating the composition and things like that. And now it seems that the animators are likewise using Toyotaro-sensei‘s manga as reference.
>Toriyama: Oh, that’s good! That should keep them on track!


>Every month, I'll create a storyboard for him to review, and then he'll give me input and suggest changes. When I'm working with Toriyama, there are many portions he gives me props for coming up with, but he is very particular about other things and always points them out for me to correct. And when he corrects me, I think “Wow, I guess I don't completely understand the way he looks at things,” so his corrections and feedback are incredibly accurate and helpful. It's a lot of fun to be able to get closer to his way of thinking

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first post for ramen



>I’m really grateful to you. I never thought an artist like you would come along to draw the continuation of my story!

What would you do if Bra is never conceived?

Why would Toriyama choose a ningen as his successor?

Shueisha Establishes “Dragon Ball Room” to Expand and Optimize Content
Shueisha revealed that it had newly established a “Dragon Ball Room” on June 21st of this year. Its goal is to break down barriers between departments to expand and optimize the globally popular Dragon Ball franchise.
The announcement was made at Shueisha’s new publication planning presentation held in Tokyo on the 12th. Although the Dragon Ball Room falls under the umbrella of the rights division, its section chief Akio Iyoku also serves as editor-in-chief of V-Jump, where the Dragon Ball Super manga (the original story of which is overseen by Toriyama) is serialized. Iyoku says that, “in practical terms you can think of it as handling both the rights and editing. It’s a new experiment to have a department that only thinks about Dragon Ball.”
Akira Toriyama, the original author, commented that, “I was wanting to keep this old series alive and kicking even in the modern day with help from Shueisha’s excellent staff, so for me this team is dependable and a real godsend. It’d really be great if this way I won’t have to do anything!!!!”
Dragon Ball is a hit manga that ran in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1984 to 1995; its comics have sold over 240 million copies. The story centers on Son Goku, a boy with outstanding fighting sense, his adventures to get the Dragon Balls (which grant any wish when all seven are gathered), and his stiff competition against various rivals. A TV anime began broadcasting in 1986, and its popularity has endured even beyond the end of the original manga; Dragon Ball Super is currently airing.

because TA is the only Toribot in the world.

Who gives a shit if she will exist or not?

Does anyone have that Toriyama interview where he says the boost from SS gets smaller with each new form?

because we want to fantasise Bulma getting pregnated


How will they ruin him?


I wonder if Toyotaro will ever color Bulma and Trunks purple to pay an homage to the original manga or if he's forced to stay consistent with the tv adaptation.

Fuck off

>videl is boring and got ugly
>chi-chi is a giant bitch

Reminder that Bulma is BEST super girl


Holy shit, you never give up do you?

I don't but I think one or two faggots might actually kill themselves is she doesn't exist.

there's more than one of us

Sure there is. Nice try.


So what's your favorite technique in the series?
and what techniques from other series do you want to appear in DB?

Instant Transmission

Lightning Storm from Dragon Quest

Vegitotards are really assmad that their shitty fusion is going to be nerfed.

Do you faggots really just want a roflstomp that bad? Is your taste that shit?

>hurr hurr look how mad you people are

What pisses me the most about Dragonball super is that every preview is literally the ending/big reveal of the next episode.

Like do you think they will fuse in the first 5 minutes of the next episode? Fuck no they'll fight a bit more for 5, raise the stakes for another 5, then debate if they should do it or not for 5 more and then in the last 3 minutes or so they will fuse and fight a little bit. End of episode.

Look at the last thread. Dozens upon dozens of comments of retarded Vegitofags raging over how their "perfect" fusion is going to actually have a weakness.

>The live action movie pissed me off so much, I started writing notes on napkins and allowed Toei to run wild with it without even checking the final script
How can anyone question that Toriyama is a hack?

Vegitofag here and I don't mind if he has a weakness.
To have a weakness actually improves a character.

I agree. I just think it's kind of funny that so many Vegitofags are sperging out because he's actually going to have to struggle in this fight.

Yeah I also agree with you. But I mean what else is there to talk about? We all know exactly WHAT will happen in the next episode every week, we just don't know exactly how.

Remember how it was at least SOMEWHAT fun to come up with theories who Black is and where he came from? Now these threads are reduced to fangayism

I would have been fine with Vegito struggling if Merged Zamasu wasn't such a weak joke.

>if Merged Zamasu wasn't such a weak joke.

Source my ass

>if Merged Zamasu wasn't such a weak joke.
He can infinitely get stronger through combat. He's not exactly a joke.

Friendly reminder Ran Fan is best waifu.

Niggas, he got overpowered by Goku alone
He needs to destroy Goku next week before I can buy Vegito struggling
It's not even about powerlelev


>Niggas, he got overpowered by Goku alone
That was genuinely bullshit immersion breaking retardation on the part of the studio though.


Are you still salty?

Because he fucked up a beam struggle being too much of an arrogant dumbass? He knocked Goku and Vegeta out of SSB with a single attack each and effortlessly blocked their punches simultaneously.

Friendly reminder that Ran Fan's husband is Trunks.

Not really, but it's kind of ironic watching Vegitofags rage considering I was raging hard a few days ago

Fair enough.

What is gonna say Mai about this?

It's a different Trunks, I'm sure.

I think the Father-Son Garlick Gun was more than enough for the "ningen wo nameruna" moment

I love Goku but the dickriding was too much


>What is Kaioken?

You didn't caught that I was joking right?

The thing he didn't use you mean?

This whole show is Goku dickriding though. Vegeta getting to beat on Black for 30 seconds had to have been the product of murderers invading Toriyama's house and holding him and his family at gunpoint while demanding that Super focus on another character at some point.

It's some random guy named Trunks. Toriyama later reused his name for the Trunks we all know.


>What is Kaioken?

Not canon past the Namek Saga.

Yes, I was playing along.


You think Ran Fan can beat adult Mai on a fight?

Neither is the Purple Jelly Vegeta Arc yet Toei still referenced it in this current arc.

hi again cuties hows your Wednesday been treating you all? hope it's great.

>Toei Super


Stop sullying my thread, you fucking cooling apparatus ayy lmao.

Does Mai get to bring weapons?

>Yfw she will never be playable on any fighting game like Xenoverse
Why live?

Where did I say that dumbass?

>Toei still referenced it in this current arc.

Gonna tell me you were talking about the manga you fucking retard?

Weapons as in guns and shit or weapons as in her big butt?
No, no guns.
But his butt is allowed.

Are you fucking retarded? Follow the argument before you jump in you fool.

>Follow the argument before you jump in you fool.

Incredible amounts of irony. You're actually autistic, aren't you?

Mai might have this, then.


>hurr I pretend that others are using words incorrectly without explaining why I think their usage is incorrect
>This makes me feel smart

Hang yourself.

Bra is best grill

She has mommys looks and daddys pride so she is pure

DESU I would like to play with future Mai in XV2.
Her gameplay would be focussed on weaponry and would call members of the resistance as back ups.

nah if mai cant use weapons ranfan would definitely take her out with the heat fist (plus mai is a very shy woman so she might not like ranfans vulgarity)

Didn't I told you? might hang himself if Toriyama don't bring Bra to Super.

I hope she gets destroyed by Beerus as soon as she is born.


>beerus in charge of anything other than being slapped around

The only thing being slapped will be Bra's face with Beerus' suck.

It's fucking Toei they'll give him a retarded weakness that makes no sense


Come on have some faith maybe Toriyama will actually get more involved instead half assing it or maybe Toei will suddenly improve

>Toei will suddenly improve
They've had years no one expects any sort of quality from them

If Toriyama deletes Bra then he at least needs to give us a female child of Trunks and Mai that has Vegeta's personality. I just really want a dominant saiyan female.

Toei is doing a better job with the anime than Toyataro is doing with the manga



Don't ever talk to me or my fusions daughter again

What's your point? I hope you realize that other than Toeifags and Toyblefags no one thinks super is good. Super at its best so far has merely been decent. I just wish that if they were going to revive Dragon Ball they wouldn't be lazy. Who's the idiot responsible for giving Super such a shit budget anyway?

The manga's pacing is so bad I don't know how people think it's good

I feel he will use it again, like pic related might be, or what other life risking attack Goku would do?
And that strange thing what happens to Zamasu (green and purple) might be the reason, then Goku got his ass kick, Shin gives him and Vegeta the Potara, fuses, and Vegito kicks Zamasu's ass like the preview show
I'm just guessing here

>Other than the people who like DBS no one likes DBS

Honestly copy paste waifus like Bra or Pan are far from being good waifus.
Now Jaco's wife on the other hand...

Top kek
The anime's pacing is worse btw

>Toei will suddenly improve
This week's episode's key frames is done by a top industry free lancer so it'll be better than th esual Toei Phillipines low quality stuff.
Also the plot point about Vegito's weakness may very well be from Toriyama's plot outline so you can't blame Toei just yet.
>Toei is doing a better job with the anime than Toyataro is doing with the manga
And what standards are you trying to compare the two mediums under? Toei suffers from many flaws the manga simply doesn't need to adhere to like a hectic weekly schedule. The only real flaw with the manga is pacing that may make it come off as rushed in comparison to the stretched out anime.

Super in general is meh but the manga is trying at least to fix the inconsistencies of the anime.

The way he made Vegeta job against Hit killed any expectations I had. I don't even like Vegeta but I prefer my fights in a battle shonen to be good unlike you faggots who suck off his mario cart filler yet somehow avoid talking about how Toyataro goes about his fights

Loved the mario kart stuff this issue, but it got me thinkin; does goku ever go home?

I mean really, supers been going on for a while now, and hes always either at beerus's place training or hanging out at the briefs compound. Youd think vegeta or bulma would eventually just get sick of him and be like dude just go away, you have your own house and wife and son, why are you always here.

>but I prefer my fights in a battle shonen to be good
Yet Toei's fights suck.