Would you?

Would you?

I would spitroast that meat

I would swiftly avert my eyes, apologize profusely, and leave the room as I am clearly not where I was supposed to be and am possibly lost and trespassing.

Nikumi isn't my favourite but I'm not gay either.

I would invade your tastebuds under command of the Meat General

Would I ever.

I prefer her when she's confident

In a motherfucking heartbeat. I'd sample every inch of that delicious meat.

My god the anime is poorly animated.


That's not how this works. She's supposed to be pushing me onto the bed.

Are you fucking serious right now?

SnS girls are all spaghetti dropping girls when it comes to Souma. If you want a confident, aggressive girl, the only option is my wife, Rindo


It's sad irrelevant Meat has become, but there will always be a place for her in my heart.

and my dick.

I wish she would become more competent though for storysake. But I guess 'high grade meat' has no room for creativity in plot development.

Since when is Alice spaghetti for him?

absotively posilutely

Alice is a secret sub moeblob but not for Souma.

What about pic related?


I like Meat and all, but she made chapter 63 one of my favorites in the entire series.

He will never win.

Would I?

Fag, a real man apologises once for staring and admits he's never seen her that way before.

Maybe you should delete that.

I don't see femininity

Maybe you should delete yourself

>Would-ing someone that got expelled

Would I a perfect brown goddess? I would murder an orphan and a sack full of puppies and kittens just for the opportunity.

I'd probably enjoy this show if they didn't have orgasms from eating

Pretty sure they're not
Which is the point

sometimes, I wish I could

hello there Sup Forums

It's a deal.

Definitely needs more screentime.

She really needs longer hair

You sound like a homosexual.

What would actually make her better is her having smaller breasts.

We can meet halfway, shoulder length,

>What would actually make her better is her having smaller breasts.
Blasphemy!. Her breasts are perfect, neither too small to pull out her sexy exotic look, nor too large to be comical or off-putting.

Her breasts are the perfect size for perfectly holding a thick piece of meat!

>giving Meat longer hair so she can feel like a girly girl instead of keeping up the tomboy image that her father raised her to be



Is she dancing on the spot or something?

>moshi moshi, feels desu.

You don't understand anything about real beautey. You're just one of the many plebs.


how is she not considered best girl of the show?

Fuck off idiot.

because she got completely sidelined.

Would you?

>closing your mind to more Nikumi possibilities
No son, you are the pleb.


Can I just sit outside the bedroom and fap listening to you fuck her?

Kill yourself cuck.

guys, pls

Just kill me already.


Whats wrong with that user? You get her all to yourself. A pathetic worm like me doesnt deserve to reproduce.

Why are you like this

I don't know. Its not like Ive had some experience with 3D women that made me like this. Maybe it's my small penis. I used to be ashamed of it but NTR makes me feel like I can be comfortable with it because I dont have to imagine having a huge schlong. And add that to the fact that I like humilation and maybe thats why Im like this. God I do feel ashamed sometimes but this makes me come so hard. I dont know what to do.

I know you probably dont care and I'm sorry if this sounds like blogposting but thanks for listening user.

naa, it'd be boring just looking.
>start up convo
>say something inappropriate
>get bitch slapped
>go home
>marathon simpsons
>try again the next day
>almost everything is the same for the next week, only difference is the toppings on my pizza.

You sound like an alright guy user, I'll fuck your waifu for you and let you sit in the corner and watch.

Kill yourself.

Give her a good time.

Do you prefer pic related?

>implying I could be stopped

She looks like a much older version of my waifu, pretty uncanny.

Are those zits, bug bites or is someone aiming laser pointers at her tits?

It's called new artists having no talent.

Never cared for SnS but i do like meat, maybe because i have a thing for brown girls.

>delicious brown
>amazing tits
>amazing ass
>rich af
>craves Souma's cock
>best doujins

how can other girls even compete?

>Slutty body.
>Slutty clothes.
I'd annihilate this.
