Why is this show called pretentious?
Also, what does it mean?
Why is this show called pretentious?
Also, what does it mean?
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It's called pretentious because I didn't like it.
Because it's shit. Pic related.
It's called pretentious because it uses big words to make it seem more intellectual.
>big words
Like what?
I only noticed that they namedropped philosophers like Derrida but that's it.
have you finished?
Yes, why?
>uses big words to make it seem more intellectual.
Just like those gits films
Did the story make sense to you? can you tell me what was trying to tell? I might have lose something, i also didn´t understand why is that chick the icon for the series, she didn´t seem important since they left the city to the end of the series.
The storyline seemed to make sense, but I didn't figure out if there was any "message" behind it or anything.
>why is that chick the icon for the series
Isn't she a clone of Monad Proxy?
The second one, yeah.
Which everyone rightfully calls pretentious for this very reason. The first one just rushes through all the autistic shit that was in the manga and says just enough to finish the mystery plot but not enough to make a real statement, because that's not the goal anyway.
Ergo Proxy is something else entirely: it has a message, which is basically "we're fucked if we don't have someone who tells us what to do, and we aren't free when we live through each other, but if we have reliable, nice friends who know us well, then it's okay".
But it spends a shitload of episodes meandering around that point and trying to demonstrate it in the most awkward and cryptic ways imaginable while also dropping a bunch of weirdly precise and explicit statements about existence and psychology, most of which are actually not supposed to be taken seriously, because they come from delusional antagonists. And then it also names characters after philosophical and mythological concepts that have very little to do with what they are in the story, only to make their point seem more grounded in a philosophical tradition than it really is.
>philosophical and mythological concepts
Such as what? I hardly noticed any of these references.
The story makes sense if you pay attention during that one silly recap/infodump gameshow episode. People miss that and then they assume that the series was too deep for them.
The chick is a fake protagonist. I think they were just trying to show that, the less her quest makes sense, the less she's prominent as a person, because she lives through others (her grandad, her bosses, her doctor, and then Vincent) even when she tries to make her own decisions.
So by the end, everything she lived for has become meaningless, but she's become way less alienated as a result. She's more comfortable with herself and with her friends BECAUSE she no longer tries to be a character in a story.
It's pretty obvious stuff.
i admit i was getting a little bored in the later episodes. The guy was fighting his old self right?
"Monad" for example. It's a Leibnizian concept that sort of has something to do with the themes I mentioned, but really can't be assumed to mean "super-powered angel vampire from space with existential problems and shapeshifting powers".
yeah basically
it's never really clear why there were two of him, though, and exactly what he did wrong. Which is a shame because a lot of his psychology revolves around having fucked up real bad at some point but we don't really know how or why.
I liked it and I still think its overly pretentious, being pretentious is not a bad thing being overly pretentious is.
pretentiousness is when you don't fulfill your ambitious claims and cheat your way around them.
And also, ergo is Latin for therefore
The vast majority of Sup Forums doesn't any sort of academic knowledge; basic philosophic concepts escape most of the teens in this place who have never bothered to understand art or literature criticism, nor the history of any artistic field with any significant depth. Of course, they haven't published or contributed anything to the world of art either.
Due to this ignorance, every single time a show uses 'big' words, purple prose or 'fluff' for stylistic purposes, metaphors, symbolism, an 'artsy' style, etc., etc., etc., Sup Forums is made to feel insecure. That is the natural response of anti-intellectuals. They have this knee-jerk reaction, akin to a jock badmouthing a nerd for using 'big words'.
The label 'pretentious' is the end-result of this process, which of course is laughable and trivial, as one must have some higher degree of understanding to see past the pretense, which Sup Forums, as I said before, lacks completely.
you sound pretentious
pino is cute
I want to fuck kino