White supremacists: We are the superior race.

Also White supremacists: Jews control the world, black people are too strong & violent, Asians are taking our jobs & Muslims are spreading Islam everywhere

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Jewish supremacists/ethnic nationalists: uhh, actually if you oppose us in any way you're a nazi white supremacist and our own ethnic nationalism is good for no reason other than we say so

You never get tired of shitposting? Poor girl man


How can you possibly serve in the federal government while holding dual citizenship, and its never a conflict of interest?

That's about as silly as DWS getting tried in a court by her own brother?

I don't think there is such a thing as a "White SUPREMACIST". Whites are generally isolationists and nationalists. They just want the kikes and sandniggers out of their countries.

I love Turkey sandwiches...nothing better than Turkey...right Vache?

It's almost as if the superior race is not that superior as they claim to be


Colombia bro, where my cocaine. Got time to shitpost but won't supply me crew? WTF?

those 2 things don't contradict each other

I wouldn't expect from a sub 100 iq subhuman such as yourself to wrap your head around such a concept

The jews never played fair and had a headstart advantage.
Kill yourself nigger

2 million people have died in the middle east as a result of American intervention. That's 1/3rd of a holocaust. The US and Israel were funding ISIS and Al Qaeda to overthrow legitimate governments. Men women and children slaughtered, raped, sold into slavery. Taxpayer funded. Israel said it would be "strategically advantageous" to allow it to continue.

Are people that oppose Israel and the Israel lobby white supremacists?

Nope. It’s entirely consistent and there is zero contradiction.


Why mad tho?

If you hate white people so much I suggest you turn your computer off, throw technology, medicine, any art and literature you have in the garbage and go live in the forest or something and stop being a hypocrite. You clearly don't hate white people and clearly do believe white people are superior if you carry on using white people technology.

During the first and second Gulf Wars, US servicemen died fighting a mujaheddin that were created by funding radical islamic groups to oppose Russia in the 70s-80s.

Should this cycle be allowed to repeat once more?

>black people are too strong
Niggers are the weakest race, actually.

White supremacists are actually Asian supremacists because Asians have the highest IQ


I hope Moore made them bleed out their asshole!

Why does such a beautiful creature follow such a barbaric religion?

Yes I have seen her without makeup and still think she is cute.

The US has given Israel 130 billion dollars since 1950. What have we gotten in return? The death of western culture? The complete tabloid subversion of our media? Replacement level immigration, open borders illegal immigration, the resettlement of hostile refugees, all of these groups being encouraged not to assimilate to our way of life and government?

jews are too ugly and they should learn this hard
and walk into the sea and dont stop

At what point is "antisemitism" not about supremacy, but mere survival?

White nationalists don't tell you that they are the apex race, they tell you that they don't want to live with you, and that the evil juden are making them.

You didn't invent any of that kiddo stop claiming other people's achievements, if we're going by that logic, you should reject Jewish invections as well, which would result in your ass not existing at all

Not to mention Muslims invented civilization, and that Blacks were the first humans to do math

Diversity is about all of us getting along, no one likes your racists ass

Jews are smarter on average, as are SE Asians. Blacks are stronger, and happier.

Jews could (and do) integrate into white society without qny problems, their IQ and culture is why they're "ruling" the world.

Honestly I don't mind living with gooks, chinks, japs, even most kikes. The only thing is they shouldn't vote.

The goddamned problems start with you spics. Spics, natives, and africans are garbage when it comes to living in and building civilization, and together account for the vast majority of crime in the US, despite only makig up ~40% of the population.

Post boipucci

niggers too strong? last time i checked strong people don't become enslaved.

Te cansaste de ver si te dejaban pasar por blanco y ahora haces post anti white mmm de verdad me activa el frente amplio

muslims invented civilisatiion??????


Oh no. It's retarded.

We don't claim to be the master race, you fucking baiting ignorant faggot, we claim that EVERY race, including OURS has a right to exist.
We are saying we have the right to be super-majorities in the lands we evolved in and conquered. Fucking dum faggot.

>Diversity is about all of us getting along, no one likes your racists ass
and it doesn't fucking work. Diversity is positively correlated with crime and low trust, and can be undeniably said to have caused the shitty situations in Mälmo and Detroit.

Wow I thought they taught this in 4th grade

Please don't do that

Post your feminine penis.

>White supremacists: We are the superior race.

Find me a single person who says this.

I would believe that they taught you that civilization began with Islam in your dumpster hovel.

You do realize there are only 4 races?

"Arabs" are dark Caucasians just like "whites" are just light Caucasians.

Jews are collectivists to the extreme. Whites are indivdualists. It's no surprise what a pack of Jews can accomplish by means of hoarding and gangbanging. Whites hav to depend on themselves, which is why Jews have never been good artists/architects etc. they've never had to accomplish anything on their own.

hahahhahaha you know Islam was invented in the 6th century, right?

Also the genetic lineage of the modern races in comparison to early humans is unclear. Did you know many Persians were (and still are) blond?

Sumerians weren't muslims,retard.
They werent even arabic.

race is a spectrum retard

there is about as much genetic distance between whites and arabs as there is between Arabs and Indians

>all of us getting along
>no one likes your racists ass
doesn't sound like you're getting along
this is already what's happening to white people instead of "racists ass"

seriously good bait dude

Diversity is about not having a culture anymore, and racial pride is about standards.

You’re a low-IQ sophist.

because we're not underhanded and sneaky like the kikes. they have no morality, decency or standards like we do.

>whites are individualists
only in the last few centuries, and that's why western culture is shit now
>hurr im more important than my family

>We are the superior race.
By we you mean what? Jews?

"White supremacy" is the belief that whites will be just fine without other races around them.

Is that truly white supremacy? I don't know. But it's the truth.

NB: when a leftist uses the term "white supremacy", xe really means "white people".


I wasn't talking about the religion, their descendants are now what you call 'dirty muslims' in the current world

uh we're superior because we're more moral
Our moral character creates the greatest civilization but also holds us back against muslims and jews in certain competitive regards.... Until they push us too far.

Islam didn't even exist when the first civilization was around so how could muslims have invented it? Don't tell me Colombians believe in time traveling muslims.

No one cares about superiority, I just want to know if those tits are legal.

Who can forget all of the Indonesians descended from the Persians.

I didn't read a word of your post OP, but I want to fuck your ass so hard that you cry

show us your dick lmao

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