Exploring Estonia


What kind of gems are you hiding from us Eesti? How can such a small country rank so high in education. Have good cheap alcohol making Finns want to take trips there daily.

What is your secret Estonia? Answer us


Alcohol has now same price that it is in Finland. Socialists have been in power for few years now and they are ruining everything ever faster pace. Rising taxes, building bigger government with bigger bureaucracy. When I was a kid in 90s I never saw a nigger, literally never. Now I see them every day. Soon we will have besides russian problem, nigger/muslim problem. Every nation destroying ruling that EU leaders dictate our government instantly implies it, never ask questions. We are the good goys. All the advancements we made during the last 25 years will be for nothing. We are sinking on the same boat with others in EU.

Hmm you make me want to know more. Growing up in the 90s to beginning of 2000 i saw as many niggers and arabs in my life as i could count on one hand. It went outwards pretty fast. And we are kind of ahead of you on that curve. Do you think you will be able to turn it anytime soon?

"Russia problem"
You should willingly get annexed by Russia desu, your country is irrelevant so better be part of something stronger

Well people are mostly very redpilled about all of the issues of immigration, sjw and socialism. But politicians are weak spineless eurocucks. I hope we will start following Poland's leadership. All we really need is American soldiers helping to protect us from russian and more integrated relations with Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Visegrad countries. EU can go fuck itself for all I care.

>tfw you want to into esti but cant....

feels bad man...

Yeah we "voluntarily" tried that for 50 years last century. I would rather die fighting than live that shitfest thru again. You need to understand that the reason why eastern nations in EU are so angry at Brussels and Berlins ambitions with federalising EU and making it something "stronger" is that we lived thru that pipedream and witnessed it first hand. EU is starting to resemble soviet union more and more every day.

Honestly, i would not want to station American troops if i were you. It usually only strengthens the tensions and lets the eternal jew get a better grip. I'd say fuck EU as well and i yhing you need more integrated baltic relations indeed. Approaching Visegrad sounds smart as well. Hopefully you can get a change in leadership for the better.

The sweeds is right.

>EU can go fuck itself for all I care.
You realize you get the most subsidies per capita from the EU for businesses right?

Well you are not a small nation bordering russia. russian propaganda can make a big thing out of nothing even if there weren't any american troops here. Believe me. Only thing that quantities our independence is russia getting reasonable not warmongering leaders(lol) or few american troops stationed here making sure that russia won't start any funny business. Such is life for a country bordering russia.

tfw you are born blackpill

Trust me, stationing american troops will only make Russia angry and US wont fucking take a war with them just because you are threatened, it's a false promise of safety you'll get and that's it. I do endorse your earlier ideas regarding Visegrad and Baltics though

If it were economic union like it was advertised in the first place I would be okay staying in. Now it's turning out to be a cultural marxists dictatorship. I won't sell my country and its people for few shekels. On one hand I have shekels, one other forced nigger migration quotas.

>What is your secret Estonia? Answer us
No dark skinned niggers.

I see you have already fallen into the trap that russian propaganda has set. That's okay we stand to agree to disagree than.

Those gibs fuck up many things here.

Pikk jutt, sitt jutt.
>pic related

estonia has cool flag


Thanks for proving my point that forced low iq immigrants from russia didn't benefit occupied host nation. Good parallel to today's EU.

>Russian propaganda
You should try a Swedish newspaper. We are constantly fed with that we should be afraid of the Ruski.

Healthy attitude
Sounds like a good prerequisite

I know the situation that Sweden is in and it's media. Many tv stations and newspapers have been or are currently under Sweden capital. Many journalists have got their tutorial working with their swedish counterparts. You were the rolemodel society for us in the 90s and early 2000s and we tried to line after you in every aspect. Luckily that has change since it has become ever more obvious that you are heading for a collapse. Not even our cucked politicians talk about that we should aim to be more like Sweden. Only few sjws, luckily we don't have many of them kinds here. And it's obvious that your media needs to find an outside enemy to smoothen the cracks that are appearing in your society, since it is impossible to tell the truth. It would be very very racist of you. But at the same time I have no illusions that russia is fueling the fire by helping your nationalists and more politically incorrect options out in the daylight. See for them the ultimate goal is fragmented Europe. Literally divide and conquer.

I understand also that it is hypocritical of me to say that I want EU to disassemble and at the same time tell that russian propaganda has similar goals, but that's the situation we are in for now. Only bad or worse choices.

Well i'll attribute the Jews more to the divide and conquer part seeing as Bonnier owns 50% of mainstream media + major medias in Finland and they are a jewish family. Regarding Russia, they haven't done jack shit here, the shitty situation we are in does "their" propaganda for them. Russia doesn't have to lift a finger, in fact. They don't even NEED to try, they just spectate and note.

Because there are still a lot of Russians live there. Without them the country would be a complete shithole.

Well call yourself lucky that ever since the Great Northern War you haven't lost any land to russians or had to participate in defending your country against invasion from any enemy. You have lived in utopia, an abnormality for 300 years that almost every other nation in Europe has never experienced. Now you have screwed up so badly that you have let growing enemy forces to live within your border for decades. Yes russia doesn't need to invade you, you did it yourself. But for your elite who still live under illusion that everything is and will be alright in Sweden, for them russia is trying to influence dissident movements.

Good times breed weak men mate. Not the singular cause but a contributing factor. We've had it too peaceful for hundreds of years yes. It's time the Swedish Man gets a taste of blood

Well I hope for the best that your men still have fighting spirit in them. The sooner this problem gets fixed the better. Your elite is fighting to stay in power on their warm place with good salary and good life. They are pushing this problem solving further. That is why I think things will have to get much worse before any real action is taken.

Ah ha ha ha!!!! I spent 2 months living in Tallinn, you have no idea what a nigger even is! Estonia has got to be the whitest place on Earth. I can't step outside my door without seeing a million of them.

It's still a strange sight for us since we never had any dealing with these kinds here. If there are so few they pop out from crowd more easily. Yeah it's not that bad yet but things are moving to wrong direction. Got to feed all of those 4 billion monkeys at the end of century.

But Tallinn and other bigger cities surley have a few exotic restaurants, like Chinese, Indian or even kebab stands, right? I can't imagine it is 100% white without any wanted, and well integrated guests.

We used to have this thing called cookbooks. I'm sure you remember there was once a time like that in Germany. Restaurants obtained the information and made the food without importing whole africa with the recipe. This leftie food meme is one the weakest of them all.

Eesti, those niggers are probably US Army on leave from their bases.

Was in Eesti earlier this year, never saw a single nigger.

Grill is Lithuanian so go to Baltics a lot to visit her family.

Lithuania has the least Russian influence out of the Baltics, but also I notice in Estonia you all drive new BMWs and Audis, while in Vilnius they drive a mix of those and shitty 1990s Volkswagens or Lada Nivas.