Why has animation gotten so much worse since the golden age of 1939?
Why has animation gotten so much worse since the golden age of 1939?
It's no longer hand-drawn.
Who is in wrong here ?
What's wrong with digital animation? It's like you people live with this nostalgia you can't leave behind. Aren't more digital works looking retro old school lately just to look cool? It's like you people complain about everything.
When will people stop saying stupid things like this?
Digital encourages lazy shortcuts. Just look at how the young digital animators like to animate and you'll see everything is so simplified and lacks attention to detail.
Pretty lame compared to what America had at the time.
Pokemon reference?
Fuck off to Sup Forums you moron.
Looks similar to Fleischer Studios works
No need to be upset.
Do you like Fleischer? youtube.com
Modern day animation can look great as well.
I think nostalgia goggles need to come off.
No offence, but this webm isn't particularly amazing. Cool perspective though.
>See-through dress at 3:03
I thought this was a children show. This is too lewd.
>Digital encourages lazy shortcuts
How exactly and how do you think that would lead to artist making less detailed art?
They're alright, I prefer classic Disney.
Watch Betty Boop. They go even further. To make this Sup Forums related: en.wikipedia.org
So do I.
Didn't mean it to be a showcase of the best of the best Sakuga, but it is fluid and well animated.
When some turbo autist goes into every thread and corrects every post that says something stupid related to anime production
The faces scare me.
As expected, nips are major idolfags.
Funny how this was done before WW2 started, it would have never got made otherwise.
Maybe some Sup Forumsfag can explain me, but when did cartoons started being taken as child entertainment? All this old stuff looks like it could appeal to your usual adult back then.
>anime before hiroshima
>anime after hiroshima
Early animation films were really for all audiences back when the whole moving image thing was new. In fact, adults were possibly a bigger audience. People wanted shit to laugh (or just be entertained) at during post-ww1, the great drepression, ww2, etc. Animation being for kids really started in the 60's when TV became more widespread. By the way, if you're interested in early-ish animation, consider starting with the Silly Symphony series of shorts.
>silly symphonies
why start with disney shit
MGM and WB stuff are way better
Don't diss on Disney, lad. That is the perfect place to start.
only if you're an uncultured pleb desu
Disney production values were way ahead of their time
Because it's the truth.
This is what i need to say. I miss my time. I miss everyone. animation is getting go away. 3D are shit.
More like the opposite. They were the truest innovators and pioneers, and put out some of the best and most important stuff ever made. No need to underrate them.
how do we bring back cels?
Me too... user.
Not a Sup Forumsfag but it's not hard to see why it did if you look at the history of entertainment.
Television always was the big thing to leave your kids hooked to so the little shits would quiet down, especially so once the novelty wore off. Cartoon shorts began airing on television in their own segment shows, and their general silliness and fast pacing and action appealed to kids.
With time, they began to be seen as a "kid" thing to watch and started being made to match the audience, in contrast with live-action entertainment which, at the time, showcased more mature action and storylines which appealed more to adults.
>stiff, weightless animation
Why do people thing old anime had better animation?
>hating based kanada
kill yourself
Cel animation doesn't inherently mean better, but you've gotta love that 80s/90s aesthetic nonetheless.
>he thinks the blatant imitations "Merrie Melodies" and "Happy Harmonies" can even come close to reaching the bar set by Disney's Silly Symphonies
A lot of great post-war stuff was made under the likes of Chuck Jones and Tex Avery, but proposing the idea that Warner Bros and MGM as a whole were even comparable to Disney in the Silly Symphonies era is laughable
I will personally bring back cels right now if you can explain why you can't draw the same exact thing digitally.
digital colors are shit
>no grain
>no variable line weight
>better colours
There. And any time digital tires to emulate cels the end result is inferior.
No need to make it into a competition. There are a ton of really good stuff from the 30's and 40's that weren't by Disney. Warner Bros and MGM are definitely close, perhaps even better in many, many aspects.
>Sup Forums actually likes sully symphonies
All are completely forgettable.
WHat are they drawing with then, if not their hands?
How much do you value animation?
I only care about Sup Forumsnimation desu
why are american 2d women so ugly?
Honestly AI would be the only anwser. If we can somehow train artificial intelligence to draw and draw like the classics, animation would be god tier. Hand drawn animation can be hard, time consuming and expensive. If we can get AI to do all that I can guarantee you it'll be less expensive and less work. The writting would be a different story though.
Fuck you, keep yelling at those clouds you old fart. You're more than two decades behind us. You wish you could draw half as well we do now. Even that hack Walt Disney is jealous. We're in the Golden Age of animation right now, and you have to be delusional to deny it. Get with the times already.
Sometimes when I feel like shit I go through sakuga video binges.
DAICON IV always cheers me up.
What are you even talking about? Even if you had AIs that could draw, you couldn't get them to work on cels. Cels are simply outdated technology that will never be used again within the commercial anime industry. If you're just talking about older styles, then modern animators could draw like that, but don't because it's not what's in at the moment.
Was Popeye the original shonen?
>same 11 frames repeated for 4 seconds
>any way good at all
and cartoons being made for television, they had to make a bunch of episodes to last for weeks, and basically crank them out.
it would be madness to spend a massive chunk of your budget on a single cartoon for television
a cartoon before a movie in the cinema just had to be completed before the film premiered.
how do i get good at animation?
In all seriousness: yeah, it pretty much is. Supposedly it influenced the golden-age of superheroes from the late 30's.
Damn that was slick.
Same way you get good at anything.
Study and practise.
Draw porn.
Read "The Illusion of Life" and "Animator's Survival Kit"
what animator am i supposed to study from though
gum gum rifle
You study real life first.
Not any Japanese ones, that's for sure.
The only western animators worth a shit are the ones who worked on the MGM Tom & Jerry shorts though.
While we're on the subject, any pre-70's anime worth checking out? Even as a curiosity.
The GOAT animators are from Disney though.
Maybe the ones who worked on Fantasia and Pinocchio, that's about it though.
Wew. That's a vast underestimation of everything from the 30's and 40's.
>can't even name any artists
>thinks he knows the "only western animators worth a shit"
That's not too far off actually
Why not?
Just the more popular movies. Legend of the white serpent, Horus prince of sun, ect
>your argument
Fleischer Superman is great, by the way.
Considering there is no western equivalent of sakugabooru, there aren't really many western animators that are in actuality, worth a shit.
Animators like Milt Kahl and Ralph Bakshi are the only ones ever mentioned.
They rarely exhibit all of the fundamental 12 principles of animation. Also, Japanese character animation is weak.
Stop trolling
Sakugabooru accepts western uploads and has a variety of western animators tagged beyond the two you mentioned.
it's true though faggot
A pencil is technology. Animators have always drawn with technology.
you were doing well up until here
The western uploads in comparison to the Japanese ones are like 1:1000, there's very little on it.
I want to see more works of talented western animators than it to be regulated to YouTube compilations.
Japanese ideals in animation and animation production developed considerably differently than in the west; I don't think you can make a claim any stronger than "they're different"
>muh 12 principles
Get fucked, Disney.
B-but m-muh principles
Stop pretending like you know a damn thing because you masturbate to a Japanese gif website.
Go to bed Ralph
Stop, you fucking faggot.
The American animation industry was damn good before the Hanna-Barbera days and the shilling toy shows of the 80's. It inspired generations of animators across the globe. Tom & Jerry alone did not account for the golden era's success.
How do western animators even compete?
Not just Hanna-Berbera, but also Filmation, shitting out horribly animated tripe just to fill airspace, yet it made money because it sold toys.
old animation creeps me the fuck out
Quite easily. Have you seen most of the thread? Shorts from 80 years ago are still better than most anime from any era.
The best of Japanese animation is inferior to the best of its western counterpart though. The former is more expressive and full of life. Western animators animate characters like they've living people rather than mere drawings.That's what puts western animation ahead.
Western animution so gud!
More like the original 4koma adaptation.