Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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just kill me
Absolute fucking cancer, bringing that normalfag shit into Sup Forums.
I concede my loss in the new thread elections. However, I maintain my OP pic is better:
its not even run by moot anymore so its not like we have to care much
let the children have their fun, they dont have the attention span for it to last very long anyway
J-List is back
>he still doesn't have adblock installed
Why are you giving money to hirojew?
Gotta keep the site running.
What is he trying to say by this?
"If only you had said that you live alone."
Good job.
Posting on this one since it's the first one created.
Whats a good goal to set on vocab before you stop cramming and start mining? I was thinking 2k but then I'd still be like 3 months away from mining.
How good is your command of grammar?
You can mine pretty easily even with relatively little vocab if you can understand how the words work.
You already answered yourself.
Which is better, the Elgamal cryptosystem or the RSA cryptosystem?
Sup Forums戻れ
fuck core6k
I know how to conjugate stuff if thats what you mean.
Encryption through obfuscation by way of writing your code in Japanese
What did he mean by this?
What's next? avatarafagging our lives with horrible Japanese grammar?
>avatarafagging our lives with horrible Japanese grammar?
>keep getting distracted with useless shit instead of reading
Funny story I was eating lunch with my friend Karen because it was her birthday last week, but she was in New York visiting her family then, so we had lunch today, and she showed me her new bag that she got at the airport because her flight was delayed and she was waiting at the airport for a few hours and bought a few things, and the bag was super cute with like ruffles and stuff so I was like, that bag is so kawaii. And she didn't even know what kawaii means lol. I almost called her baka but that would be mean and she wouldn't understand anyway.
Cool meme
Cool meme
Why are you learning Japanese when global warming will wipe out humanity in the next 50 years anyway?
I mean most of us will die in the next 50 years of unrelated causes anyway, it's not like this changes anything.
Our newly elected president says 地球温暖化 does not exist, so it does not exist.
this thread is not a democracy so I don't know what you're talking about. I have banned elections here.
I'm talking about 地球温暖化
But you mentioned a newly elected president which is simply not possible when you don't have elections like in this thread which is currently being controlled by the "provisional" military government.
I'm 27. I'll be dead in 50 years.
>mining 50 words from 3 pages
Today I have done anki for 2 minutes and read absolutely nothing.
at least you posted an eppic meme
Does anyone have a link to a picture of handwritten hiragana?
jesus christ user get your shit together
Thanks for the link.
Which one do I pick? And how do I know it's not by some amateur?
I'm looking for images btw
You call that handwriting?
Well he clearly wrote it. With his hand. So yeah.
>With his hand
>at the japanese course
>teacher's telling us our grades
>got 100% on the 文法試験 and on the 漢字書き取り (went as far as writing down every possible kanji, even ones that the teacher still hadn't shown us)
>everyone in my class is like 「すっごーいですねぇー」 (fucking weebs, I swear)
>eh, whatever
>class is over
>leaving the classroom
>one of my classmates comes up to me and asks how I managed to learn so much in so little time even though I had been studying by myself until a few weeks ago
>hesitate a little
>well, fuck it
>tell him I'll send him some useful links (anki, grammar reference, etc)
>get home
>spend a few minutes gathering together all the important links from the guide
>send it to him
>3 weeks later
>he still hasn't even downloaded Anki and still writes shit like 「手伝って物をあったら、俺も任せて!」
Fuck normies
They'll never learn Japanese
did you have a stroke while you were writing that ひ
What's your favorite kanji? Mine's 卍.
>went as far as writing down every possible kanji
What's character is わ + "?
Getting that easy A for gen ed?
Should have just said you study Japanese in your free time
Not really. It's a private course unrelated to my university studies and I basically only go there when I can't understand stuff and need the help of a teacher
That'd probably have been better
Alright you guys are trying too hard now. It's ok to shitpost but control yourselves.
I try to tell people about anki and reading and nobody ever listens :(
I have a friend who has been learning japanese for a year and still complains about common kanji and words.
There's no salvation for them
That's my favorite too, user
I just wrote it
Is it that bad?
It's が
me irl
its that nasty fellow [deleted] again!
>pulls out a 3 year reddit post
Here's your (You)
Being from 3 years ago doesn't make it any less dumb.
I will never understand why they go so overboard
Hey guys how do I type that fancy "w"?
Edit: Nvm got it
There has lately been less ww's and more 草 in the Japanese interbutts
And now I will continue my voyage to 3k hanzi
What are you still shilling for? You have lost.
Sup Forums is not pol
Two weeks away, come back and it's been three threads in a row of full-on shitposting, has some autistic been released from mental care or something?
Where you been qt?
>three threads in a row of full-on shitposting
Way more than three.
>twoo weeks away
Be glad you weren't here for Halloween.
>subs say つよくなるよ
>singer says きよくなるよ
>subs say ゆき
>singers asks who am I quoting
That's probably a dialect.
>Donald J Trump
木、 林 or 森
delete this