What Sup Forums think about Yagami Light?
What Sup Forums think about Yagami Light?
He's an alright guy. Should have won
Watching Death Note for the first time. Light gave up his memories of the Death Note a couple episodes ago. This show is now really bad. Does it get better or should I just drop it?
He's a subpar swimming instructor.
Went after the wrong people. Should have nuked some Illuminati.
He was evil, but a good kind of evil.
I wish he won. Fuck Near.
He's the man, that the world didn't deserve.
People speak about him being a monster, when he took crime rates down by 70% , helped nearly end all global crime.
In Light's eyes the ends justified the means, why should L and his views of Light's justice warrant him being arrested?
Light took it upon himself with the power no one on Earth ever seen before to take down criminals of all crimes, whether they were or weren't.
We as human's do not have the authority to say he was wrong when he had power beyond our understanding. Light was an unsung hero because people's morality gets in the way of actual beneficial movements for the world.
Best performance by any male VA was Miyano doing Light. I think "killing all criminals" was dumb but I still like him.
garbage character from garbage series
>criminals are the source of all ills in the world
>not corrupt politicians, business tycoons
>everyone in jail deserved it
You have the moral understanding of a 12 year old.
Drop it. Frankly you should have a while ago.
I like him, he was right.
The problem is that the writers wanted to make it very clear that they did not condone his actions, so they gave him comic book villain traits like the evil laughter and the red eyes.
But he didn't post Johan Liebert
are u high.
did nothing wrong
Maybe if he didn't get so cocky and reckless after the timeskip; plus he was way too flashy in the warehouse, dummy deserved to get blasted.
edgelord but he has the best smug in anime
N honestly just pulled that win out of his ass.
I like the premise, but the execution (pun intended) was bad.
How about... He test his powers on prisoners. Then moves onto politicians and executives which then forces the super secret new world order L team to seek him out.
After awhile powerful people are afraid to be corrupt, steal, start wars, etc.
What are you like 10 episodes in? Yeah, why even bother with the rest of it, might as well just quit
He's got a raging boner for "justice".
>"We caught this guy and he killed all these people."
>"Okay. How did he kill them? And who did he kill?"
>"He killed the people on this list by writing in this book."
>"All these people died of natural causes."
>"No, see, you write in the book and then a god of death makes them have a heart attack."
>"You're fucking high."
I second this, whatever the artist was smoking, I need it.
He only lost because he trusted someone to help him. Worst way to lose ever.
>that pic
Oh wow
He was stupid.
His power of being able to kill a single person can never change the world.
He should have just played around with it instead
>did nothing wrong
But he didn't do nothing wrong. He basically wanted to be a god of a fascist world, which really isn't any good. It may be nice for those whom it works for, but for everyone else, it sucks. I'd rather have higher crime rates than a higher chance of getting killed by some crazy teenager with a magic book.
Personally I jumped off team Lighto pretty early, right around this point.
Keikaku Dori soon
I agree with Satan.
Literally me
Intelligent, Nihilistic, and with a Wicked Sense of Humor
The only truly smart anime character
Personally, I see Light as the anime version of Raskolnikov from Dostoyevsky's Crime and punishment.
Raskolnikov was a university student with childish ideas of justice and a minor God complex. He thought that he would make the world a better place, If he killed some bad people. Unfortunately, he didn't have a death note, so he had to use an axe to do the deed. And he also had a heart and a feeling of guilt. But if Raskolnikov had the death note, then he would have turned into Light pretty quickly. Another similarity is that the detective (Portfiri) in C&P is really similar to L. They both discover the killer by noticing the student-like mentality of the killings, they both are 100% sure of the killers guilt and spend a lot of time confronting and playing mind games with the killer.
Edgelord, Killing convicts and making human experiments made sense but it was just for his sake and not the "better world" bullshit he was selling.
For me his plan would totally backfire in the later game, if he stood alive.
I'm like 18 or 19
not quite everything went according to plan.