Homura is getting married!

Homura is getting married!

>didn't turn Homura into a PTSD time traveler that's repeated time loops for 12 years

He can't damage Homura as much as Madoka has, honestly.


He can

With a magic tool called penis

I'm happy to see that Homura isn't shallow enough to judge people based only on looks.

Oh look, it's this thread again.

Second one today if I recall correctly.

She wouldn't. Homura is gay for Madoka.

But she might give up eventually if Madoka isn't gay for Homura.

She'll make her and if the worst comes to worst there's memory hacks.

They can both marry the guy and take care of his fat cock

If it's not Homura, it's Chino or Yuno, which it sucks since this thread is repeated over and over.

Homura's devotion is single-minded. She literally lives for Madoka and why would she be care about some nobody? An older Tatsuya is the only male I can see her being remotely interested in.

Generals are one thing, but I'm not sure why daily spam is allowed.

Friendly reminder to all posters to "sage".

Thats because she hasnt had a taste of the dick yet

She will completely forget about Madoka after her first night with her husband

After all the hell she went through? Yeah, sure.

And the gay can be fixed with the dick


>Fat old man
>Big black guy
I can't tell which is worse

How about a familiar face?




Thank you, mr. president.

How many times is that guy gonna marry anyway? How much alimony does he pay?


Can someone shop a picture of Madoka getting married to him?

Can you post the God Emperor without Homu for future use?

I'm really glad that the fat old man cured the dyke.

That picture doesn't come without someone on the side, I think the original just has Yuno. Just git gud at cropping and you're golden, you won't need templates anymore.

Madoka doesn't have a dick.

The original is this one, the colored one with Yuno is the most posted, though.

Every thread