Not breaking board rules edition
Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Not breaking board rules edition
Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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why do i have so much trouble with passive, volitional, causative
shit just wont flow, i cant tell who or what its directly at most of the time
how long have you been learning for?
11 months, i need to re-read the whole thing so much before i can work it out + grammar reference
does it ever get any easier
understood that shit like 2 months in. feels good to be superhuman
just from TK?
How many VNs have you read?
There's your problem
I think I already has a fairly good understanding of it when reading TK but I don't think that was when I fully grasped it. It just happened some time during my reading
0 VNs here too, I don't complete them
I finished hanahira, but i guess i need it do it over, or find another one
It took you 11 months to read Hanahira?
Go read Flyable Heart.
total study time is 11 months, only starting reading at 5 months in
hanahira took about a solid week to even get to the first choice or route whatever so i quit for a bit to read and came back to it later after finishing some easy manga
was much easier and finished it all in another week of lazily doing it, it was a curse to use, tiny res, saves barely working
ill try flyable heart
>anime girls
>breaking board rules
This is autism.
>it took 11 months for you to finish a steaming pile of shit? here, go read something almost as shitty as hanahira
in all areas of japan
you're just too stupid to hear it
>ill try flyable heart
Don't. It's a shitty meme that honestly needs to fucking die at this point. Just find something you might like and try it.
>starting thread wars over OP image again
Time to go back to the old OP image?
did you try it and hate it?
I'd recommend you to refrain from doing so. I'll just say it's in your best interest if you catch my drift
i don't really know why people recommend it to beginners.
they just see everyone else recommending it and for some unknown reason trust the average poster in these threads. which is a really stupid mistake considering the amount of outright wrong shit people say here all the time
glad to have your service
I shouldn't have tried to learn japanese
>All that studying
>To read this
>Not breaking board rules edition
Good job not breaking rules.
user, I don't think you're aware what rules there aren't.
recently started mining. should i stick with the kanji with words 'usually written as kana'?
If you see it in kanji, mine it in kanji.
id recommend refraining from posting because youre fucken gay if you catch my drift
What does this mean?
I checked a couple dictionaries and it still makes no sense to me.
maybe it's a slurred masu sama
ごちそうさまでした に対しての返事
I got it, thank you.